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154 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following structures allow(s) the stomach to expand


The liver lobule secretes


The cystic duct, common bile duct, and the hepatic ducts

Are parts of the biliary tree

Which of the following is a hormone


Which conditions is most likely to be caused by pyloric stenosis

Projectile vomiting

Which of the following is most related to esophageal reflux


The least or palpebrae superioris

Raises the eyelids

The brachialis and brachioradialis

Flex the arm at the elbow


Include cocci, bacilli, and curved rods

Which of the following is descriptive of normal saline

0.9% sodium chloride

Which of the following is most likely to occur when output is less than intake


Hypoventilation is most likely to cause


Which ion determines pH


Ectoparasites are most likely to cause

Itching and discomfort

Typhoid Mary harbored the salmonella in her

Bile(gall bladder)


Refers to drug-resistant staphylococci

In which type of tissue is plasma the interstitial matrix


In which of the following are intercalated discs found

Cardiac muscle

Which of the four major tissues types is able to regenerate and repair quickly when injured


The scrotum

Is a sac located between the thighs and holds the testicles

The branching structures carry information toward the cell body of a neuron


What is the name of the space between then axon of one neuron and the dendrite of a second neuron


The temporal lobe

Contains the primary auditory cortex

The occipital lobe

Contains the primary visual cortex

Which of the following is the type of nervous tissue that conducts a nerve impulse


Which structure is called the lateral, third, and fourth


Which of the following is the middle layer of the meanings and looks like a spiderweb

Arachnoid mater

The oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens are cranial nerve that

Innervate the extrinsic eye muscle(move the eyeball)

A drug (I.e. atropine) that blocks the vagus nerve

Increase heart rate

Cardiac output

Is determined by heart rate and stroke volume

Most of the symptoms of acute left-sided heart failure

Respiratory in nature (e.g. dyspnea, orthopnea)

Which of the following is a doubled stranded nucleic acid that is called the “blueprint for life”


Which of the following is least related to urea

Chemical formula is NH4+


Increases blood glucose

Which hormone literally means “swift birth” and initiates labor


The blastocyst

Lives in the uterus

Which of the following is most associated with organogenesis

Embryonic period

Which group is incorrect

Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland: ACTH, prolactin, TSH, oxytocin

Which of the following is an oxygen-carrying blood cell


Which of the following is correct

One urethra

Which blood vessel are primarily concerned with reabsorption

Peritubular capillaries

The word voiding refers to


Identify the transport mechanism: a passive process that uses a carrier molecule to move a dilute from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

Facilitated diffusion

In which structure is most DNA found


Which structure is described as rough or smooth

Endoplasmic reticulum

Perfume the skunk make his presence known by


This layer of the heart allows is to act as a pump


The aorta receives blood from the

Left ventricle

Referring to the ECG, the WRS complex represents

Ventricular depolarization

An intramuscular injection into the buttocks is given in the upper outer quadrant in a attempt to avoid injecting this neeve


The area of skin innervated by a spinal nerve is called a


These cells secrete testosterone

Interstitial cell

This hormone is also called interstitial cell stimulating hormone and stimulates the interstitial cells

Luteinizing hormone

The cervix is part of this organ


Which of the following consists of a midpiece, head, and flagellum


Which of the following is true of the vas deferens ejaculatory duct and the urethra

Carry sperm

The board ligament supports the


The oviduct or Fallopian tube

Is the site of fertilization

This blood vessel supplies oxygenated blood to the small intestine and parts of the large intestine

Superior mesenteric artery

The iliac veins drain unoxygenated blood into the

Inferior vena cava

Which condition is caused by defective valves in the lower leg veins

Varicose veins

What is the largest vein in the body

Vena cava

The saphenous vein

Extends from the foot to the thigh

Which of the following structures serve as the “lungs” for the fetus


The characteristic of the arteriole that allows it to function as a resistance vessel is its

Smooth muscle

Cholesterol is

Used to synthesize steroids

Starch is classified as a


Which of the following is least related to lactic acid

Kerbs cycle

Which condition is characterized by hermaturia and pyuria


Which of the following is the culprit in obesity

Adipose tissue

Endocrine and exocrine glands are

Epithelial tissue

Which of the following is characterized by cells that are arranged like tiles on a floor

Squamous epithelium

Which group is incorrect

Types of connective tissue: tendons, ligaments, fat, glia

The stratum germinativum and the stratum corneum are layers of the


Which word is most descriptive of sudouferious


What is the color of skin that is supplied by oxygen poor blood


A person swears and becomes flushed while exercising in order to

Lose heat

What do the baroreceptors regulate

Blood pressure

The outter extraembryonic membrane forms finger like projections called villi and help form the placenta


