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122 Cards in this Set

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Locomotion in chordates may be described as the interaction between

an endoskeleton and muscles

Biologically similar organisms have similar DNA and proteins. This statement supports the concept of

organic evolution

Embryos of fish, chickens, and pigs have gill slits and a tail. The presence of these features suggests that

these animals may have had a common ancestor

To communicate between cells, many multicellular animals use

nerve signals and hormones

Sheep and pigs have more enzymes in common than sheep and frogs do. This finding may indicate that

sheep are most closely related to pigs than to frogs.

In a human female, what is the most direct result of te presence of the hormone FSH?

development of the ovarian follicle

Which pair of structures are homologous?

bones in the front leg of a dog and bones in the wing of a bat

Beak structures differ between individuals of one species of bird. These differences most likely indicate

the presence of a variety of food sources

The bones in the forelimbs of three mammals are shown below. For these mammals, the number, position, and shape of the bones most likely indicate that they may have

developed from the same earlier species

Which organism lacks a specialized transport system?


Which sequence best represents the pathway of a gas as it passes from the atmosphere into a leaf?

stomata- air space- spongy cell

Which is a characteristic of an animal?


Which animal is capable of reproducing asexually?


In flowering pants, the ripened ovary develops into a


Vascular tissue that transports water in leaves connects directly to

xylem in the stem

In trees, shrubs, and other woody plants, the exchange of CO2 and O2 with the environment may occur through structures known as


After several days near a window, a house plant began to grow toward the window. This growth pattern occurred because auxins

stimulated the growth of cells on the dark side of the plant

Sugars are transported from the leaves to the roots of a plant in the

phloem tubes

Which organisms possesses a single opening which functions as a mouth for the ingestion of food and also as an anus for the elimination of undigested materials?


In sexual reproduction, the 2n chromosome number is restored as a direct result of


Which species is most likely to survive changing environment conditions

a species that reproduces sexually

A single pair of goldfish in an aquarium produced a large number of offspring. These offspring showed variations in body shape and coloration. The most likely explanation for these variations is that the

offspring were produced from different combinations of genes

Decomposition and decay of organic natter are accomplished by an action of

bacteria and fungi

Bacteria of decay are important components of an ecosystem because they

recycle organic matter

Differences in the bone arrangements support the hypothesis that these organisms

have adaptations to survive in different environments

"Dolly" is a sheep developed from an egg cell of her mother that had its nucleus replaced by a nucleus from a body cell of her mother. As a result of this technique, Dolly is

genetically identical to her mother

Which is an important adaptation for reproduction among land animals?

fertilization of gametes within the body of the female

Unfertilized eggs of a frog can be made to undergo cleavage if the eggs are pricked with a needle. This type of development is known as


Which is a characteristic that all protists share?

They all live in liquid water.

Which process is used by animals to remove ingested foods that can not be digested?


A blockage of the spiracles in a grasshopper would first affect the ability of the grasshopper to

exchange gases

Which substances are necessary for the synthesis of most materials in an organism?


Fungi, such as bread mold, use a method of digestion that is described as

chemical and extracellular

Which organisms lack a respiratory system ad exchange respiratory gases through thin, moist membranes directly with the environment?

monerans, protists, and fungi

Certain bacteria produce a chemical that makes them resistant a penicillin. Since these bacteria reproduce asexually, they usually produce offspring that

survive exposure to penicillin

Some deep-sea bacteria live near submerged volcanoes and make their own food using energy derived from minerals coming from the volcanoes This would classified as


Bacteria that can survive without oxygen are described as


Which statement illustrates how human activities can most directly change the dynamic equilibrium of an ecosystem?

A hurricane causes a stream to overflow its banks.

Which substances are metabolic waste products excreted by animals?

water, urea, and carbon dioxide

The bones in the wing of a bird, the flipper of a whale, and the arm of a human are considered by many scientists to be

homologous structures

Because turkey vultures feed mainly on animals that they have not killed, they are known as


After a rabbit population reaches the carrying capacity of its habitat, the population of rabbits will most likely

alternately increase and decrease

Variation in the offspring of sexually reproducing organisms is the direct results of

sorting and recombining of genes

_______ is when the larva appears similar to the adult insect, but goes through a series of molt's until it reaches the adult stage.

gradual metamorphosis

What is a dihybred cross?

When two traits are linked, both traits are heterozygous and crossed with another dihybred or the same traits.

Which factor has the greatest influence on the variety of species that survive in different regions of a marine habitat?

depth of light penetration

What is the role of bacteria and fungi in an ecosystem?

to recycle waste materials

Organisms that have the ability to use an atmospheric gas to produce an organic nutrient are known as


Which organism has a type of nutrition most similar to that of animals?


What would most likely happen if most of the bacteria and fungi were removed from an ecosystem?

Nutrients resulting from decomposition would be reduced.

______ is when the larva appears similar to the adult insect, but goes through a series of molts until it reaches the adult stage.

gradual metamorphosis

The carrying capacity of a given environment is least dependent upon

daily temperature fluctuations

Which practice would most likely deplete a nonrenewable natural resource?

burning coal to generate electricity in a powerplant

The cells of an individual contain 47 chromosomes. This number of chromosomes could cause the condition known as

Down syndrome

The energy found in ATP molecules synthesized in animal cells comes directly from

organic molecules

"natural ecosystems provide an array of basic processes that affect humans." Which statement does NOT support this question?

Treated sewage is less damaging to the environment than untreated sewage.

Changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere that may produce acid rain are most closely associated with

industrial smoke stack emissions

One way to help provide suitable environments for future generations is to urge individuals to

apply ecological principles when making decisions that will have environmental impact

A new island formed by volcanic action may eventually become populated with biotic communities as a result of

the process of ecological succession

Which organelle is correctly paired with its specific function?

ribosome- synthesis of proteins

Marine sponges contain a biological catalyst that blocks a certain step in the separation of chromosomes. Which cellular process would be directly affected by this catalyst?


Sperm cells have a monoploid number of chromosomes (n) rather than a diploid number of chromosomes (2n) as a result of the process of


Which statement best describes the relationship between cells, DNA, and proteins?

Cells contain DNA that controls the production of proteins.

Which sequence of terms represents decrease from the greatest number of structures to the least number of structures present in a cell?


Genes involved in the production of abnormal red blood cells have an abnormal sequence of


Genes carried only on an X-chromosome are said to be


In fruit flies, red eye color (R) is dominant and white eye color (r) is recessive. The allele for eye color is carried on the X-chromosome, Which cross would most likely produce 50% white-eyed males and 50% red-eyes males?

X^R X^r x X^rY

Decomposers are important in the environment because they

convert large molecules into simpler molecules that can be recycled

An environment can support only as many organisms as the available energy, minerals, and oxygen will allow. Which term is best described by this statement?

carrying capacity

Which animal has modified ecosystems more than any other animal and has had the greatest negative impact on world ecosystems?


External fertilization occurs most often in

fish and amphibians

A man lifts wights and develops large arm muscles. His son has larger muscles than his father has at the same age. According to Lamarck's theory, this situation is due to

inheritance of acquired characteristics

In a species of plant, the sudden appearance of one plant with a different leaf structure would most likely be the result of

chromosomal mutations

A condition by the lack of an enzyme needed to metabolize a specific amino acid is known as


Which condition would mos likely upset the stability of an ecosystem?

a greater mass of animals than plants

In grasshoppers and humans, locomotion is accomplished by means of

the interaction of muscles and jointed appendages

For a natural ecosystem to be self-sustaining many essential chemical elements must be

cycled between organisms and the environment

What would most likely occur after an ecosystem is disrupted by fire?

The ecosystem would be eventually return to its original state.

The chemical synthesis area most likely contains

enzymes necessary for carbon-fixation reactions

Identify one process that a producer can accomplish that a carnivore cannot accomplish.


Scientists have cloned sheep but have NOT yet cloned a human. The best explanation for this situation is that

there are many ethical problems involved in cloning humans

The size of a mouse population in a natural ecosystem tends to remain relatively constant due to

the carrying capacity of the environment

Some mammals have genes for fur color that produce pigment only when the outside temperature is above a certain level. This pigment production is an example of how the environment of organism can

influence the expression of certain genes

Most of the hereditary information that determines the traits of an organisms is located in

the nuclei of body cells of an individual

Darwin observed in the Galapagos islands 14 distinct varieties of finches. Each finch variety ate a different type of food and lived in a slightly different habitat from the other finches. Darwin concluded that the finches all shared a common ancestor but had developed different beak structures. The 14 varieties of finches are most likely the result of

biological evolution

Charles darwin observed in the Galapagos islands 14 distinct varieties of finches. Each finch variety ate a different type of food and lived in a slightly different habitat from the other finches. Darwin concluded that the finches all shared a common ancestor but had developed different beak structures. The second sentence best describes

a niche

Darwin observed in the Galapagos Islands 14 distinct varieties of finches. Each finch variety ate a different type of food and lived in a slightly different habitat from the other finches. Darwin concluded that the finches all shared a common ancestor but had developed different beak structures. The different beak structures were most likely by

selection for favorable variations

Animals can not synthesize nutrients from inorganic raw materials. Therefore, animals obtain their nutrients

consuming preformed organic compounds

The end-product of aerobic respiration are

carbon dioxide and water

Which statement best explains why invertebrates regenerate lost tissue more readily than most vertebrates do?

Invertebrate animals have more undifferentiated cells than vertebrate animals have.

Some weed killers, insecticides, and food additives alter the DNA of certain cells. Because of this effect, these substances are known as


Using special enzymes, scientists have successfully removed the gene that controls the production of interferon and have inserted this gene into the DNA of certain bacteria. These bacteria can now produce interferon. This technique is known as

genetic engineering

What are the normal chromosome numbers of a sperm, egg, and zygote, respectively?

monoploid, monoploid, diploid

A mutation may be passed on to future generations if it occurs within specialized cells of the


Which process is directly used by autotrophs to store energy in glucose?


The equation below represents a summary of a biological process:

carbon dioxide + water ----- glucose + water + oxygen

This process is completed in


By which process is the potential energy of organic molecules transferred to a form of energy that is usable by the cells?


Which occurs during the light reactions of photosynthesis?

water molecules are split.

The synthesis of carbohydrates occurs in the stroma of chloroplasts. This process uses energy supplied by


A student is investigating the internal organs of an earthworm. Which piece of equipment should the student use to move the intestine aside without damaging it?

a dissecting needle

Two primary agents of cellular communication are

hormones and chemicals made by nerve cells

Chromosomes can be described as

colled strands of genetic material

All life depends on the availability of usable energy. This energy is released when

cells carry out the process of respiration

Which activity is illustrated of an ameoba shown below?


A chewing insect damages the vascular tissue of a plant stem. This damage will most directly affect the

synthesis of auxins in the roots

Which statement correctly describes a characteristic of cells in the stems of plants?

They carry on respiration and exchange gases through lenticels.

Leaves at the top of a giant redwood tree receive water from the

vascular tissue in the branches, trunk, and roots.

Gases move into intercellular spaces in leaves through openings known as


The meristematic tissue layer responsible for growth in the diameter of a stem is known as the


The mass of some corn plants at the end of their growth period was 6 tons per acre Most of this mass was produced from

water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air

Which organelle in the cell represented below is the sire of autotrophic nutrition?


Most of the starch stored in the cells of a potato is composed of molecules that originally entered these cells as

simple sugars

Compared to the number of chromosomes contained in a body cell of a parent, how many chromosomes would normally be contained in a gamete?

half as many

Which structure that is not found in a bacterial cell?

golgi bodies

In the grasshopper and earthworm, the efficiency of food absorption is increased by the presence of

infolds, which add surface area to the digestive tube

The hydra and the amoeba are similar in that both organisms

eliminate ammonia and carbon dioxide through the cell membrane.

The tracheal tubes of grasshoppers, the moist skin of earthworms, and the alveoli of humans are structural adaptations that aid in

aerobic respiration

Which statement regarding respiration is correct?

All living organisms carry out some form of respiration.

The process of meiotic cell division in a human male usually forms

four monoploid cells

Which type of model provides the most complete representation of the feeding relationships within a community?

a food web

Which substance, acted on by A in the cycle, would most likely be included in the area labeled "wastes"


Which human activity would most likely have a positive impact on the environment?

using parasites for biological control of pets to increase crop yields.