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82 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is considered a linkage institution?
The media.
All of the following are characteristics of politics EXCEPT

A) individuals with similar ideas banding together to form political parties
B) the means though which individuals and groups get involved
C) who gets what, when, how, and why
D) the passing of laws that serve to further minority rights
E) the interrelationship of individuals and groups
The passing of laws that serve to further minority groups
Which of the following institutions established in the Constitution make public policy?
The Congress, the president, and the courts
Which of the following best defines a set of institutions linking government, politics, and public policy?
A political system
Which of the following are considered linkage institutions?

I. Congress
II. Political parties
III. The media
IV. The courts
II and III only
Which of the following principles describes a philosophy of the Federalist Party?
Federalists believed in a loose construction of the Constitution
All of the following characteristics reflect the reasons why political parties are formed EXCEPT

A) People band together because of similar needs
B) " " similar values
C) " " they have similar income
D) " " similar beliefs
E) " " similar goals
People band together because they have similar income
Which of the following groups examines a candidate's record primarily on specific issues?
Single-interest groups
All of the following are basic principles of our democracy today EXCEPT a belief in

A) worth and dignity of the individual
B) need for political equality
C) universal healthcare
D) the guarantee of individual freedoms
E) the need for a balnce between freedom and order
Universal healthcare
Which of the following institutions is commonly called the fourth branch of government?
The bureaucracy
Which of the following principles is most fundamental to democratic theory?
Free elections and universal suffrage
All of the following factors contribute to an enlightened understanding of the electorate EXCEPT:

A) Interest groups
B) the media
C) the right to property
D) political parties
E) the Internet
The right to property
Which of the following groups believes that bargaining and compromise are essential to a democracy?
Which of the following theories contends that our society is divided along class lines and that a narrow upper-class strata rules regardless of the formal organization of government?
Which statement(s) best reflects what the United States Constitution represents?

I. The Constitution is a basic framework for the government
II. The Constitution is an explanation of the way government operates, assigning separate powers to each brance and guaranteeing citizens their rights.
III. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land
I, II, and III
John Locke's Second Treatise of Civil Government advocates
natural rights
Which of the following statements best reflects the political philosophy established after the colonists achieved their independence?

I. The former colonists eliminated property criterion for political office
II. " " recognized the need for a strong executive
III. " " believed that the states should become the dominant politcal and social force
III only
When the Articles of Confederation were adopted, the nation's major concern was dominated by
Economic issues
Which of the following documents represents the first adopted Constitution for the United States?
Articles of Confederation
Which of the following statements best describes the Articles of Confederation?

I. Domination of the government by the states
II. A national Congress with one house and no executive
III. No national court system
IV. No ability of the central government to enforce the collection of taxes
I, II, III, and IV
Which of the following statements in the Federalist Papers referred to "the most common and durable source of faction"?
The unequal distribution of property
Madison believed that in order to prevent a "tyranny of the majority" the new government should include all the following EXCEPT

A) creating political institutions that could function with the consent of a majority
B) limiting the president's term of office
C) creating different branches of government with distinctive and separate powers
D) creating a system of checks and balances
E) limiting the ability of the electorate to vote directly for government officials except members of the House
Limiting the president's term of office
Complete the following statement:

"Even though the representatives to the Constitutional Convention came from different parts of the country and had differing economic status, they were able to agree to "

I. A series of politcal compromises
II. A Republican government for each state
III. The method to count slaves for representation purposes
I, II, and III
Which statement reflects James Madison's point of view in the Federalist Papers regarding the consequences of unequal distribution of wealth?

I. The formation of factions
II. The probability of minority discontent
III. The development of political parties
I, II, and III
Which of the following documents created a compromise that led to the formation of a bicameral legislature?
Connecticut Compromise
Which of the following statements reflects an action taken by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention?