What is the name of the fine, downy hair that covers the fetus


This yellowing watery fluid is secreted by the mammary glands immediately after delivery; baby feeds on this until the mother’s milk comes in


Which group is incorrect

Ventral cavities: thoracic abdominopelvic cranial

Which element must be present for a substance to be classified as organic



Is a cation

In which of the following is the number of hydrogen ions greater


Bone conduction occurs here

Middle ear

Tactile receptors are

Activated by touch and pressure

The medial canthus and lateral canthus are

Corners of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet

Which of the following is least related to the mitral valve


Which of the following must precede ventricular contraction

Ventricular depolarization

Which layer if the heart has actin myosin and intercalated discs


What are ventricle “doing” during atrial contraction


Which cavity first receives unoxygenated blood from the vena cava

Right atrium

Which of the following is a function of a valve

Regulates the direction of the flow of blood through the heart

Which muscle covers the shoulder like a shoulder pad


This muscles separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities and is also the chief breathing muscles


These muscles are located on the inner (medial) surface of the thigh and move the thigh toward the midline of the body


The Achilles’ tendon attaches the soleus and this muscle to the calcaneus


Severing the vas deferens

Induces sterility

The morula

Refers to the adorable Pre embryonic clusters of cells

This bone is distal to the radius and ulna abs proximal to the metacarpals


Which of the following is a hinge joint

Metacrapoohalangeal joint

Which group is incorrect

Types of freely movable joint: hinge, ball-and-socket, and suture

“Pumping iron” is most likely to cause


The urinary bladder

Causes micturition when the detrusor muscle contracts and the internal sphincter relaxes

T3 T4 and calcitonin are

Secreted by the thyroid gland

The islets of Langerhans

Secrete insulin and glucagon

Which of the following best describes a solution in which alcohol is a solvent


Which action is lost likely to lower body temperature


The maxilla

Contains the upper teeth

The zygomatic bone

Is called the cheekbones

This organ produces bile and secretes it into the hepatic ducts


The portal vein carries blood that is rich in digestive end products to this organ


This flap of tissue prevents food and water from entering the respiratory passages


Growth hormone

All of the above


Is a nerohyophyseal hormone that stimulates the uterine muscle to contract thereby assisting in labor


Stimulates osteoclastic activity


Is secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans

Which of the following nerve is often “deadened” or anesthetized for the purpose of childbirth


The dermatome is most related to which of the following

Spinal nerve distribution

Which group is incorrect

Spinal nerves: phrenic, axillary, lumbsacral

What is the name of the specialized area of a sensory neuron that detects a specific stimulus


A nociceptor detects


What is the name of the toxin that has been altered so that it is harmless, yet still antigenic


Which of the following is characterized by a local tissue response to T cell activity

Contact dermatitis

Which group is incorrect

Nonspecific immunity: inflammation NK cells fever T cells

The pleural membranes

Are serous membranes

Which type of blood is called the universal recipient


Which of the following best describes eupnea

Normal quiet breathing

Hypoventilation decreases the respiratory excretion of

Carbon dioxide

The nares, nostrils, and nasal septum

Are located in the upper respiratory tract

The kneecap is located distal to the


Which area appears only on the posterior part of the body


Decreased blood flow through the coronary arteries is most likely to cause

Angina pectoris

This term refers to a heart rate of fewer than 60 beats/min


Sympathetic stimulation to the heart

Increases heart rate

What is (are) the lymphoid structure that are generally removed during mastectomy

Axillary lymph nodes

An allergen is an


What happens if the lymphatic vessels and nodes are removed from the right axillary region

The right arm will become edematous

Which of the following is due to a viral infection involving the lymph nodes and is called the “kissing disease”

Infectious mononucleosis

What is the term that refers to the removal of the palatine tonsils


Which of the following conditions is most likely to cause a platelet deficiency

A hyperactive spleen

Which blood cell fits this description: granulocytic and motile


Monocytes and lymphocytes

Are nongranular leukocytes

Which of the following is least associated with hemostasis


Which of the following is called extrinsic factor

Vitamin B12

Larynospasm is most likely to cause

Acute respiratory obstruction

What is the normal pH of blood

7.35 to 7.45

This organ secretes the most potent of the digestive enzymes


The sigmoid is part of the


Kernicterus is most related to elevated plasma levels of this substance


Across which structure does most gas exchange occur


Enlargement of the thyroid gland

Is called a goiter

Which of the following is the most common cause of myelosuppression

Drugs especially the anti cancer drugs