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20 Cards in this Set

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In what year did the Franks immigrate to Holland from Germany?

In 1933

How old was Anne when she began writing her diary?

Anne was 13

What was the original date that the Franks were supposed to go into hiding?

July 16, 1942

Why did Anne slap the diary closed when Mrs. Van Dann walked in?

Anne was writting a description of her

What were the rest hours on Monday through Saturday?

10:00pm to 7:30am

What does Anne think Morgot wants to be when she grows up?

a teacher

What does Anne call her diary?

She calls her diary Kitty

Who is Moortje?

Moortje is Anne's cat

In what city did the Franks take refuge in the Secret Annex?


What is the name of the group that is rounding up Jews and relocating them?

The S.S Gestapo

What is the date of the entry in which Anne gets extra fed up with the disscussions and quarrels concerning her?

September 28th

What was the first thing Anne packed as she prepared to go into hiding?

Her diary was the first thing she packed when she prepared to go into hiding

Who said this?

Winston Churchill

What did Anne and her father make so that the neighbors would not see them?


Who became the eighth person to live in the Annex?

Albert Dussel

Who does Anne think is trying to get through the cupboard on October 20, 1942?

She thinks the carpenter is trying to get through.

According to Anne who are the greatest freaks in the world?


What luxury do the members of the Annexe have to take turns doing in their own place?

They can all bathe quietly and in peace.

When is Anne Franks birthday?

June 12th

What does Anne find is the best spot for bathing?

In the W.C. office