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41 Cards in this Set

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For what type of fungal infections in general is amphotericin used?
DOC: Aspergillus and Cryptococcal meningitis
What is the DOC for amebiasis
What is the DOC for CMV?
What is the DOC for Pneumocystits carinii?
What is the DOC for Cryptococcus neoformans?
Fluconazole or Amphotericin B
What type of bacterium has NO cell wall?
What effect does botulinum toxin have on nerves?

What effect does this have on the body?
inhibits the release of Ach

causes flaccid paralysis
How would one classify mycobacterium tuberculosis in terms of oxygen requirement?
obligate aerobe
What are the 2 most common causes of otitis media?
Strep pneumonia
Hemophilus influenza
What is the most common cause for pneumonia in your adults?
What is the most common cause of meningitis in neonates?
1. strep agalactica
2. E.coli
3. Listeria
What is the most common cause of bacterial endocarditis?
strep viridans
What is the ONLY species that is a group A beta hemolytic strep?
strep pyogenes
describe the viridans streptococci in terms of hemolytic nature, bile solubility, and Optochin sensitivity
bile insoluble
Optochin insensitive
alpha-hemolytic strep
causes incomplete hemolysis (green halo)
Infection with what organism is associated with Waterhouse-Friderichesen syndrome?
what is the gram staining character of E.coli?
Gram Neg
Non-acid fast
What 2 bactreia look like chinese characters under the microscope?
Coryne bacterium
What are the 2 major toxins produced by Clostridium perfringens and what diseases are caused as a result?
alpha toxin - gas gangrene

enterotoxin - food poisoning
compare E.coli, Salomella, and Shigella in terms of their gram staining character, motility, and lactose fermintation
lactose +
Gram -

Gram -
lactose -

gram -
non motile
lactose -

All are gram (-)
Only Ecoli is lactose +
Between salmonella and shigella only salmonella is motile
What is the most common cause of urinary tract infections?
What kind of organism causes a pneumonia where you see current jelly sputum?
what common shaped organism may cause rice water stool?
vibrio cholera
What type of injury often results in Pasturella infection?

What type of infections are common to pasteurella infection?
cat or dog bite

see cellulitis and osteomyelitis
What organism creates an greenish blue exudate or pus that often smells musty and is particulary troublesome in burn pts?
Is most illness and morbidity of TB due to primary infection of due to reactiviation of a previous infection?
What 2 bacteria genera were once confused with fungi due to thier filamentous branching growth?

How do these 2 genre differ in thier natural habitats and oxygen consumption?
- anaerobic
- mouth flora

- aerobic
- found in soil
What is the causative agent of Lyme disease and what is the primary lesion like after infection?
B. burgdorferi

causes an expanding macule/papule with a central clearing aka erythema migrans
In what form are chlamydia when they are infective?
elementary bodies
What is the most common causative agent of non-gonoccocal urethritis?
C. trachomatis
What are the 3 types of typhus, thier causative agens, and thier vectors?
- R. prowazekii
- lice vector
- human reservor

- R.typhi
- fleas vector
- rodents reservior

- R.tsutsugamushi
- mites vector
- rodent reservior
what demyelination disease often follows a viral infection and affects the peripheral nerve, mostly motor, and ascends those peripheral nerves to cause muscle weakness and paralysis?
How many thoracic verterbrae are there?
What is the route of transmission and the incubation time for Hep C?
Parental: 1-2 months
What 2 species of bacteria are associated with the development of struvite?
staghorn calculi***
1. Proteus
2. Staph Ceprophiticus
What organs are affected by MEN1 and MEN2A
-Adrenal Cortex

MEN Type 2A:
-thyroid medulla
-adrenal medulla
What do the soles of the feet look like in Friedreich's ataxia pts?
Pez Cavitis --> cavity in sole of foot
What is affected in ALS?
both upper and lower motor neurons are affected
what 2 bones when fractured are well known to cause avascular necorosis?
scaphoid and femoral head
Is there increased conjugated or unconjugated serum bilirubin in Gilbert's?


Dubin Johnson

Gilberts - increased unconjugated

Crigler Najjar - increased unconjugated

Dubin-Johnson increased conjuagted

in Rotor - increased conjuagted
What is the difference and dangers associated with complete vs incomplete hydatiform moles?
- complete paternal genetic organism
- never forms in utero
- increases the risk of cancer - coriocarcinoma

- ovum and sperm
- small embryo forms but NEVER develops
A 20 yr old male presents with complaints of several bouts of fairly blood loose stool over the past yr. He has mild abdominal pain, and has not started to notice that he has symptomatic arthritis. He was diagnosed with iritis last week. What disease tops your list of differential diagnoses for the bloody stool?
Ulcerative colitis