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13 Cards in this Set

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Truman as President
What he did in suceding Roosvevelt; His Civil Rights Stand; What He Did Military
Fair deal enhance the new deal; supported civil rights; desegregated the military
U. S. Post war years
Tension, diversity, and unsettling social changes
Tone of 50's religious revival
Christian beliefs became popular as preachers moved away from fire and brimestone message--embracing upbeat and soothing--ignoring social concerns and political unrest.
Eisenhower's "domestic conservatism"
conservative w/money and liberal to humans--help them w/o spending money
Southern Manifesto
pledged the signers to exert "all lawful means" toward reversing the Supreme Court's desegregation decision, and it appealed to Southerners "to scrupulously refrain from disorder and lawless acts."
What Gulf of Tonkin Resoulution allowed
allowed Johnson the use of conventional military force in Southeast Asia
America Goals in Vietnam
To keep South Vietnam from being overtaken by Communist North Vietnam
Accomplishments of woman's movement in1970's
1) Vietnamization
(2) The "Politics of Polarization"
(3) The "Madman" scenario
(4) Triangular Diplomacy
Finally, Nixon pursued a "geopolitical" approach to the war -- an easing of Cold War tensions and expanding trade relations.
The first application of the Truman Doctrine
Greece and Turkey Bill that contained the insuregence of communism
Marshall Plan
a call for massive aid to rescue western Europe from disaster and possible Communist subversion
U S Recognition of Isreal 1948
President Truman order immediate recognitionof the new nation; being the first nation to do so
Why Truman fired MacArthur
MacArthur underminded the President's authority in Korea
Reults of the Baby Boom
Population grew by 40,millionn (30%); home owners increased by50%; then post war construction