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12 Cards in this Set

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Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan

The ablest and most effective advocate for imperialism, he was a captain and an admiral in the Navy. He presented his thesis in the influence of Sea Power upon history, which was countries with sea power were the great nations of history. He believed the U.S. needed to establish a defensive laws in the Caribbean and the Pacific.


A doctrine, political, strategy, practice, state policy, or advocacy that consists in extending power by territorial acquisition or by extending political & economic control outward over seas

Acquisition of Alaska

Russia and Great Britain both claimed the Acquisition; Russia assumed they had control and established a colony, but it became an economic burden. Russia sought buyers and found Seward to enthusiastic. In 1867, Congress agreed to buy Alaska for $2.2 million. For many years, Americans saw no value in Alaska and called it “Seward’s Folly” or “Seward’s Icebox”

Acquisition of Hawaii

The U.S. annexed(took over) Hawaii in 1898, since they saw economic opportunities and benefits to Hawaii. The former was useful for naval bases and for growing tropical cash crops. The latter 2, while useful for crops too, were seen as important fueling stations, or stream ship stopping points, between the U.S.A. and the large market of China.

Importance of Cuba to USA

The U.S. had been interested in Cuba for such a long time even before the Civil War. It began its interest since American investors had invested massive amounts of money in sugar plantations there.

Jose Marti

Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York, who launched a revolution in 1895. He organized Cuban resistance against Spain, using an active guerrilla campaign and deliberately destroying property. He counted on provoking US intervention to help the rebels achieve a free Cuba.

USS Maine Explosion

In 1898 US battle mean exploded in sink in Havana harbor; 260 Americans died. Although it was later concluded that it was an internal explosion caused by a fire in the coal bunkers, the sinking of the USS Maine provided an excuse for those eager for war with Spain. Congress passed the Teller Amendment, which promised that America wouldn’t annex the precious islands. It also began the Spanish-American war with Spain, spinning of the famous quote, “Remember the Maine, To hell with Spain!”

Admiral George Dewey

The Navy’s commander, during T. Roosevelt’s presidency. He is remembered for his victory at Manilia bay.

Teller Amendment

Declared that the U.S. had no intention of taking political control of Cuba & that Cuban people would control their own government once peace was restored to the Island; part of Congress’ resolution to authorize war in Cuba.

Emilio Aguinaldo

A Filipino Revolutionary politician, & a military leader, who is officially recognized as a first and the youngest president of the Philippines(1899-1901). He led the to Philippines to Independence.

the constitution follows the flag

An argument that the rights of US citizens should be extended to any person living in a territory conquered by the U.S.A.

Roosevelt Corallary

President Theodore Roosevelt’s policy, assorting U.S. authority to intervene in the affairs of Latin American nations; completed in 1914; would “rank with the Louisiana purchase and the acquisition of Texas.”