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149 Cards in this Set

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Concerning the church, what happened after Stephen’s death?
The church was persecuted and they all scattered.
Describe the effect of Stephen's death.
People were mourning Stephen’s death and all the apostles scattered.
In spite of danger what characterized the life of the disciples?
They preached the word wherever they went
In chapter 8 which specific disciple is cited as an example and what did he do?
Philip because he did many miracles.
What things preached by Philip led to conversions in Samaria?
Things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ
What three things does Luke mention about the conversion of Simon?
Believed, was baptized, in awe of wanders he saw
What was wrong when Simon asked to buy the gift of God?
He thought he could buy the gift of God with money
What did Peter teach that sinning baptized believer should do to correct his life?
Repent and pray
What directions were given to Philip by the angel of the Lord?
Go south to the desert road
What was the question Philip asked the man he had been sent to meet? (when the angel told him to go south on the desert road)
Do you understand what you are reading?
What was the message being read by the Ethiopian (to Philip on the road)?
Jesus’ death on the cross
What confused the man about Isaiah’s statements? (the Ethiopian man)
Who the prophet was talking about.
What did Philip teach the Ethiopian?
The good news about Jesus
What question did the Ethiopian ask Philip whenever after Philip had told him the good news about Jesus?
Why shouldn't i be baptized.
When this man (Ethiopian) was baptized, who went into the water?
The man was baptized while they were traveling. They pulled off the path by the water and he was baptized. Both Phillip and the eunuch
What happened in the water? (When the Ethiopian was baptized)
Philip baptized him
Why did Saul ask for letters from the High Priest?
So he might arrest and bring to Jerusalem those of “the Way”
Where was Saul when suddenly surrounded by a light from heaven?
Near Damascus
What question did the voice ask Saul? (When the light came down from heaven on the road to Damascus)
Why are you persecuting me?
With whom was the voice identified? (The voice from heaven near Damascus)
How was Saul to discover what the Lord would require him to do? (After he heard from Jesus on the road to Damascus)
If he rose and went into the city then he would be told what to do.
After three days whom did the Lord send to Saul?
What did Ananias know about Saul’s reputation?
He had heard all the evil things Saul had done to God’s saints in Jerusalem and that he has authority by the chief priests to bind all the Christians.
What immediately followed Ananias’ message about Jesus and healing of Saul?
Saul was no longer blinded and he rose and was baptized.
What was Saul’s new message about Jesus? (after he was no longer blind)
That he was the Son of God
Why were the people who heard Saul after he had regained his eye sight amazed?
He was the same man who persecuted Christians, but he was very different
With what plan did the Jews propose to meet Saul’s arguments for the messiahship of Jesus?
They plotted to kill Saul. They watched the gates day and night
How did the disciples foil the Jewish plan to kill Saul?
By taking Saul by night to an opening in the wall and lowering him down
What was the disciples’ reaction when Saul came to Jerusalem and presented himself as a disciple?
Fear and disbelief
Who stood up for Saul and explained about his conversion when Saul arrived in Jerusalem?
Describe Saul’s subsequent relation to the church.
Constantly with the brethren teaching
Whom did Peter heal in Lydda?
Which disciple at Joppa is described as being full of good works?
What specific things did the disciples show to Peter concerning Tabitha's good works?
coats and garments
Describe Peter’s actions when he raised Tabitha from the dead.
He kneeled, prayed, turned to her, and said, “Tabitha, get up.”
What effect did the resurrection of Tabitha have on Joppa?
Many believed in the Lord
With who did Peter stay for “many days” in Joppa?
Simon a tanner
Describe Cornelius of Caesarea?
Cornelius was a Roman centurion religiously devout.
For whom was Cornelius told to send?
Simon Peter
What happened to Peter in Joppa at lunchtime?
He went into the roof to pray and fell into a trance.
What did Peter see being let down to earth?
A great sheet
What did the sheet Peter saw coming down from the sky contain?
All manner of animals, reptiles, and birds
What did the voice tell Peter to do? (the one that spoke from heaven when the sheet came down)
Kill and eat
Why did Peter object to the voice when it told him to eat the things in the sheet?
He did not eat unclean things
With what explanation did the voice rule out Peter’s objection?
Do not call anything impure that God ahs made clean
While Peter contemplated the vision he had received, who arrived at Simon the tanner’s house?
The men sent by Cornelius
What did the Spirit tell Peter about the men who arrived at Simon the tanner's house?
They were looking for him and he was to go with them not hesitating
What was Cornelius’ reaction when Peter arrived?
