The reasons as to why transport systems are required in the body is because it allows the body to be able to respire and be able to get all that it needs to maintain the same state, for example, oxygen throughout the body as well as nutrients to the cells in the body. An example of a transport system is the Respiratory system. This system is required in the body as it helps the body to take in oxygen, this can be done through the lungs, as it allows it to be absorbed into the blood, through the use of the alveolus found within the tissue of the lungs, in order to provide energy for the cells in the body to keep functioning as well as developing.
How is the function of transport of materials achieved by these systems?
I) Transport of substances at gross level (via big blood vessels) and exchange of substances at the capillary level …show more content…
This system is known as the Lymphatic system and the lymphs which are also found in this system. The lymph comes from the interstitial fluid, and its function is to exchange many substances to the surrounding cells which are nearby. The lymph is then able to pick up any proteins or any left over fluid and return it to the blood stream.
C) How does the body deal with constant leakage of fluid from the cells?
The body is able to deal with constant leakage of fluid from the cells due to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is able to help deal with the constant leakage by allowing the fluid to be able to drain into this system of the tubes that are able to increase in size; they are collected in lymph ducts are linked. This fluid is able to drain into the blood again. The use of muscle tissue is able to provide a form of force which helps the fluid to move back to the blood system again.
D) Which part of the transport system ensures this intracellular fluid is returned to the