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30 Cards in this Set

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Which bones form the hard palate?
a. mandible and maxillae
b. palatine bones and mandible
c. palatine bones and maxillae
d. maxillae only
C- palatine bones and maxillae
The bony portion of the nasal septum is formed by the
a. perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and vomer
b. perpendicular plate of the ethmid bone only
c. nasal bones and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
d. vomer and sphenoid bones
A- perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and vomer
The mandible articulates with the ____ bone

a. occipital
b. frontal
c. temporal
d. parietal
C- temporal
Some muscles that control the tongue and larynx are attached to the

a. maxillae
b. cervical vertebrae
c. hyoid bone
d. malleus bone
C- hyoid bone
The frontal and parietal bones articulate at the ____ suture

a. coronal
b. sagittal
c. lambdoid
d. squamous
A- coronal
The compression of an infant's skull bones at birth is facilitated by spaces between unfused cranial bones called

a. ossification centers
b. fortanelles
c. foramina
d. fossae
B- fortanelles
All of the following are openings in the sphenoid except the

a. foramen rotundum
b. hypoglossal canal
c. foramen spinosum
d. optic canal
B- hypoglossal canal
Each temporal bone articulates with the

a. frontal, temporal, occipital, and prietal bones only
b. frontal, zygomatic, occipital, parietal and sphenoid bones
c. occipital, zygomatic, sphenoid, and parietal bones, and the mandible
d. frontal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, and parietal bones
C- occipital, zygomatic, sphenoid, and parietal bones, and the mandible
Most ___ vertebrae have a long spinous process that is angled inferiorly

a. cervical
b. thoracic
c. lumbar
d. sacral
B- thoracic
The clavicles articulate with the ____ of the sternum

a. manubrium
b. xiphoid process
c. body
d. angle
A- manubrium
true ribs
articulate anteriorly with the sternum
false ribs
do not articulate directly with the sternum
floating ribs
11 and 12
do not articulate with any bony structure anteriorly
located just inferior to the mandible.

only bone that does not articulate with another bone
hyoid bone
bones that make up the cranium and have direct contact with the brain
cranial bones
immovable joints between skull bones

1. coronal
2. lambdoid
3. sagittal
4. squamous
comprised of 3 bones
1. manubrium
2. body
3. xiphoid process
cervical vertebrae
7 (C1 - C7)

C1 - atlas
C2 - axis - axis of rotation
Lumbar Vertebrae
5 (L1 - L5)
shared by the two parietal bones and runs along the mid-sagittal plane from the frontal bone to the occipital bone
sagittal suture
between parietal and occipital bones
(inverted V-shape like the Greek letter lambda)
Lambdoid suture
thoracic vertebrae
12 (T1 - T12)
bones of the skull
1. cranial bones

2. facial bones
Vertebral column
26 vertebrae total

1 ( a fusion of 5 vertebrae)
the bones that do not make direct contact with the brain (14 bones)
facial bones
suture between the temporal and parietal bones
squamous suture
suture between the frontal and parietal bones
coronal suture
number of bones in the adult skeleton
1 (a fusion of 4 vertebrae)