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133 Cards in this Set

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Federalist Views
strong national gov, urban, pro-british
Jeffersonian Republican Views
strong state gov, rural, pro-french
Election of 1796
first REAL election, JOhn Adams
John Adams
second president, federalist
XYZ Affair
diplomatic mission, 3 diplomats try to make US diplomats pay to talk
Quasi War
undeclared war fought by privateers (mercenaries or pirates)
Alien Acts
lengthens naturalization, president can jail/banish dangerous aliens
Sedition Act
false criticism of the government may be punished with fines and jail
Virginian and Kentucky Resolutions
alien and sedition acts unconstitutional (caused Doctrine of Nullification to be created)
Doctrine of Nullification
states can nullify any law passed by federal government
Election of 1800
tie between jefferson and burr, 37 tries, Hamilton tells everyone vote for Jeff
Aaron Burr/Hamilton
had a duel, Burr shot Hamiltion, Hamilton shot into the air
The 12th amendment
votes for 2 offices of president and vice president are separate votes
Thomas Jefferson
gets rid of Whiskey tax, decreases debt
Republican Simplicity
wants government to be more simplistic
Albert Gallatin
secretary of treasury, asked by Jeff to abolish bank and he says no
Gradual Emancipation
if born in Pennsylvania on or after March 1,1780, free when 28 yrs old
Transatlantic Slave trade ceased wheN?
January 1, 1808
Gabriel's Rebellion
slave planned huge rebellion and night before was thunderstorm which they took as warning from God
Marbury vs. Madison
Marbury's job taken away so takes executive branch to court for taking away jobs
Judiciary Act of 1789
judicial review
Judiciary Act of 1801
repealed act of 1800
Chief Justice John Marshall
created Judiciary act of 1789, strong Federalist
Louisiana Purchase
US paid 15 million to Napoleon for Louisiana
Corps of Discovery
Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark
went on expedition to East Coast and back
led Lewis and Clark expedition, saved them by meeting up with brother
Berlin Decree
France will put blockade on British ships in french region
continental system
giant boycott of British Goods
Orders in Council
-ships headed to Europe must first pass through England
The Chesapeake Affair
USS Chesapeake was attacked by British Ship
Embargo Act of 1807
no trade with the world
Nonintercourse Act of 1809
we will do business with everyone but France and England
Nathaniel Macon's bill #2
will do business with other countries if they use US ship and crew; us will reopen trade with whoever dropped laws first (FRANCE)
Treaty of Greenville
Ohio region for 20000$
Treaty of Vincennes
received southern part of Indiana
Treaty of Ft. Wayne
receive North Indiana
tried to gather tribes against Americans because of the treaties that took their lands
"prophet" younger brother, alcoholic
William Henry Harrison
American general, lead Battle of Tippicanoe Creek
want Canada
Henry Clay
big western leader from Kentucky
John C. Calhoun
southern War Hawk from South Carolina, brought in southern contingency for war
War of 1812
start off by taking Canada (fail)
USS Constition
last ship left in Navy
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
big success in south, andrew jackson and Tennessee volunteers
Hartford Convention
Federalists get together to oppose war
Doctrine of State's Rights
states have right to declare or oppose congressional actions
Treaty of Ghent
just ended war,everyone kept what they'd had
Battle of New Orleans
Big win for Americans after Treaty
Merchant-Capitalists & Craftsmen
collect shoe parts and shoes from houses
Samuel Slater
invented spinning jenny to spin wool faster
Lowell Mills
bought land NW of Boston and put factories on it
German Immigrants
craftsmen, part of middle class, migrate to midwest
Francis Cabot Lowell
created power loom which takes thread and makes it into cloth
Irish Immigrants
farmers, working class, stay in NE
Gender Spheres:
-job, pub, politics, fraternity
-home, kids, servants
Elizabeth Blackwell
first american female physician
Feme Covert
everything woman owned before marriage, became husbands when married
Utopian Communities
rejected ideas of individual property ownership
Oneida Community
rejected competition and individual property ownership, everyone was married to everyone
Democratic Republicans
only political party left after Federalists died out
Election of 1820
monroe won, asked adams to run against him so washington would still be only president to ever win unanimously
The Missouri Compromise
Missouri slave state, Maine free state, creates border to prohibit/allow slavery
Eli Whitney
produced cotton gin to separate cotton from seeds
Monroe Doctrine
no more coloniZATIOn, if Europeans colonize it will be a challenge to US, pledged non-interference
Election of 1824
Jackson won first but not majority so brought to house and Clay(speaker of the house) gets them to choose john quincy adams
Corrupt Bargain
everyone mad at JC Adams and Clay for obviously making a deal
reward followers with positions in office
The American Plan
infrastructure: build canals, roads, etc.