I. Setting a date for the abolition of slavery in the North
II. Outlawing future importing of slaves
III. Setting a number for counting slaves for representation purposes
II and III only
The Constitution's writers carefully drafted a document that would create
The ability to adapt to changing times
Which of the following governmental bodies is most directly responsible to the electorate?
The House of Representatives
The question of the constitutionality of a term limit for legislators imposed by a state constitution is based on which of the following arguments?
The fact that the Constitution sets the qualifications for congressmen
The practice of judicial review was first established by which of the following actions?
The Supreme Court can declare a congressional act unconstitutional
Which of the following resulted after the Supreme Court made a ruling in Baker v. Carr
The principle of "one man, one vote" was established
All the following are considered enumerated powers of the Congress EXCEPT

A) coining US currency after the Constitution was ratified
B) establishing inferior courts in addition to the Supreme Court
C) setting up the first National Bank of the US
D) establishing uniform immigration laws
E) regluating commerce among the several states
Setting up the first National Bank of the US
The implied power clause in the Constitution has been described as the ability of Congress to take wihch of the following actions?
Pass an assault weapons ban
In addition to the stated constitutional powers of the president, which of the following roles does he take on?
Acting as head of his political party
Which of the following is the only stated constitutional responsibility of the vice president?
Presiding over Senate
Which of the following represents a major reason why the electoral college was created?
It would enable a select group of electors to cast the final vote for president and vice president.
All the following represent examples of limited government EXCEPT

A) the application of habeas corpus in criminal appeals
B) the prohibition of passage of bills of attaninder laws
C) Congress not being allowed to pass ex post facto laws
D) the inability of the president to grant titles of nobility
E) The Reserved Power Clause of the Tenth Amendment
The Reserved Power Clause of the Tenth Amendment
All the following represent examples of the use of checks and balances EXCEPT

A) the 35 successful vetoes made by President George Bush
B) the Senate rejection of the 1999 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
C) the Supreme Court ruling the Flag Desecration Act unconstitutional
D) Congress passing the Crime Bill after a conference committee made changes
E) Congress invoking the provisions of the War Powers Act
Congress passing the Crime Bill after a conference committee made changes
Which of the following actions increases the power of the president?
A greater reliance on the federal government to solve problems
The appointment of Supreme Court justices in the 1980's was characterized by
Bitter confirmation battles over personal and philosophical positions of the nominees
Which of the following represents the theoretical definition of federalism?
A division of power between the federal government and state governments
Advocates of a strong gederal system believe in all the following EXCEPT

A) State and local governments do not have many of the resources necessary to deal with the problems facing the country
B) Local politicians are provincial in their point of view
C) State and local governments cannot support the vast programs necessary to support citizens
D) Local leaders are more suited to solve problems than national leaders
E) Factions would be more likely to gain control in a country dominated by local interests
Local leaders are more suited to solve problems than national leaders
According to the writings of the Federalist Papers, which of the following reflects a major reason for the support of a federal system?
Local governments will maintain their authority and will be able to care for their citizens
All of the following Supreme Court cases dealt with the issue of federalism EXCEPT

A) Gibbons v. Ogden
B) Marbury v. Madison
C) McCulloch v Maryland
D) Barron v. Baltimore
E) Fletcher v. Peck
Madison v. Marbury
The constitutional provision used in the Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland was

I. The "necessary and proper" clause
II. The supremecy clause
III. The interstate commerce clause
I and II only
The constitutional basis of dual federalism can be found in
The Tenth amendment
Which general area of policy is generally left up to the states?
Health and welfare
Which general area of policy is generally left up to the central government?
Interstate commerce
Which kind of federalism best describes an autonomous relationship between the states and national government?
Layer cake federalism
All the following are characteristcs of marble cake federalism EXCEPT

A) There are mingled responsibilities and blurred distinctions between the levels of government
B) The federal government becomes more intrusive in state affairs
C) There is a greater sharing of responsibilities between the federal and state levels
D) the national government exercises its power independently from state governments
E) There is greater cooperation between the federal and state governments
The national government exercises its power independently from state governments
Creative federalism of the Great Society was characterized by

I. Shared costs between the national and state governments
II. Guidelines and rules set down by the federal government
III. Singular administration of programs
I and II only
Which historical period represents the introduction of competitive federalism?
The 1970's and 1980's
Which type of federalism is characterized by a pattern of competitive grants?
Fiscal federalism
which of the following best represents the components of fiscal federalism?