Cornelius fell down to worship peter
What lesson did Peter say that God had taught him (to Cornelius)
That he should call no man unclean
How did Cornelius’ explain his request for Peter’s presence?
A man in shining clothes told him God had heard his prayer and that he was sed for Peter
The crowd gathered at Cornelius’ house wanted what message from Peter?
The things commanded by God
How did Peter introduce his message to the crowd gathered at Cornelius' house?
By saying that God shows no partiality.
To what did Peter attribute Jesus’ power? (when speaking to the crowd at Cornelius' house)
God was with him
Summarize Peter’s message about Jesus
Jesus was anointed of God unto good works and signs of which Peter presented himself and others as witness. The Jews crucified Jesus and God then raised him up of which peter and others were also witnesses preaching forgiveness of sins
Whom did Peter say God had designed as judge of the dead and the living?
What happened to Peter's audience (at Cornelius' house)
The Holy Spirit fell on them
What visible sign was given that the Holy Spirit fell on Peter's audience at Cornelius' house, and what did Peter see as necessary for his hearers?
They spoke in tongues. Baptism in water
What did the Judean brethren hear about the Gentiles?
They had received the Word of God
Why were some people upset with Peter when he went to Cornelius' house?
He went in to the uncircumcised and ate with them.
Describe Peter's reaction to the people who were upset with him (when he went to Cornelius' house)
He explained everything to them
Summarize Peter’s account of his vision.

Note Card 1
He was praying and then he went into a trance. He saw something like a sheet descending by its four corners. It held animals and beasts of prey and reptiles and birds of the air
Summarize Peter's account of his vision

Note Card 2
A voice said for him to kill and eat. But Peter said no because he had never eaten anything unclean before. Then it says not to call what God has made clean common.
Summarize Peter's account of his vision.

Note Card 3
It happened three times and everything went up into heaven again. Then three men came to the house he was staying at.
What specific instruction did the Spirit give Peter? (after the vision of the animals)
To go with the men
For whom was Cornelius to send according to the angel’s instruction?
Simon Peter
What was Cornelius told that Peter would tell him
Words whereby thou shalt be saved
To what was the gift given to Cornelius’ household compared?
Like the gift of the Holy Ghost on the Apostles in the beginning
To what conclusion did Peter's explanation lead? ( his explanation of his vision)
God hath granted the Gentiles repentance unto life
Describe the audience of those who preached after being scattered by persecution.
Jews in Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch
At what place did those who had been scattered by persecution begin preaching to Greeks, or Gentiles, as well?
Describe the effect on this new audience. (The new audience of those who had been scattered by persecution)
A great number believed and turned to the Lord
Where and why did the church send Barnabas?
How did Barnabas feel about the events in Antioch?
What did Barnabas do for these new brethren in Antioch?
Exhorted to cleave to the Lord
Where did Barnabas go?
Why did Barnabas make this trip?
To seek Saul
By what name were the disciples known in Antioch?
Christians (first place they have been mentioned in the Bible)
Of what did Agabus prophesy?
When the disciples decided to send relief to Judea, how did they determine the amount to be sent?
Each according to ability
Who renewed the persecution of the church?
Name one specific person killed in this effort? (the effort Herod)
What was the reaction of the Jews to this action (the action of Herod)
Who else was seized? (by Herod)
What security measures were instituted to hold Peter in prison?
Prison; “four squads” of soldiers, chains, doorkeepers, and sleeping between two soldiers
What action did the church take on Peter's behalf?
Prayed ernestly
Who came to Peter’s cell to free him?
Angel of the Lord
Did Peter believe he was actually freed from prison?
When did Peter realize he was really free from prison?
When they’d passed the guards and the gate opened by itself
Where did Peter go as soon as he was freed?
To the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where many were gathered
Who answered the door when Peter arrived at the ouse of Mary?
When she recognized Peter’s voice at the door, what did Rhoda do?
She was so happy she forgot to open the gate; she ran to tell the others
Did the other apostles believe Rhoda that Peter was out of prison?
No they thought she was crazy
How did the apostles react upon finding that it really was Peter?
With astonishment
How did Peter explain his presence at Mary's house?
The Lord brought him out of prison
When Herod found that Peter was gone, what punishment did he order for the guards?
With what title did the people of Tyre and Sidon acclaim Herod after a certain speech?
How and why was Herod punished by an angel of the Lord?
1) He was eaten by worms and died. 2) He gave not the glory to God
In spite of Herod’s renewed effort against the church, how does Luke describe its status?
