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32 Cards in this Set

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describe the conditions of primordial earth

covered with lava

lots of meteorite bombardments

took 500 million years for earth to cool down

living organisms lived how many years ago
3.75 billion years ago
oldest bacteria fossils have been found are how many years ao
3.4 billion years ago
what are the 5 steps for the origin of life by abiogenesis

1) organic monomers form inorganic molecules

2) monomers linked together to form polymers

3) enclosing of organic molecules into membrane bound protobionts

4) RNA was the initial information storage but then DNA came later

5) establishment of energy forming pathways to bring in energy to sustain life

how were organic molecules that are necessary to support life originate to primordial eath
were formed de novo on earth itself
how were monomers first formed
spontaneously formed in shallow oceans
what was the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis
a reactive atmosphere with electrons and hydrogens nessisary to convert inorganic into C02 and then into organic carbons
how did polymers come from monomers
the oceans turned into "prebiotic soup" and then uv light from the sun formed the polymers

Stanley Miller created the Miller-Urey experiment to test which theory

what was his experiment

the Oparin Haldane theory

*he simulated lightening and proved its possible to produce organic molecules spontaneously from inorganic precursors.

what is the formula for atmosphere
CO CO2 N2 H20
what were some problems of the Miller-Urey experiment

the intensity of the energy was too high

he used the wrong formula for atmposhpere. lol

How did RNA form into DNA
by genetic mutations

differences between RNA and DNA

DNA is more stable, has enzymes, double helix

RNA less stable, has ribosomes (slower than enzymes as catalysts), single helix

how long ago was the first "primitive organism"
3.4 billion years ago
what are Stromatolites
formed by cyanobacteria. they were layered accretionary structures formed in shallow seas.
describe mitosis and give a brief description of each

prophase: tightly condenses chromosomes

Prometaphase: nucleaur envelope dissociates, spindle apparatus moves to where the condensed chromasomes are located

metaphase: the chromosomes line up in the middle

Anaphase: the chromosomes split apart

Telophase: chromosomes decondense

when is meiosis used instead of mitosis
meiosis is used in the division of diploid cells to haploid cells
describe the process of meiosis

Interphase I: G1, S, and G2 phase to prepare for the division

Prophase I: synapiss and crossing over occur, along with condensing

Metaphase I: Lines up in the middle

Anaphase I: chromosomes are pulled apart

Interkinesis: cells prepare to divide again but do not replicate

Prophase II: condense

Prometaphase II: same as mitosis

metaphase II: line up in middle

Anaphase II: pulled to opposite poles

telophase: daughter cells are haploid, chromosomes consist of 2 chromosomes

a haploid cell + haploid cell = what cell
diploid cell
how does the spindle form in animal cells
the centrosome splits in 2 and the centrosome controls the spindle
how does the spindle form in plant cells
(plant cells lack centrosomes) they use Microtubule Organizing Centers (MTOC)
what is a kinetochore microtubule
area on the chromatids where the spindle fibers attach to during cell division so they can pull them apart.
where are sister chromatids held together
At the centromere
when does the metaphase stage end
when the sister chromatids start to split
what does the cleavage furrow do
divides the cell into 2
what is synapsis
the process of homologous chromosomes finding each other and pairing up to form bivalents
what is crossing over
the exchanging of genetics between two bivalents. (after crossing over the arms separate but still remain stuck resulting in a x shaped chiasmata)

what does crossing over create
a new genetic variation
why do the chromosomes along the metaphase plate (middle) line up randomly
produces different mixes of chromosomes resulting in genetic variation
2n= how many chromosomes
23. n=23. n stands for 23. so 2n= 23+23 which equals 46.