Tariff of 1828
50% tariff on imports( Tariff of Abomination)
Election of 1828
Andrew Jackson wins, says JC Adams is an elitest
British Party, new party (National Republicans)
short for Democratic Republicans
Andrew Jackson
POW during revolutionary, lived in South Carolina then Tennessee with wife who was married when he first married her
Kitchen Cabinet
few select people of Jackson's Cabinet whom he trusted
Indian Removal Act of 1830
Jackson's most prized act, all Indians E of Miss. Moved W of Miss
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
Cherokee declare themselves independent
Worcester v. Georgia
Supreme Court sides with Cherokee again
Trail of tears
16000 Cherokee move to Oklahoma, 5000 people die
NE,W, and S don't agree on anything
Tariff of 1832
lowers tariff from 50% to 49%
Exposition and Protest
written by Calhoun, South's protest to Tariff of 1832
South Carolina Convention
lead by Calhoun where he wrote Exposition and Protest
3rd Doctrine of Nullification
South Carolina nullifies tariff
Comprimise Tariff of 1833
over next 30 yrs will gradually lower the tariff until 1842 where it will be 20%
2nd Bank of US
Jackson wants to get rid of it, (loves Jefferson and Jefferson wanted to get rid of bank as well)
Nicholas Biddle
President of 2nd Bank, gives Clay idea to push Jackson to recharter earlier
Election of 1832
Jackson wins by landslide against Henry Clay
Roger Taney
one man hired by Jackson as secretary of treasury who gets rid of Bank
Martin Van Buren
because economy was so bad, Depression of 1837-1843, uses entire presidency to try to fix depression
PANIC of 1837
Bank closed so everyone freaks out to get money
William Henry Harrison
wins election of 1840, gives inaugural speech in the cold rain, dies a month later of pneumonia
John Tyler
Harrison's VP, became president when he died, no one likes him so he wants to annex them
Manifest Destiny
destiny of US to spread from one coast to the next coast)
Republic of Texas
When Texas declared independence from Mexico after fighting for it
The Alamo
189 Texan and American fighters hole up in mission and Santa Ana brings 3000 Mexican troops, try 3 times to infiltrate, 6 of 189 survive
Battle of San Jacinto
General Sam Houston plays tag with Santa Anna, Santa Anna catches him and surrounds him. Santa Anna takes a siesta w/Emily,Houston sends troops to capture him and forces him to sign the document that allowed texas to be own republic.
General Sam Houston
responsible for the victory at San Jacinto which gave Texas their own republic
Santa Anna
dictator-like president who caused Texans to want to leave
James K Polk
spreads to Oregon, Texas, and California
Oregon Treaty
says that there will be a border in between US and Canada will be at the 49th parallel
General Zachary Taylor
leads american troops against MExicans. taunt them to start war so they can call it defensive
Battles of Monterrey and Buena Vista
Sept 1846 Monterrey, Mexico 3000 troops against 6000 Mexican troops. WIN
Feb 1847 Buena Vista, 3000 against10000 WIN b/c has a lot more weapons and experience
Colonel Stephen Kearny
Takes Santa Fe Trail and takes them with no opposition because they have been dealing with a dictator
John C. Fremont
goes to fort Sinoma with 100 troops, establishes the “Bear Flag Revolt” now that US in charge of California, officially taken overproduction
General Winfield Scott
Travels from Veracruz to Mexico City where they lay seige and are forced to sign treaty
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Feb 1848, buy Texas from Mexico for 15$ mil
Yeoman Farmers
farming whatever it takes to survive, may have a small cash crop, dirt poor, just getting by
Nat Turner
had a very lenient owner who encouraged him to read,him and 70 other slaves go on killing spree 57 whites then are found and hanged
David Wilmot
proposed Any territory gained from the Mexican War will be free states because of racism
Lewis Cass
proposes Popular Sovereignty- concept that who ever lives there gets to choose
Zachary Taylor
wins takes office in March 1849 and dies July 1850
Millard Fillmore
VP for Taylor, takes over when he dies, willing to sign a compromise
Omnibus Bill
has 90 different attachments, so there is no way to get it passed FAIL
Stephen Douglas
from Illinois creates Compromise of 1850
Compromise of 1850
California is going to enter a s a free state,Regions of New Mexico and Utah are going to become territories decided by popular sovereignty, Texas has to give up New Mexico and in return the US with assume Texas's debts,Congress is going to pass strict fugitive slave law as well as abolishing slave trade in Washington DC
Martin Van Buren
-took over presidency during the depresssion caused by Jackson closing the Bank
185o Fugitive Slave law:
no statute of limitations, fugitive not allowed to speak on their own behalf
all citizens had to assist in the apprehension of that slave and if not could be fined 1000$
Election of 1852
Pierce ran on the platform that he was “Young Hickory” like Jackson, said he will always side with the South, WINS
American Party
"no nothings" started off as two frats that combined, and were a secret society
Republican Party
Become big because of Kansas,Preston Brooks, and the Dred Scott thingy
Election of 1856
James Buchanan wins because he was the diplomat in England during the whole Kansas mess
Kansas-Nebraska Act
territories of Kansas and Nebraska will become new territories under the use of popular sovereignty, one would be free one would be slave but would create a slave state north of Missouri border
Charles Sumner
makes a big speech in the senate saying Butler is a PIMP and his hoe is slavery so Brooks, Butlers nephew, goes and beats him up
Preston Brooks
Butler's nephew who beats up Charles Sumner and wins the hearts of the South Carolinans
Dred Scott Decision
Slave's home state determines his status, No black person, free or slave, may be a citizen, people who aren't citizens cannot sue, Congress cannot prohibit slavery in any territory which throws out popular sovereignty
Abraham Lincoln
tall lawyer who wants to run for senator of Illinois after the Kansas shit goes down
Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln WINS only winning Northern States vote for him, isn't even on ballot in most southern states
John C. Brekinridge
Runs during Election of 1860 as a southern democrat against Lincoln
Confederate States of America
THe southern states that seceded from the United States over the issue of slavery
Jefferson Davis
President of the COnfederate States of AMerica
Fort Sumter
Fort built in the middle of Charleston to protect them from the British, but north thought it was an act of war, first battle of Civil War was here