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73 Cards in this Set

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Pulmonary ventilation
The inhalation and exhalation of air; involves exchange between atmosphere and alveoli
External respiration
Exchange of gases between alveoli of lungs and pulmonary capillaries across the respiratory membrane

Blood loses O2 and gains CO2
Internal respiration
Exchange of gases between blood in systemic capillaries and tissues

Blood gains O2 and loses CO2
External intercostals
Muscles of inspiration; lift rib cage up and out
Muscles of exhalation?
Internal intercostals
Intrapleural pressure
Pressure between parietal and visceral pleura of lungs. Always less than alveolar pressure
Alveolar pressure
Pressure inside the lungs when the volume increases
What is happening to pressure during exhalation?
Pressure inside lungs exceeds atmospheric pressure.
Passive process
What is elastic recoil and what causes it?
The natural tendency of the chest to spring back after inhalation. Caused by surface tension

Causes pressure to increase in lungs
What do Type II cells of the lungs do?
Release surfactant (phospholipids and lipoproteins) to reduce surface tension
Effort required to stretch chest wall
Good (high) compliance = elastic recoil fibers and fine and surfactant is doing its job
Airway resistance
Provided by walls of airways which have smooth muscle and are controlled by sympathetic system
Dalton's Law
Gas pressure is independent of other gases present in mixture
Henry's Law
The quantity of gas that will dissolve is proportional to the pressure and solubility
Surface area of alveoli is decreased as walls disintegrate and gas exchange is slowed
Pulmonary edema
Buildup of interstitial fluid between the alveoli of lungs slows the rate of gas exchange due to increased distance for diffusion
HIgh altitude sickness
As altitude increases, O2 pressure decreases, which causes diffusion to slow down
Effect of pressure on oxygen binding hemoglobin
Higher pressure = more saturation
effect of acidity on affinity
higher acid= less affinity so oxygen dissociates more readily
Bohr effect
An increase in H ions causes oxygen to unload from Hb.
Increased O2 binding causes H to be released from Hb
Effect of partial pressure of CO2
As CO2 pressure increases, oxygen has less affinity and is released. pH decreases which also decreases affinity
Effect of temp on affinity
high temp= less affinity
Decreases affinity of Hb for O2. Decreases pH
How does CO poisoning occur?
CO has 200x more affinity for Hb than O2 and takes its spot
Chloride shift
Cl ions move from plasma to RBC when gases are exchanged in internal respiration
Bicarbonate moves out
Haldane effect
The lower the amount of oxyhemoglobin in the blood, the higher the CO2 carrying capacity
Deoxyhemoglobin binds and transports more CO2
Respiratory center
A widely dispersed group of neurons that receive nerve impulses that control the action of the respiratory muscles
Located in the pons and medulla region
Medullary rhythmicity area
Controls the basic rhythm of respiration
Pneumotaxic area
Located in the upper pons and transmits inhibitory info to the inspiratory area (prevents overfilling)
Apneustic area
Located in the lower pons and coordinates transition between inhalation and exhalation
central chemoreceptors
located in CNS and respond to changes in pH and pCO2 in cerebrospinal fluid
peripheral chemoreceptors
Located in aortic and carotid bodies
Sensitive to changes in pO2 and pCO2 and H
Chronic airway inflammation
Airway hypersensitivity to stimuli
Airway obstruction
Acute infection or inflammation of alveoli
Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Causes fibrous nodules and scar tissue around the lungs, which constricts them
Cystic fibrosis
Inherited disease of secretory epithelia that affects airways, liver, pancreas, small intestine, and sweat glands by mucous accumulation
Small cell carcinoma
cells of primary bronchus constantly grow
Bronchial glands and alveolar cells have a tumor
Uterine/Menstrual cycle
a series of events that prepares the endometrium of the uterus for the arrival of a fertilized ovum
Ovarian cycle
a series of events in the ovaries that occur during and after the maturation of an oocyte
Menstrual phase
First 4-5 days of ovarian cycle
Functional layer is sloughed off
Declining levels of progesterone and estrogen cause constriction of blood vessels and cells die
Preovulatory phase
6-13 days in
Secondary follicles of ovaries secrete estrogen and inhibin --> decreases FSH
One secondary follicle grows larger than the other and becomes the Graafian follicle (produces estrogens)

Estrogens are liberated from the blood and signal the repair of the endometrium
Functional layer is formed once again
The rupture of the Graafian follicle and the release of the secondary oocyte into the pelvic cavity
High estrogen concentration leads to an increased release of GnRH --> increased FSH and LH
Causes mature graafian follicle to rupture after 9 hours
blood that leaks into the pelvic cavity and causes pain
Post ovulatory phase
day 15-28
One mature follicle collapses and blood clot forms from the bleeding, ruptured follicle (corpus hemorrhagicum)
controls ovarian and uterine cycles
stimulates FSH and LH
Initiates follicular growth and stimulates the secretion of estrogen (granulosa cells take up androgens and make estrogen)
stimulates further development of ovarian follicles and secretes estrogen
regulates corpus luteum
stimulates theca cells to produce androgens which stimulate ovulation
promotes development of reproductive structures, secondary sex characteristics, and breasts
increases protein anabolism
decreases cholesterol
secreted by cells of corpus luteum
prepares and maintains endometrium for implantation
prepares mammary glands
Produced by corpus luteum
Relaxes uterus and inhibits contractions of myometrium
Increases flexibility of the pubic symphysis
Secreted by granulosa cells of growing follicles and corpus luteum after ovulation
Inhibits FSH and LH
Inhibits follicle growth after Graafian follicle
secretes hCG into blood after 8 days of pregnancy
secretes estrogen after 3-4 weeks
secretes progesterone after 6 weeks
rescues corpus luteum from degeneration
helps prepare mammary glands for lactation
enhances maternal growth by increasing protein synthesis
clock that regulates birth
Seminiferous tubule
where sperm are produced
What stimulates sperm production?
Where do sperm mature?
Leydig cells
Clusters of cells that are in the spaces between seminiferous tubules
Secrete testosterone
Sertoli cells
Spermatogenic cells in the seminiferous tubules
Nourish spermatocytes
Phagocytize excess spermatid cytoplasm
Controls movements of spermatogenic release
Produces fluid for transport
Blood-testis barrier
Present between sertoli cells
Protects sperm from immune response
Primary spermatocyte
Spermatogonia that lose contact with basement membrane and squeeze through blood-testis barrier and undergo developmental changes
Secondary spermatocyte
Two cells formed after meiosis I
4 haploid cells from meiosis II
2 x and 2 y
FSH in male
Stimulates ABP
Indirectly stimulates spermatogenesis by combining with testosterone and sertoli cells
LH in male
Stimulates Leydig cells to secrete testosterone (inhibits LH and GnRH)
How is DHT formed?
5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone in external genitals and prostate
Enlargement of larynx and deepening of voice
binds to testosterone and keeps levels high
Secreted by sertoli cells
Inhibits FSH (which controls spermatogenesis)
How does the pill work?
A mild dose of progestin and synthetic estrogen to suppress FSH and LH
How does the abortion pill work?
Progesterone receptors are blocked
Prevents blastocyst from implanting on endometrium