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26 Cards in this Set

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Republic of Florence
republic, Medici family, wool/banking

(map p 319)
Duchy of Milan
duchy, Visconti/Sforza families, well known for production of arms
Republic of Venice
Oligarchy, run by merchant families, thrived off of maritime trade
Kingdom of Naples
Monarchy, thrived from France and Spain's war, agriculture
Papal States
territory managed by the papacy, which was growning more and more political and secular
Republic of Genoa
Republic, thrived from maritime trade
genovino, ducat, florin
Italian gold coins
Italian silver coin
highest social class- old wealth
populo grosso
new wealth, rising upper class, literally "fat people"

intermarriage was common with grandi- a mixing of old and new
literally mediocre- middle class
populo minuto
literally "small people"- laborors- lowest class, although they were free and better off than the rest of Europe
country estates
supporters of the Pope and the Papacy
supporters of the empire
Vita Civile
podesta (accent on a)
a position developed in Florence that was a person who mainained law and had executive, miliary, and judicial authority
captain, had a rentable army that sometimes would come it and just not fight and instead take over and occasionally people came to power because of this
"balence of power"
A system in Italy in which power was maintained because if once city state became too strong the others would band together and beat it back down to its proper position
a system where instead of going to a country if there was an issue diplomacies and ambassadors were established to maintain peace and communication

(schools of thought)
1: the birth of modernity, characterized by un-christian philosophy that stressed the dignity of humankind and championed indiviualism and secular values
2: very champions of catholic christianity, who opposed paan aristotle and ineloquent scholasticism
3: a form of scholorship designed to promote a sense of civic responsibility and political liberty
humanism (definition)
the scholorly study of latin and greek classics and of the ancient Church Fathers both for its own sake and in hope of a rebirth of ancient norms and values
William Tyndale
An English reformer who met at the White Horse Inn in Cambridge to discuss Lutheran writings smuggled into England by merchants and scholars - he translated the New Testament into English while in Germany- this began to circulate in England in 1526
Cardinal Thomas Wolsley
chief minister of King Henry VIII, and Sir Thomas More, his successor, guided royal opposition to incipient protestantism- the king himself defended the seven sacraments agianst luther recieving the title of defender of the faith from pope Leo X- dismissed for not securing annulment
Thomas Cramner
appointed by Henry VIII as the bishop of canterbury, wrote the English book of common prayer which was enforced on all english churches by the act of uniformity in 1549