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6 Cards in this Set

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What organs do the CNS and PNS consist of?

CNS- brain and spinal cord

PNS- nerves and their ganglia outside the CNS.

12 pairs of cranial nerves

31 pairs of spinal nerves

Describe the anatomy of a typical peripheral nerve

Nerves of the PNS, including spinal nerves, consists of

1. axons

2. Schwann cells

3. connective tissue

What are the 3 layers of connective tissue is a peripheral nerve?

The Epineurium- surrounds the whole nerve

The Perineurium- surrounds nerve fascicles

The Endoneurium- surrounds schwann cells and axons

What is a dermatome?

A dermatome is the area of skin supplied with sensory innervation by a pair of spinal nerves.

What is a dermatome map?

Each of the spinal nerves, except for C1 has a specific cutaneous sensory distribution. A dermatome map measures/maps the sensory cutaneous distribution of the spinal nerves.

Ex. L2-sacral nerves accounts for lower limb movement and C1-4 accounts for diaphragm movement.

Compare and contrast spinal cord gray matter and white matter.

The spinal cord consists of peripheral white matter and central gray matter.

WHITE MATTER- is the paler tissue of the brain and spinal cord, organized into columns, which are subdivided into nerve tracts, or fascicles, and carry action potentials to and from the brain.

GRAY MATTER- is the darker tissue of the brain and spinal cord. It is divided into horns, the dorsal horns contain sensory axons that synapse with interneurons. They contain cell bodies of somatic motor neurons. The lateral horns contain the neuron cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons.