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169 Cards in this Set

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What is the maximum sized bolus that you can give to a person?


What is the formula for BMI?

Weight in KG / Height in meters squared

How many meters are in an inch?


How many calories are in breast milk?

20 cal/ounce

How much calcium should a teenager get per day

1300 mg

WHat must you do before starting a feeding?

Check patency of the tube, check placement, check abdominal girth

What happens if you do a feeding too quickly


Check the nursing interventions on 107-108 for anemia


Celiac, H pylori, PKU, renal diseases


What kind of food has a lot of zinc in it?

Ground beef

When should the mother do her first breast feeding?

One hours of delivery

What should you check before doing the tube feeding?

Residuals, Patency

What kind of diet should someone have to lower their cholesterol?

High fiber

What kind of diet is low fiber and results in not much stool?


What disease results from a thiamin deficiency?


What kind of food has a lot of thiamin in it?

Whole grains bread

What kind of proteins are complete proteins?

Meat and animal

What kind of proteins are incomplete proteins?

Plant Sources

What vitamin is chicken liver high in?


What is lutein important for?

Eye health

Beginning a meal with protein

Eating five meals per day

Stop eating when you're full

Eat over 30-60 minutes period

Who is this diet for?

Gastric Bypass

What is hyperglycemia in the morning called?

Somogyi Phenomenom

When giving intermittent tube feedings, what should you do?

Increase volume slowly over feedings

How long can you keep thawed breast milk?

24 hours

Can you microwave breast milk?


How long can you keep breast milk in the fridge?

5-8 days

What can be hung if you are out of TPN bags?

10% Dextrose Bags

What vitamin should you take calcium with?

Vitamin D

What should you drink with iron?

Juice (vitamin C)

How many calories are in a gram of fat?


What should you do if a tube fed patient has abdominal distention?

Turn on their right side

What can help chemo patients with their fatigue?


What should be increased for people who have an illeostomy?

Salt, grains, Pasta

What kind of foods have a high glycemic index?


Potato high

Peanuts low

How do you mask strong flavors for chemo patients

Cool food

What should be given to babies to provide comfort during gavage feedings?


What vitamin is good for vision?

Vitamin A

What mineral is important for nerve transition?


What is vit b6 important for?


What mineral controls bones and hormones?


What should you reward anorexic people for?

Calories consumed

Does fruit cocktail have a lot of sodium?


People on ace inhibitors need to avoid what kind not foods?

Cantaloupe (Potassium)

What is cellulose like?


What kind of drugs should you avoid with avocado?

MAOI (parnate)

HOw much fluid should a person have per day?

30 ml / KG

HOw many calories are in a carb?


HOw many calories are in a gram of protein?


How many carbs should a person eat per day?


How may centimeters are in an inch?


What is the good cholesterol?


What is riboflavin deficiency called?

Cheliosis (angular stomatitis)

What is niacin deficiency called?

Pellagra (dermatitis, diarrhea)

What is folate deficiency called?

Megaloblastic Anemia

Constipation and kidney stones can be caused by what?

High Calcium

What is tetany an Chvosticks trousseaus sign caused by?


WHat protein do alcoholics have low?


What drug will lower the basal metabolic rate?


What is the ideal body weight formula?

100 lbs for first 5 feet, 5 pounds per extra inch

WHat is the healthy range for BMI?


What is the overweight BMI?


What is the obese BMI?

Over 30

WHat diseases come from undercooked food?

Salmonella, Ecoli, Listeria

WHat disease comes from poor hand hygiene?


What should be avoided when eating licorice?

Digoxin (MAOI)

What type of foods do muslims avoid?

Pork, stimulants, alcohol

How much weight should be gained in the first trimester?

PKU diets should avoid what?


When should infants start eating solid food?

Four months (No wheat cereal)

How old do you have to be to eat cows milk?

A year

HOw long can you keep frozen breast milk?

6 months

WHen can you start eating meat?

6-9 months

When can you start eating table foods?

9-12 months

Why must honey not be given to infants?


What should you do to the formula of an infant with constipation


How much fruit juice can a toddler have?

4-6 ounces

How long can a feeding bag be used

24 hours

How often do you have to check residuals of a feeding?

4-6 hours

How often do you have to flush a feeding tube?

4 hours

How long does the head of the bed need to be up 30º after feeding

30 minutes

What kind of feeding is done long term in a central vein?


What kind of feeding is for short term use in a peripheral vein?


Parental nutrition should be stopped gradually as soon as the person eats what percent of their food orally?


Red sores on the tongue, weight loss, and delirium are signs of what kind of anemia?

Pernicious (B12 deficiency)

Fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and milk contain which vitamin B?


Peas, beans, veggies, liver, seeds, OJ, bread contain what thing necessary for healthy neural tube?

Folic Acid

Spicy and fatty food should be avoided if you are having what symptom?


What kind of meals should be offered when anorexia occurs?

Small and Frequent

What is the rapid gastric emptying that occurs after gastric surgery?

