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97 Cards in this Set

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The leadership and institutions that make policy decisions for a country
Pertaining to power
Empirical data
Factual statements and statistics
Normative issues
Empirical data with judgement
A speculative statement regarding the relationship between a set of variables
Measurable traits that change with varying conditions
When an independent variable influences a dependent variable
Independent variable
A variable that affects the dependent variable
Dependent variable
A variable that depends on the independent variable
When a change in one variable happens with a change in another variable
Three-world approach
The model of comparing countries that are first, second, and third world
Third world
Nations that were not allied with the US or USSR during the Cold War and are underdeveloped
Civil society
Informal politics
How civil society impacts formal politics
The organizations that maintain a monopoly of violence over their territories
Stable, long lasting organizations that help political ideas become reality
The ability to carry out policies within borders without inside or outside interference
A group bound together by a shared political identity
The sense of belonging that differentiates nations
When a country's institutions and practices carry over across time while leaders and issues change
Indirect democracies
Elected officials represent people
Direct democracies
People vote on all issues
Parliamentary system
Legislature votes for executives
Presidential system
People vote for executives
Parliamentary sovereignty
Legislature in a parliamentary system being independent of the executive branch
Head of state
Symbolizes regime's power and natures
Head of government
Deals with everyday tasks
Checks and balances
A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power
Separation of powers
Makes sure power gets shared and no branch becomes dominant
Semi-presidential system
A system with a prime minister and president
People who hold political power
An authoritarian system in which the communist party controls everything
An authoritarian system in which government officials check in with high-ranking people before implementing policy
Patron-client systems
An arrangement in which the patron benefits clients for their support of him
Term used to describe an oppressive and detested regime
Military rule
A government in which the military has intervened
Coup d'etat
A forced takeover of the government
The way a regime gets support from its citizens
State gives individuals/small groups specific favors for public support
When power is split among many groups who compete to influence the government
Democratic corporatism
When democratic regimes create interest groups that act on the behalf on the state
The right to rule as determined by the people
Common law
Laws based on tradition and courts ruling through interpretation of the law
Code law
A comprehensive set of written laws (often divided into commercial, civil, and criminal codes)
Political culture
Political beliefs, values, and institutions that a government is based on
Social capital
Amount of trust between citizens and other citizens/the state
Consensual political culture
Accepts regime's legitimacy and solutions to major problems
Conflictual political culture
Does not accept regime's legitimacy or solutions to major problems
Political ideologies
Values regarding the most basic goals of politics
Social cleavages
Things that divide citizens, like religion, class, and ethnicity
Social boundaries
Things that separate citizens
Coinciding cleavages
When every issue pits the same groups against each other
Cross-cutting cleavages
When different groups ally around different issues
Political efficacy
A citizen's ability to understand and affect politics
Subject activities
Political participation that involves obedience to the government
Social movements
Movements that aim to bring or resist change by influencing the public and/or political leaders
Civil society
Organizations outside of the state that help define and advance individual citizens' political beliefs
Tyranny of the majority
When majority rule ignores the voices of minorities
A universal order that draws its values from across the globe
Political institutions
Parts of a political system that govern
Unitary system
Political power is located in one place
Confederal system
A state with a weak central government
Federal system
Power is divided between central and local governments
When states pool their sovereignty to increase their power
Foreign direct investments
Purchase of assets in a country by a foreign firm
Supranational organizations
Groups of nations that cooperate on regional or international levels
Centripetal forces
Forces that unite citizens to each other and to the state
Centrifugal forces
Forces that break down unity between citizens and the state
Political identities based off of a nation
Separatist movements
When nationalities try to break away from the state
When centralized power gets dispersed to local governments
Ethnic group
A groups that belongs to the same culture
When an ethnic group sees itself as a nation
Changing methods, not institutions
Recreating or destroying institutions to change, often involves multiple spheres
Coup d'etats
Forceful change of leaders
Wanting quick, dramatic changes
Wanting gradual changes
Wanting no changes
Reactionary beliefs
Wanting to reverse past changes
Competitive elections
Elections where the incumbent can be defeated
Liberal democracies
Free democracies
Substantive democracies
Free democracies with multiple methods of infromation
Illiberal democracies
Restricted democracies
Procedural democracies
Restricted democracies
"Revolution of rising expectations"
When the expectation of the standard of living rises
Democratic consolidation
When elites and the masses agree to share power
Political liberalization
The creation of a substantive democracy
Middle-class professionals and businessmen
Command economy
An economy where the government owns and controls everything
Economic liberalization
Moving towards a market economy
Market economy
An economy that is absent of any government influence
Mixed economy
An economy with some government influence
When the government creates a free market
Transferring property into private hands
Divisions based on ethnic/cultural identities

Identities based on nationhood