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21 Cards in this Set

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why was there a high voting turnout for elections? what were the 2 main problems of the time?
1. money supply
2. civil service reform
explain the money supply arguement Who was for and against what? why?**
- trying to put the country on an all gold standard
- there is gold, silver, and greenbacks
- gold- big buisness's and corporations
--because keeps prices high which=more money when traded over seas
- silver- farmers
--want more silver because allows more money to be printed for loans. Ex. sherman silver purchase act
explain the civil service reform. why was it being reformed? who pushed for reform?
- the spoils system is corrupt and not working (put uneducated people in office because they granted favors)
- Pendleton Civil Service reform- created a professional civil service- now need to pass a test in order to be appointed.
ex. of corrpution
--pork barrel projects
what was the deal with pensions? significance?**
- the GAR lobbies congress for pensions to people from the civil war.
- connects both the money issue and civil service reform:
--corrput officals were getting kickbacks for giving pensions
How was the populist party created? What was its platform?
- fromed out of the farmers alliance
- tariff reduction, graduated income tax, public owndership of RR, fed funding for irrigation research, free silver (proposed originally by the Farmers Alliance)
- added: direct election of senators and other local election reforms (initiative, referendum, and recall) POWER TO THE PEOPLE
to what extent was the farmers movement a success**
Grange-->Farmer's Alliance-->Populist party
- Grange- created to improve farmers economically and make finanically independent-FAILURE (at a time of depression)
--success=Munn v. Illinois
--failure=Wabash v. Illinois
- FA- ease agrarian life (many lacked capital to do so)- turned to POLITICS (better political potential)
- PP- pursued FA goals and added on own goals as well however lost election of 1896.
civil rights cases? for or against blacks?
- Plessy v. Ferguson- seperate but equal facilities (jim crow laws are LEGAL) SEGREGATION IS ACCEPTABLE
- Brown v. Board- overturns Plessy v. Ferguson
What was the Grange? What problems did it encounter?
- granger laws- able to pass laws that FAVOR FARMERS
- Munn v. Illinois- FAVORS GRANGER LAWS
- Wabash v. Illinois- overturnsMunn v. Illinois- DEFEAT FOR GRANGER LAWS
-- response= Interstate Commerce Commission- created to oversee RR regulation
What was the Farmer's Alliance?**
- came after Grange
-tariff reduction, irrigation research, public ownership of RR,FREE silver, secret ballot
What did the grange and FA and PP push for?
- Grange= farmers issues (Munn v. Wabash)
- FA=low tariff, control of RR, fed fudning irrigation, direct popular election
- PP- agratian movement/demands
Solid South. What did the whites do? Why? Reaction of blacks?
- all unified AGAINST BLACKS
- in order to ensure supremeacy:
--grandfather clause
--poll taxes
--convict lease system
--keep blacks out of alliances

- blacks respond by creating their own institutions
- Booker T. Washington and WEB DuBois
Significane of panic of 1973? effects?
- shows that even sober and hardworking people can suffer economically for reasons beyond their control
- weakened laisse-faire support
- unemployment, Pullman Strike,
-proposed solution: Coxey's army- 500 million dollars of welfare programt money to be issued not backed by gold
(fix unemployment)
significance of the election of 1896**
- McKinley (R) v. Bryan (Democrat who adopted Populist Party reforms)
- Democrats are pushed back to the south and PP party is destroyed
--> high McKinley Tariff, all gold standard, and end of depression
Importance of the social gospel and settlement house work**
- people taking it upon themselves to help the poor rather than encouraging the poor to reform themselves
- first sucessful social reform
gover cleveland's response to the depression of 1893?*
- defend the gold standard- borrowed money from wall street and ended the drain of the gold reserve
- repealed the sherman silver purchase act
- wilson gorman tariff- subordinated the money class- pollock decision ruled it unconstitutional
who was for and against tariffs? why?
-talk about two main tariffs
- For high tariff= industry and workers
--protection from foreign competition
--higher wages
-against high tariff= farmers
--hurt trade

Willian Gorson Tariff- Cleveland, subordinated the money class
--pollock decison ruled it unconstitutional
1986- high McKinley tariff
reasons for US expansion?
1. economic demand for overseas markets
2. competition with Europe for land grab
3. religious justification- Josiah Strong "our country"- help those who they feel lack moral clarity (while really denouncing their way of life)
4. naval justification- we need to acquire and create ports through expanding - Mahan- US needs to expand naval fleet and acquire ports to defend new home
5. War in order to expand- Lodge, Hay, TR- will help with civil duty, manhood, and chivalry
6. Frontier thesis- need to acquire more territory now that frontier is closed in order to have a new safety valve
spanish american war causes
- the war could have been averted
- wanted to make cuba independent from spain b/c of unfair treatement
- spain sought peaceful solution but:
- maine battleships
- yellow yournalism blew incident out of porportion and increased war spirit
- McKinley is pushed into war
- Teller Amendment- declares that US will leave Cuba once independment
spanish american war outcome
- acquire a lot of new territory (puerto rico, guam, phillipines)
- US can now secure more ports
opposition to imperialism? 1898
1898- anti-imperialist league- believe by ruling other people US was violating the constitution adn declartion of independence
- feared competition from foreign cheap labor and products
conquest of phillipines shows?
TRs agressiveness and imperialism