Dumping Syndrome

Small meals, high protein and fat, no sugar, milk or liquid with meals is a diet typical for people with what, after gastric surgery?

Dumping Syndrome

Fat, caffeine, chocolate, and peppermint are things that cause symptoms in what GI disease?


Phosphorus, protein, and dairy need to be restricted in people who have what?

Pre-end stage renal disease

Peanut butter, peas, beans, cola, chocolate, and beer all contain what mineral that is contraindicated with renal disease?


When someone is in end stage renal disease and doing dialysis, what do they need more of that they previously didn't want to eat?


Shakiness, confusion, sweating, palpitations, headache, blurred vision, and seizures are all signs of what?


Ketones, thirst (polydipsia), excess urinating, hyperventilation, dehydration, fruity breath, coma, and vomiting are all signs of what?


How many carbs should be given if someone's blood sugar is under 70?


How often should you test someone who you just treated for hypoglycemia?

15 minutes

What is the easiest intervention for someone with Somogy's phenomenom

Give a bedtime snack

Hyperglycemia caused by normal hormone release before waking up?

Dawn Phenomenon

What should be done to prevent Dawn Phenomenon?

Give more insulin

Which kind of vitamins are water soluble?

C and B

What is the recommended amount of milk for a person?

3 cups

What is the normal level for pre albumin?


What is the normal level for albumin?


How much fluid input should a person have per day?

2-3 liters

How much fluid output should a person have per day?

2.3-2.6 liters

How much percent of weight loss in 1 week is a significant weight loss?


What is the MINIMUM daily input of fluids?

1500 ml

Who is at greatest need for iron?

Formula fed newborns, menstruating women

What is in organ meats, egg yolks, whole grains, green leafy vegetables?


When what mineral is lacking, it causes enlarged thyroid leading to a goiter?


What kind two things provide a lot of iodine?

Salt, Seafood

What mineral is a by product of protein metabolism found in meat, wine, and dried fruits?


People using phosphorus should avoid what two things?

Alcohol and antacids

Phosphorus levels directly affect the levels of what?


Deficiency of magnesium in pregnancy can cause what?


Excess calcium causes what?

Constipation, kidney stone

What needs to be limited while using heart medications? (MAOI, ACE inhibitor)


Lack of vitamin E causes what kind of anemia?


What vitamin protects cells from oxidation?

Vitamin E

Folate deficiency causes what kind not anemia?

Megaloblastic Anemia

What is vitamin B12 called?


What is vitamin B6 called?


What is vitamin B5 called?

Pantothenic Acid

What does niacin deficiency result in?


What is vitamin B3 called?


What is vitamin B2 called?


What is vitamin B1 called?


What does thiamin deficiency lead to?


What does vitamin c deficiency cause?


How much fiber should be taken in per day?

25 for women, 38 for men

What is indicated by GFR less than 25 ml/mn?


What things should be limited for pre-esrd?

Meat, dairy, phosphorus

What must a person with a kidney stone do before bed?

Drink a glass of water

What artificial sweetener crosses the placenta and should be avoided during pregnancy?


What needs to be increased in cancer patients to avoid weight loss?


What happens in the mouth with cancer patients?


When should cancer patients avoid eating?

Prior to chemo and radiation

Is a clear liquid diet low residue?


What stimulant is contraindicated in a clear liquid set?


Foods that cause what symptom are avoided in a soft bland low fiber diet?


How long can enteral tubes be in

3-4 weeks

What kind of tube is placed into the stomach through the skin?

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)

How many calories are in standard enteral formulas?

1-1.2 ml

What kind of formulas provide nutrients in a simple form that requires no digestion?


What is the minimum angle the HOB must be when doing a tube feeding?

30 degress

What is the pH of gastric contents?


How much intestinal residual should there be?

Less than 10

How much gastric residual should there be?

less than 100

How much should women increase their calories during pregnancy?


How much weight is gained during the first trimester?

2-4 pounds

How much weight should be gained per week for the second and third trimesters?

One pound per week

How much weight should a normal woman gain during the second and third trimester?

25-35 pounds

How much should an underweight woman gain during pregnancy?

28-40 poundsq

How much should an overweight client gain during the second and third trimester?

15-25 pounds

How much calories should be increased during breastfeeding/


What chemical is avoided when you have PKU?

Phenylalanine (fish, meat, eggs, nuts, dairy)

When is the birth weight doubled by?

4-6 months

When is birth weight tripled?

One year of age?

How much weight is gained per week during the first 5-6 months of life?

5-7 ounces

How much height is gained in the first six months?

1 inch, then half an inch after

Head control, the ability to sit, and movement of the tongue indicate what around 4-6 months?

Semi-solid foods

How many breast feedings are done in a 24 hour period?


What is the most an infant should drink in a 24 hour period?

32 ounces

When is the infant ready for weaning from the breast?

5-8 months

Hunger less than 4 hours after vigorous nursing indicates what?

Readiness for weaning

How should new foods be introduces?

One at a time over a 5-7 day period

