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52 Cards in this Set

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name in latin mucosal fold running rostroventrally from nasal concha to vestibulum nasi
plica basalis (basal fold)
name in latin + english pathways for air flow in nasal cavity which communicate with the paranasal sinuses
middle nasal meatus (meatus nasalis medius)
1. name in latin + eng biggest paranasal sinus in Eq

2. name in latin opening between sinus & nasal cavity

1. maxillary sinus (sinus maxillaris)

2. (nasomaxillary aperture) apertura nasomaxillaris

name in latin main parts of pharynx
nasopharynx (sinus maxillaris rostralis & caudalis), (oropharynx) pars oralis pharyngis, pars laryngea pharyngis
name in latin + eng structure connecting dorsal and ventral portions of pharynx
ostium intrapharyngeum (intrapharyngeal opening)
ostium intrapharyngeum is formed by 2 mucosal folds, name them in latin + eng
arcus veli palatini (free border of soft palate) + arcus palatopharyngeus (palatopharyngeal arches)
name in latin paired openings situated on lateral walls of dorsal portion of pharynx
ostium pharyngeum tube auditive
1. name the tonsils visible during clinical examination of the dog

2. this tonsil is located within a specific structure: name it

1. tonsilla palatina (palatine tonsil)

2. tonsillar fold

1. In the dog, the pharyngoesophageal junction ismarked by a mucosal fold, name it in latin.

2. Write latin term which describes the entrance to the esophagus

1. limen pharyngo-esophageum (annular mucosal boundary)

2. auditus esophageus

The inlet to the laryngeal cavity is bound by two structures, name them in latin and english
epiglottis, plica aryepiglottica (aryepiglottic fold), cartilagines arytenoidea (arytenoid cartilages)
Name in latin or english process of the arythenoid cartilages and underline the one which is attached to the cartilago cricoidea
processus muscularis (muscular process: attachment), processus vocalis (vocal process), processus (corniculate process)
Name in latin and english nerves which play sensory and motor innervation of the larynx
sensory: n. laryngeus cranialis (recurrens) = cranial laryngeal nerve

motor: n. laryngeus caudalis = caudal laryngeal nerve

1. Name in english the triangular space betweenvocal folds.

2. It consists of two structures, name them in latin

1. glottic fold (plica glottidis)

2. pars intercartilaginea + pars intermembranacea

Name in english and latin the structures whichis formed on each side of the larynx by an out-pouching of the laryngeal mucosa
ventriculus laryngis (lateralis) = (lateral) laryngeal ventricle
Entrance to ventriculus laryngis isboarded by two mucosal folds, name them in english and latin
vocal fold (plica vocalis) + vestibular fold (plica vestibularis)
Pleura parietalis is divided into three mainparts, name them in english and latin
pleura mediastinalis, pleura diaphragmatica, pleura costalis = mediastinal, diaphragmatic, costal pleurae
Name in english and latin fluid filled cleft between visceral and parietal pleura
cavum pleurae = pleural cavity
Write english and latin name of the mainsurfaces of the lung
facies costalis (costal surface), facies diaphragmatica (diaphragmatic surface), facies medialis (medial surface) divided into pars vertebralis + mediastinalis
Name in latin the lobes of the right lung inruminants, which of them is ventilated by bronchus trachialis
lobus cranialis pulmone dextra (divided, ventilated by bronchus trachealis), lobus medius, lobus caudalis & lobus accessorius
Name in english and latin the lobes of the left lung in the dog
cranial lobe (lobus cranialis), pars cranialis + caudalis & caudal lobe (lobus caudalis)
What is the basic function or the respiratorysystem
gas exchange
Whatare the functions of the respiratory system
warming, filtering, moistening inspired air. olfactory, perception, phonation.
What is the respiratory passage (latin)
nasus externus, cavum nasi, pars nasalis pharyngis, larynx, trachea, bronchi
Name the sites of gas exchange? In Latin
bronchuli respiratorii, ductuli alveolares, sacculi alveolares, alveoli pulmonis
Name the parts of the external nose? In latin
radix nasi, dorsum nasi, apex nasi, nares (nostrils)
Give the forms of thenostril in carnivores and small ruminants, cattle, pigs, horses?
Car + small Ru: planum nasale, Ru: planum nasolabiale, Su: planum rostrale, Eq: almost unmodified skin (pili tactiles)
Give 2 parts you would find on the outside ofthe dogs nose?
nasal ala, nasal sulcus
Name all the bones the give the framework of thenose?
frontal, nasal, incisive, maxilla, vomer, palatine, ethmoid bones
1. Name the nasal cartilages

2. cartilage lacking in Eq

3. cartilage only in Eq

1. dorsal & ventral lateral nasal cartilages, lateral & medial accessory cartilages, alar cartilage (lamina + cornu)

2. ventral lateral nasal c.

3. alar c.

parts in the nasal cavity?
vestibulum nasi, cavum nasi proprium
In the nasal vestibule, which parts are boundedby the lateral and medial wings
nares (nostrils)
In the nasal vestibule, which is the mobilepart?
pars membranacea of septum nasi

(pars mobilis septi nasi)

Name 3 other structures in the nasal vestibule
skin-like mucosa, nasolacrimal opening, diverticulum nasi (Eq)
What are the endings of the nasal conchae
plica recta, plica alaris, plica basalis
whatis the blind sac in the horse extending from the dorsal angle of the nostril tothe caudal end of the incisura nasoincisiva?
diverticulum nasi = false nostril
Namethe 6 things making up the proper nasal cavity?
nares, nasal septum, olfactory region, respiratory region, dorsal & middle & ventral nasal conchae
2 parts of nasal septum
pars ossea (lamina perpendicularis of ethmoid bone), pars cartilaginea (pars membranacea)
What makes up the olfactory region
Caudodorsal part of the nasal cavity & ethmoid labyrinthis, Thick,soft, olive- yellow mucosa, Nervous epithelium with ganglion cells,Olfactoryfilaments, Olfactory glands,Vomeronasal organ
What makes up the region respiratoria
Greater part of the nasal cavity, Redish-pinky colour mucosa, Pseudostratifiedcolumnar ciliated epithelium (with goblet cells), Nasal glands, Lateral nasalglands (except in Eq), Numerous venous plexus (submucosa)
Name the four nasal meatus
meatus nasi dorsalis, ventralis, medius, communis
What are the paranasal sinuses of the dog
sinus frontalis, recessus maxillaris
What are the paranasal sinuses of the pig
frontal, maxillary, palatinus, sphenoidalis, lacrimalis, conchae dorsalis & ventralis
What are the paranasal sinuses of cattle
frontal, maxillary, palatinus, sphenoidalis, lacrimalis, conchae dorsalis & ventralis
What are the paranasal sinuses of the horse
frontal, maxillary, palatinus, sphenoidalis, conchae dorsalis & ventralis
1. Name the part that connects the pharynx and thetrachea

2. Name 3 things it does

3. Where is this situated

1. larynx

2. regulates volume of respiration, prevents aspiration of foreign bodies, chief organ of voice

3. cranial part of neck.

Name the cartilage framework of the larynx
cartilago cricoidea, arytenoidea, thyroidea, epiglottic cartilage
What is formed at the apex of the nose?
muzzle formed by rostral maxilla and mandible
Is the integument around the nose hairless?Yes/No
In the pig, what is the disk-like movable pointof the muzzle called? 2 names
rostrum / snout
How is the snout (pig) supported
os rostrale (covered by modified skin)
How is the nasal plate in the dog kept moist?
lateral nasal gland
where are the lateral nasal glands of the dog situated
recessus maxillaris (maxillary recess)