Harry S. Truman's Forceful Campaign

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Harry S. Truman was the 33rd president of the United States of America. Truman assumed the position of president after the untimely death of Franklin D. Roosevelt in April of 1945. Truman was the only president to have no form of higher education. Truman started his career in politics later in life when he was elected Jackson county court judge in 1922 succeeding his seat on the bench came with a swift upgrade to the Position of Missouri state Senator in 1934. During his practically eight years in office as president, Harry S. Truman faced gigantic encounters in both domestic and foreign matters. Harry S. Truman's strategies overseas, and particularly concerning the Soviet Union in the developing Cold War, became fixes of America’s foreign policies for years. In the United States, Truman secured and …show more content…
In summer of 1948, Truman faced a Republican governor Thomas Dewey. Not many people expected Harry S. Truman to win, but the Harry S. Truman conducted a forceful campaign that criticized Republicans in Congress as much as it attacked Thomas Dewey, New York's Republican governor. In November 1948, Harry S. Truman defeated Thomas Dewey. Truman beheld his reelection as a directive for a liberal plan, which he gave beneath the term "The Fair Deal." The President underestimated the American people and fundamentalists in both parties prohibited most of his plan. However, he did obtain passage of some liberal laws that raised the minimum wage and expanded Social Security. The American economy began an era of growth in the 1950s that continued for almost twenty years. During the later part Harry S. Truman’s second term his popularity sank, due to the large amounts of corruption accusations, and because people were saying that the president favored communism. This rumor led to the unsurprising announcement that Harry S. Truman would not be running for president again in the next

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