Increased and spread (“grew and multiplied”)
Who returned to Jerusalem as companion to Barnabas and Saul?
John Mark
While the blinded Saul prayed, of what had he seen in a vision?
He saw a vision of Ananias coming to him and laying his hands on him which would restore his vision.
What is Acts 8 an example of?
of a church that was doing a lot right and yet it ended up just the apostles
What can we learn from Acts 8?
Do not be discouraged if the church is not what it used to be. Sometimes things just happen. Its not that you are a failure.
What verse is missing in Acts 8?
Why does Acts 8 skip verse 37?
because it was probably not written in the old manuscripts and was a writers note and it accidentally got put in as an actual part of the text.
Who was Saul a student of?
From what book was the eunuch that Philip meets?
Where was the eunuch going when Philip meets him?
Was the eunuch Ethiopian?
He was at least living in Ethiopia. He could have been a Jew who moved to Ethiopia for a job.
were typically guards over Harem or tribal leaders with all his wives. That way they could not be a threat to the leader’s blood line.
What was the Ethiopian eunuchs job?
He was official treasurer of the queens court.
Baptism in acts 8:36-39
- must have been a part of the message of Jesus that Philip told the eunuch.
- can take place in the desert
- takes place after one goes down “into” and before one “comes up out of” the water.
Acta 8:37
- Many of the earliest manuscripts omit these words, but the practice of such confessions was undoubtedly the practice of the early church
Acts 8:37 cont.
- No one seems to deny the truth taught in Acts 8:37 but it maybe an early marginal note that got in corporate into the text by copyists
Acts 8:39-40
Philip is caught away
Philip being caught away
• Nothing mysterious (like “Beam me up scotty) is required by the text the holy spirit apparently wanted Philip to go somewhere else like the angelic interpretation that guided him in 8:26
What happens in Acts 10:11-16
Peter's vision of unclean food.
What is significant in Acts 11:16-17
We recognize speaking in tongues is described as being baptized in the Holy Spirit
How many times is the word Christian used in the NT?
Where in the NT is the word Christian used?
Acts 11:26
Acts 26:28
I Peter 4:16
what does pacha mean?
Where is the only place the word Easter is mentioned in the NT?
Acts 12:4 KJV
an early spring holiday familiar in fifteenth and early sixteenth century
Who set up a method for determining the date of Easter?
Nicene Council
When is Easter?
Sunday after first full moon between March 22 and April 25
What word is used for Easter in all other versions of the Bible other than KJV?
Why would Easter have been used in KJV rather than Passover?
o They figured most of the people in England would understand Easter and that’s why when the translators came to the spring holiday they put Easter instead of the Passover.
In Acts 3 how old was the lame man?
All his life
What course of action was decided upon in the Jewish council in acts 4
to threaten Peter
Who was the man the apostles called the son of encouragement
• Joseph of Cyprus
According to what text did Jesus say that some of those listening to him would see the kingdom come with power before they died?
• Mark 9:1
When Josephus was describing one of the beautiful gates of the temple, the one likely identified with the Beautiful Gate of Acts 3, he said was made of what?
• Gold, Silver, and Brass
According to our look at Josephus, how tall were the columns of the Temple porch structures the cedar covered structures around the Temple courtyards mention when we were talking about acts 3?
25 cubits
What concessions o the power of Jesus does the Acts 4 group of Jewish enemies of Christianity make?
Undeniably, a notable miracle has been done
According to the text of Acts 4, how old was the lame man who was healed in Acts 3?
Over forty years old
In Acts 2 what two things did Peter command his audience to do to be forgiven of sins?
Repent and be baptized
The term Pentecost refers to what?
Fiftieth day after Pentecost
What chapter in acts were Ananias and Sapphira in?
Acts 5
What chapter:
The ascension of Jesus
Acts 1
What Chapter:
Peter's Pentecost Sermon
Acts 2
What Chapter:
Stephen's Death
Acts 7
What Chapter:
Caring for Neglected Widows
Acts 6
What Chapter:
Obeying God rather than men
Acts 5
What Chapter:
First arrest of Peter and John
Acts 4
What Chapter:
Peter's Sermon at the Beautiful Gate
Acts 3
What Chapter:
Appointing Matthias
Acts 1
First time the word elders was used in the NT
Acts 11:30
Context of "old and new" parables
each one of these are short and can be stated in a couple of verses. They are told for particular audience or reason.
What is the basics of the parable of the Bridegroom
John's disciples fast, Pharisees fast, but Jesus' disciples do not fast.
Parable in Matthew 9:14
The Bridegroom