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30 Cards in this Set

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What was the capital city of the Aztecs (also called the land of the cactus/the prickly pear) that was built on an island?


What was the Aztec game played with a ball and hoop?


What kind of panther in South American jungles is a fast and ferocious hunter


Glass or mineral that can be used to make sharp edges for a knife


Most important God in Aztec culture


What is the lake region in Mexico where the Aztecs settled?


A muddy area of land sometimes called a wetland that forms near rivers


I’ve been found by the Aztecs used to make drinks and food


Person below in Noble in rank but above a slave


Plant fiber used to make clothes for Aztec Kings


Why was human sacrifice so important in the Aztec culture?

It was a way to give back to the gods paying back a debt to the gods for their life

What does the name Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital, translate as?

The land of the prickly pear cactus

Tenochtitlan was known as the

Floating city

By the 1100s the Aztecs arrived in the

Valley of Mexico

In Tenochtitlan, what connected the city to the mainland surrounding the island?

Causeways or bridges

Most Aztecs were what occupation?


Aztec farmers farmed on what?

Chinampas or floating gardens to raise crops in the dry Valley of Mexico. They also used irrigation or artificial systems for watering crops.

What was Market Day in Tenochtitlan?

Believed to be the one of the biggest in the world at that time in history

Took place every 5 days

People traded crafts, clothing, medicines etc. In the evenings music dancing and games were enjoyed by citizens.

What was the most valuable item to obtain at Market Day?

Anything made with a Quetzal feather. Quetzal birds were sacred to the Aztecs and their feathers when found on the ground were seen as a gift from the gods.

Because the Aztecs did not have pack animals to carry loads goods were carried by people called


The Aztec army had a lot of power which allowed for

Travelers to safely trade across long distances

Aztec trade was typically done by the exchange of goods without the use of money also called


Some of the goods that Aztecs would trade include

Crops, weapons, crafts, tools jaguar skins, cacao beans and jewelry

Most Aztec children went to school all schools were strict but schools for sons of Aztec leaders were most difficult this school was known as what?

House of tears

Both boys and girls learned these two subjects in Aztec school

History and religion

In the 1400s Aztec Warriors began conquering the other people in the region they force people to pay what

Tribute or payment in the form of goods. These goods could be paid in food, cotton, gold or slaves

What were the roles of the Aztec emperor, nobles, soldiers and priests?

The Aztec empire ruled overall Aztec lands. The nobles helped the emperor govern. Soldiers fight in wars to expand the empire and protect the trade routes. Priests were religious leaders and very important to society.

The Aztecs collected slaves from

Everyone they conquered

The Aztec god of the sun, war, human sacrifice and of Tenochtitlan was


The feathered serpent god was a link between the earth and the sky what was his name?

Quetzalcoatl. Legend said that he would one day return to Tenochtitlan and rule in the form of a man