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61 Cards in this Set

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Beer is one of the world's ____ and most _____ alcoholic beverages

Oldest; widely consumed

It is produced by _____ and _____ starches

Cooking; fermenting

The most common starch source is _____; however wheat corn rice and other grains are also widely used.

Malted barely

Brewers who make ____ take a traditional, ______ and make it their own.

Craft beer; historical

From the Brewers Association: an American craft brewer is _____, ______, and ______

Small, independent, traditional

4300 BC: Oldest proven records of beer - recipes found on ______

Babylonian tablets

1040 AD: _______ the first official brewery is established in germany

Weihenstephan monastery

1200 AD: brewing is firmly established as a commercial enterprise in _____, ____ and ______

Germany Austria England

1420: Germans develop the _____ method of brewing. It means ____

Lager, to store

1516: the _____ or purity order was established in Bavaria Germany.


1587: the first beer brewed in America _____ specifically


1620: pilgrims land at Plymouth rock because _________

Beer supplies are running low.

1786: ______ @ ______ have their own private brewhouses. Sam Adams operates a commercial brewery.

George washington, Thomas jefferson

1810: first _____ held in Bavaria Germany to celebrate ____

Octoberfest; the wedding of Prince Ludwig and princess therese

1829: ______ America's oldest brewery founded in. _____

Yuengling pennsylvania

1857: ______ becomes fourth ingredient allowed by the reinheitsgebot


1890: the world's largest breweries are pabst, anheuser-busch and schlitz brewing company.

1896: _____ America's first microbrewing company, established

Anchor brewing company

1919: prohibition in the United states begins. The law bans _______

The sale, manacacture and transport of alcohol for consumption

1933: _____

Prohibition is repeated!!!

The three teir system:

Brewery or _____

_____ or wholesaler



Importer distributer consumer

1976: with help from anchor brewing co. ____ opens the first post-prohibition microbrewery, _____ in sanoma cali

Jack mcauliffe; new anon brewing co.

1978: only ___ breweries are functioning in the US.


2007- Scott zepp and Matt lafon opened up the _____, the 1st wob in tampa


2013: at the end of 2013 the number of breweries in the US have reached the highest level seen in this country since the early ___. The Brewers association counted ______ brewing facilities, ____ of which are craft beers!

1870s. 2822. 2768

The four common beer ingredients

Water malted barely hops and yeast

Finished beer is ___ % water


Hard water is

Soft water is

Mineral heavy

Mineral free

Brewers will often treat their water to

Mimic historic brewing regions; remove impurities and 2 keep their beer consistent in taste and aroma

How is malted barely made?

Grains soaked in water until they begin to sprout. Set in tanks for several days for growth, then killed. Amount of killing determines the color and flavor

Malt gives beer:

Color body sweetness

Barely is widely used as a starch source because

The husk acts as a natural filter

Yeast eats malt sugars and converts them in to _____ and ____

Alcohol carbon dioxide

Yeast determines whether a beer 8s an _____ or a _____

Ale or lager

Esters are

Phenols are

Fruity notes

Spice or smokey notes

What are hops

Climbing vine closely related to cannibis plant

Hops have several qualities useful to beer


Preservative qualities

Aroma and flavor

What does ibu stand for?

International bittering units

Hops are typically added ____ times during the ____. When they're added determines what they'll contribute to the finished beer.

3 boil

Hops determine:

Bitterness added to the state of boil

Flavor middle of boil

Aroma end of boil

Mashing: the process of combining __ with ___ and heating to allow enzymes in the malt to break down starch and turn it into sugar

Malt water

Lautering: separating the sugar rich liquid now called ___ from the ___

Wort; residual grain

Boiling: the temp of the wort is raised until it begins to boil, which sterilize it. Boils usually last

Hour to 2 hours long

Which beer ingredient is added during boil?


Why is it important to cool the beer after the boil?

Temp of wort is dropped rapidly to ensure stability

Fermenting: after the wort is cooled, the yeast is ____ and the product can be called beer.

Pitched or added to the beer

Filtering the beer _____ and gives the beer ____.

Not all beer is filtered

Stabilized the flavor; it's polished shine and brilliance

Bottle conditioning: ____

reseeding with sugar and live yeast before packing

Why would a beer be pasteurized?

Temp raised 150° to kill organisms

Characteristics of beer:

Aroma appearance flavor mouthfeel finish

Aroma can come from

The style of hops, malts, or the type of yeast

Aromas from malt and grain

Nutty caramel roasted chocolate toffee bready

Aroma from hops

Earthy grassy floral citrusy piney

Aroma from yeast:

Spiceyness, fruityness

A beers color usually comes from:


Clarity is determined by

Whether or not beer is filtered

Nature of the head:

The type of malt used will affect ___

Size is determined by ___

Color comes from ___

Longerity and density of the head


Roasting of malts

What is a beers finish

Last impression on your palate

Why is it a good idea to drink lighter, beers before moving on to one's that are more intense?

Some beers taint palate for long periods

How should you present a beer poured from the bottle to a costumer?

Proper glasswear, beer clean, rinse, pour, presentation

What are the 4 compartments of the sink used for:

1st: dump sink

2nd: second scrub

3rd: cold water rinse

4th sanitize or air dry

Why is a beers head so important?

Visually inviting and presentable, tight air bubbles act as a time capsule. A well timed head endures the correct amount of carbonation