I. The passage of funded mandates
II. The passage of revenue sharing measures
III. The passage of categorical grants
I, II, and III
An alternative developed by the federal government that places the primary fiscal responsibility on the states was
Unfunded mandates
Which of the following laws was challenged by states because they felt that the federal government imposed an unfair unfunded mandate?
Motor Voter Registration Act of 1993
Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan's vision of a new federalism favored
The downsizing of the federal government
Which of the following provisions of the Republican Contract with America addresses the issue of federalism?

I. Term limits constitutional amendment
II. Balanced budget constitutional amendment
III. Welfare Reform Act
II and III only
Which of the following arguments represents the best reason why a bill of rights was added to the Constitution?
Key states insisted on a bill of rights prior to approving the Constitution
Which of the following decisions made by Chief Justice John Marshall's Court established the principle that the Bill of Rights only applied ot the federal government?
Barron v. Baltimore
The Supreme Court decision Gitlow v. New York established the principle that
Incoporation of the Bill of Rights in state cases was allowed
The establishment clause of the First amendment speaks of
A wall of separation between church and state
Which of the following Supreme Court cases established the "clear and present danger" doctrine?
Schenck v. United States
The terms "prior review" and "prior restraint" refer to which of the following constitutional principles
Freedom of the press
The Lemon test is used to determine if
Legislation that deals with religion creates illegal government interference
The principle established by the Supreme Court in the case of Tinker v. Des Moines states that
Student rights did not stop at the schoolhouse gates
The principle established in the Supreme Court case of Texas v. Johnson was based on
Symbolic speech
In the case of Mapp v. Ohio, the Supreme Court established
The exclusionary rule of evidence
Which of the following cases used the Ninth amendment as a constitutional argument?
Roe v. Wade
All the following steps are part of procedural due process EXCEPT

A) habeas corpus
B) formal indictment
C) speedy trial
D) right to an attorney
E) a jury made up of different ethnic groups
A jury made up of different ethnic groups
The intent o fhte decision made in Miranda v. Arizona was
to guarantee due process rights of the accused
The "right to die" is an implicit right found in which part o fhte Constitution
The Ninth amendment
Which of the follwing historical events advanced the intent of the Fourteenth Amendment?
Civil Rights Acts
Which of the following judicial principles reduced the impact of the Fourteenth Amendment?
Separate but equal
Which of the following doctrines made the Bill of Rights applicable to the states?
Incorporation principle
All the following criteria were used to establish the nationalization of hte Fourteenth Amendment EXCEPT

A) reasonable classification of race
B) the rational basis test
C) the strict scrutiny test
D) the suspect class test
E) the police power of states
The police power of states
Which of the following represents a legal difference between de facto and de jure segregation?
De jure segregation is illegal based on Supreme Court decisions.
Which of the following constitutional provisions has been used to strike down discrimination in public accomodations?
Article I Section 8's commerce clause
A major impact of the Bakke decision was that
Reverse discrimination based on quotas was illegal
All the following criteria represent procedures used for evaluating the legitimacy of affirmative action programs EXCEPT

A) a scrutiny test based on racial classification
B) affirmative action programs based strictly on quotas
C) states taking action based on evidence that past discriminatory practice existed
D) affirmative action remedies must be based on specific remedies
E) affirmative action programs must be based on narrowly tailored principles
Affirmative action programs based strictly on quotas
"The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usupations (in the past)of man toward woman."

Which of the following documents contained this passage?
Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions
Which of the following furthered the cause of the civil rights movement for women?

I. The Brandeis Brief submitted in the case of Muller v. Oregon
II. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
III. Decisions of the Court regarding the issue of comparable worth
IV. Medium scrutiny standards established in judicial decisions
II, III, and IV only