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28 Cards in this Set

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This case gave the supreme court the power to decide if a law was unconstitutional

Marbury v Madison

The power to execute (enforce) criminal and civil law is

a power reserved for states

Why was the Bill of rights added to the constitution?

to limit the power of government and protect individual rights

The president appoints judges and the senate approves the appointment is an example of

Shared powers

Define enumerated powers.

powers that are listed in the constitution

Give an example of a Supreme Court case decision that supported the necessary and proper clause

McCulloch v. Maryland

Which supreme court case supported " separate by equal facilities" for blacks and whites

Plessy v. Ferguson

True or False the Federal Government is in charge of operating public schools


Federal Law says Marijuana is illegal but Colorado has a state law that says marijuana is legal. Which law over-rules the other?


What kind of jurisdiction does the Supreme Court have

Original and appellate

Define unalienable rights

rights that can not be taken away

John Locke said the that the function of government should be?

to protect individual rights and limit government

Define Judicial review

The supreme court's power to declare a law unconstitutional

define presidential primary

elections designed to choose a political party"s candidate.

What are the qualifications for President?

1. 35 yrs old

2. natural born citizen

3. a U.S. resident for 14 yrs.

When Congress passes a bill and sends it to the president, what are his/her options?

sign or veto the bill

All tax bills must start in which chamber of Congress.

House of Representatives

If a president is impeached where is the trial conducted?

in the Senate

Define the 14th amendment

gave all citizens due process and equal protection under the law

What court case applied the 14th amendment equal protection clause to the states?

Brown v. Board of education

Which chamber has the power to impeach?

House of Representatives

When the president appoints a judge which chambers has the power to approve?


True or False: the president has the power to declare war.

False Congress has the power

Define representative democracy?

People get to elect their leaders

How is an amendment proposed?

2/3 of both house must vote for it

What are your responsibilities as a U.S. citizen?

1.jury duty

2.obey laws

3. pay taxes

Your fifth amendment rights are:

1. No prosecution unless a jury indictment

2.can only be tried once for a crime

3. can't be forced to testify against yourself

Which amendment protects you from unlawful search and seizure

4th amendment