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67 Cards in this Set

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What are the normal values for a healthy male adult for WBC counts
4000-11000/cu mm
What are the normal values for a healthy male adult for RBC count
5x10^6/cu mm
What are the normal values for a healthy male adult for hematocrit
42-52% volume
What are the normal values for a healthy male adult for hemoglobin determination
13-18G/100ML BLOOD
What are the normal values for a healthy male adult for bleeding time
2-7 min
What are the normal values for a healthy male adult for sedimentation time
0-6 mm/hr
What are the normal values for a healthy male adult for coagulation time
3-6 min
What is the significance of a high WBC
infection, leukemia
What is the significance of a high RBC
polycythemia due to high altitude, pulmonary disease
What is the significance of a high hematocrit
polycythemia and abnormally large RBC's
What is the significance of a high hemoglobin determination
What is the significance of a high bleeding time
deficient or abnormal platelets
What is the significance of a high sedimentation rate value
anemia, infection, tissue damage
What is the significance of a high coagulation time
hemophilia, leukemia
What is the significance of a LOW WBC value
chemical toxicity, agranulocytosis
What is the significance of a LOW RBC value
What is the significance of a LOW hematocrit value
What is the significance of a LOW hemoglobin determination
What is the significance of a LOW bleeding time
high platelet count
What is the significance of a LOW sedimentation time
abnormally shaped RBC
What is the significance of a LOW coagulation time
thromboemolic disorders
If your bood clumps with both anti a and anti b ser, your blood type would be?
AB blood, what ABO types can give you blood
AB only
AB blood, from which ABO donor types could you receive blood
which ABO type is most common
which ABO type is the rarest
Formula to determine % of RBC, WBC and plasma
hieght column composed element (WBC) mm (After spin middle layer formed element)
hieght orginal column of whole blood (formed element) mm (b4 spin total in test tube)
x100 =
Blood type O has no.......
anti A or B present
antigens present on RBC of A blood, B blood, O blood, AB blood
A, B, none, AB
Antibodie present in A blood, B blood, O blood, AB blood
Anti B, Anti A, anti A & B, None.
Blood typing is a blood classification based on the presence of specific glyco proteins on the outer surface of RBC plasma membrane. the proteins are called...
antigens or agglutinonens and are genectically determined
Antigens(agglutoninens on outer surface of plasma membranes are usually accompanied by....
Antibodies (agglutinin)
individuals that carry the Rh antigen is........
Those that do not carry the Rh antigen are..........
Rh positive
Rh negative
Atherosclerosis is the disease process inwhich the body's.....
Blood vesselsbecome increasingly occluded by plaque= narrow arteries, hypertension and thrombi (blood clot)
Normal levels of cholesterol concentration for adults
List the four classes of nutrients found in plasma
glucose(sugar), amino acid, lipids(fatty acids) and vitamins
list the gases found in plasma
Oxygen and carbon dioxide and nitrogen
list the ions found in plasma
Na, Cl, Mg, HCO3-
average life span red blood cell
how does anucleate effect the life
100-120 days
when RBC ATP runs out membrane fragments, w/o DNA to direct mRNA for protein sysnthesis, the enzyme cant be made
structural characteristic of eosinophil
large, w/granules, fig.8 bi lobed: 1-4% of WBC
structural characteristic of neutrophil
fine granules, multi lobed, 40-70% of WBC
structural characteristic of lymphocyte
sperical, small 20-45% of WBC, no granules
structural characteristic of Basophil
granules obscure, U shape nucleus, least of .5 % of WBC
structural characteristic of Monocyte
lots of cytoplasm, no granules, kidney shape nuclei, 4-8% WBC
never let monkeys eat bananas
form most to least of the leukocytes: nuetrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, basophil
why are hematologic study of blood important in diagnosis of disease?
changes in normal blood numbers, types of formed elements or plasma reflects characteristics of certain disease states.
Why is WBC count more important that total WBC count when trying to pin down the specific source of pathology
diff counts = % of each type of WBC, increase or decrease in these counts indicates specific pathologies
what name is given to the process of RBC production
what hormone stimulates Erythopoiesis
what organ makes erythropoietin and under what condition
kidney makes: depending on iron, amino acids, and b vitamins
The effect on RBC count for running 4-5 miles a day for nine months
athletic training increases red blood cell. they have lg muscle mass which needs more O2 dilevered to muscle
The effect on RBC count because of high altitude
increase red blood cells
b/c air is thinner, less O2, body compensates so it gets the same amount of O2 needed.
defint hematocrit
% of total blood volume occupied by RBC (packed cell volume)
If U have high hemtocrit would you expect hemoglobin to be high
if RBC normal, higher hematocrit - the higher the hemoglobin determination
what anti coagulant
substance that inhibits blood clotting
name two coagulants used to conduct hematological tests
Heparin and EDTA
Bodys natural coagulant
What blood type is the universal donor, Why
O-b/c the RBC has no A, B, RH antigens on the cell membrane (reduces transfusion reaction)
eplain why Rh_ person does not have reaction at first exposure to Rh +
body has no preformed so need to build anti bodies
what is the relationship between blood cholesterol level and cardiovascular disease
High LDL favors cholesterol up take and depositing arteriosclerotic plaques=
narrow vessel blood flow reduction to distal tissue =hypertension
Attached thrombi or detached thrombi (emboli =heart attack or stroke
What determines whether blood is bright red or brick red
amount oxygen in the blood
nonliving connective tissue
name three types of formed elements in the blood
RBC, WBC, platlets
basis of a clot
platelets release TF and PF3 and fibrin
consistancy and color of blood
viscous and straw yellow
cholesterol (LDL) bound to HDL is destined to
be degraded by the liver and exit through waste
LDL cholesterol that does not bind with HDL will....
deposit into body tissue and create plaques on the walls of blood vessel walls