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38 Cards in this Set

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Define: casual variable
Independent variable that produces a casual effect on the dependent variable (we cannot prove in this class)
Define: confounding variable
Extraneous variable that correlates with both the independent and dependent variable (cannot prove in this class)
Define: bell curve
Symmetric distribution
If you are preforming a study and you want to see if it is rare to get 12 bets in a sample of 20 what two formulas would you use?
-First, count(Risk_Taker="Yes")
-Second, (number_of_bets_in_a_random_20<12)/(number_of_bets_in_a_random_20)
How do you write a conclusion?
The probability of a random collection of __ having __ or less/more is (p-value). This is evidence that the experimentally observed correlation between __ and __ is (or is not) caused by random variation alone.
What is a summary table and how do you caption it?
-Describes experiment
-Date/time, location, circumstance, ect.
What is a table and how do you caption it?
-Things you're measuring
-Measure count, mean, median
What is a graph and how do you caption it?
-Shows pattern of data
-Label axes, describe interesting features
Where is the independent and dependent variable on a summary table and graph?
-Independent on horizontal and bottom of graph
-Dependent on vertical
What are the two categories of descriptive statistics?
1.Meausre of central tendencies=trying to summarize data by "typical" value
2.Measure of dispersion=indicate through a single number the extent to which a distributions observations vary
What are the measures used in central tendencies?
Mean, median
What are the measures used in dispersion?
Standard deviation, IQR
Define: mean
The mean of a random sample is defined as the sum of the observed values divided by the sum of the sample
Define: median
Arrange data points in ascending order, the median is the middle observation
What's the equation for standard deviation?
Square root of (x-xbar)squared/n-1 where n=sample size, x=observed value, and xbar=sample mean
What are Q1, Q2, and Q3?
-Q1=data point below which 25% of data is
-Q2=data point below which 50% of data is
-Q3=data point below which 75% of data is
What is the equation for IQR?
Define: outlier
Extreme values not considered common values
Define: whiskers
Lines extending from the box plot
Define: right-skewed distribution
Positive skewed distribution with longer right tail
Define: left-skewed distribution
Negative skewed distribution witha longer left tail
Define: symmetric
Distribution will have approx. equal tails
What are the equations to calculate outliers?
-Q1-1.5(IQR) (left outliers)
-Q3+1.5IQR (right outliers)
Define: explanatory variable
Variable that is manipulated by the experiment, supposed to "explain" the other variable
Define: response variable
Variable that occurs as a result of the explanatory variable
Define: frequency table
A table that displays the frequency of different observations, organizes data
Define: dichotomos data
Data in which observations can only be one of two things
Define: categorical data
Data in which observations fit in finite categories
Define: quantitative data
Data in which observations take a numerical value
Define: odds ratio
-Ratio of the odds of one group and another group
Define: p-value (relative frequency)
The probability that the results from an experiment are entirely due to chance
Define: measure of a sample
A single number that summarizes a sample
Define: randomized distribution
A distribution applied to many random samples of data
How do you assess two dichotomous variables?
-2x2 frequency table
-Bar graph
-We can sample
How do you assess one continuous variable?
-5 number summary
-Box plot
-Can't sample
How do you assess two continuous variables
-5 number summary
-Histogram or box plot
Can we assess 3 variables?
No not yet
How do you assess one dichotomous and one continuous variable?
-5 number summary, count and mean
-Histogram or box plot
-We can sample