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10 Cards in this Set

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(1) Fever
(2) UTIs
(3) Swollen & painful throat
B.224 C.247 Dr.21
bái wéi 白薇

(1) Clears heat & cools blood [Fever* d/t yin defic, fever d/t heat entering nutri or blood levels, post-febrile fever d/t damage of blood or yin, postpartum fever, persistent summertime fever in children]
(2) Cools blood & promotes urination [UTIs*, hot painful bloody urinary dribbling esp before & after giving birth; Gently promotes urination ]
(3) Resolves toxicity & treats sores [Swollen & painful throat*, toxic sores, not powerful]
(N) Deficiency fevers is its specialty

No noted CTX

bái(white) wéi(cynanchi)
Cynanchi atrati radix
swallowwort root
bitter, salty, cold
ClHt-Blood, ClHt-Defic
(1) Traumatic injury swelling & pain
(2) Fever w/ maculae
(+) Animal bites
(+) Arthritis
B.622 C.162 Dr.107
chì sháo 赤芍
(sháo yào)
(1) Invigorates blood & dispels blood stasis [Traumatic injury swelling & pain*, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abdom pain, fixed abdom masses, abscesses & boils early stages; Promotes circulation through tissues, dissolves clots, clears dead RBCs]
(2) Clears heat & cools blood [Fever w/ maculae*, purple tongue, various bleeding, female bleeding, bleeding under skin, d/t heat entering blood level causing chaotic movement of blood; Heat in LV ]
(+) Bites [Animal bites*, insect bites]
(+) Moderate anti-inflammatory [Arthritis*, gout, arthralgia, antibiotic, antifungal, antispasmodic, lowers body temp & blood pressure through vasodilatation, relaxes smooth muscle, thins blood, anti-clotting effect; Anti-inflam, one of 2 - 3 herbs to do this]

Caution: Cold from defic, pregnancy

chì(red) sháo(Paeoniae)
Paeoniae Radix rubra
red peony root
sour, bitter, sl cold
(1) Night sweats
(2) Cough or wheezing
B.222 C.248 Dr.21
dì gǔ pí 地骨皮

(1) Cools blood & reduces steaming [Night sweats*, steaming bone dz w/ sweats, chronic low-grade fever, irritability, thirst; Menopause, Qi/Yin deficient sweating, sweating due to deficiency, consumptive disorders like HIV & TB ]
(2) Clears & drains LU heat [Cough or wheezing]
(N) Antipyretic - lowers fever, lowers blood pressure

CTX: Loose stools d/t SP defic

dì(earth) gǔ(bone) pí(bark, skin)
Lycii Cortex
cortex of wolfberry (gou qi) root
sweet, bland, cold
ClHt-Blood, ClHt-Defic
(1) Subcutaneous bleeding
(2) Steaming bone disorder
(3) Abdominal masses
(4) HA
(5) Acne
B.126 C.160 Dr.18
mǔ dān pí 牡丹皮

(1) Clears heat & cools blood [Subcutaneous bleeding*, nosebleed, blood in sputum or vomit, freq & profuse bleeding, d/t warm-heat pathogen intering blood level]
(2) Clears deficiency fire [Steaming bone disorder*, fever at night w/ cool in morning, yin defic fever]
(3) Invigorates blood & dispels blood stasis [Abdominal masses*, amenorrhea, lumps, bruises d/t traumatic injury, fibroids, ovarian cysts]
(4) Clears ascending LV fire [HA*, eye pain, flank pain, flushing, dysmenorrhea, HBP]
(5) Drains pus & reduces swelling [Acne*, sores, boils, carbuncles]

CTX: Pregnancy, exc menstrual bleeding when not d/t blood stasis heat, cold in blood

mǔ(male, of a plant or animal) dān(red) pí(bark, skin)
Moutan Cortex
tree peony root bark
spicy, bitter, sl cold
(1) Hemorrhage
(2) Dry mouth
(N) Five center heat
B.120 C.155 Dr.18
shēng dì huáng 生地黃

(1) Clears heat & cools blood [Hemorrhage*, high fever, thirst, scarlet tongue, heat entering blood level or nutri level; Quenches thirst & helps stop bleeding]
(2) Nourishes yin & generates fluids [Dry mouth*, continuous low-grade fever, constipation, throat pain, wasting & thirsting, yin def = its primary use; Very good for LV ]
(N) Heat in HT & blood [Five center heat*, insomnia, restlessness, irritability, malar flush; Very good for Deficient Heat, can also nourish Blood]
(N) Protects LV [*Protects Liver tissue, protects liver’s glycogen stores, shrinks enlarged liver, chronic hepatitis, balances serum glucose levels, diabetes, blood defic creating LV imbalance; cools & moistens Liver/Blood/Skin ]

CTX: SP defic causing dampness, loose stools, abdom fullness

shēng(unprepared, raw) dì(earth) huang(yellow)
Rehmanniae Radix
Chinese Foxglove root
sweet, bitter, cold
(1) Purpura purple spots rash w/ very high fever
(2) Tremors w/ high fever
B.118 C.154
shuǐ niú jiǎo 水牛角

(1) Clears heat, relieves fire toxicity, & cools blood [Purpura purple spots rash w/ very high fever*, nose-bleed, vomiting blood, d/t extreme heat affecting nutri or blood levels ie "hot blood"]
(2) Clears heat & arrests tremors [Tremors w/ high fever*, convulsions, delirium, loss of consciousness, or manic behavior, d/t extreme heat affecting nutri or blood levels]

CTX: Pregnancy, use only in real excess case; Caution: SP ST defic.

shuǐ(water) niú(buffalo, ox) jiǎo(horn)
Bubali Cornu
water buffalo horn
salty, cold
ClHt-Blood, Not in Clinic
(1) Purpura purple spots rash w/ very high fever
(2) Tremors w/ high fever
B.120 C.153
xī jiǎo 犀角

(1) Clears heat, relieves fire toxicity, & cools blood [Purpura purple spots rash w/ very high fever*, nose-bleed, vomiting blood, d/t extreme heat affecting nutri or blood levels ie "hot blood"]
(2) Clears heat & arrests tremors [Tremors w/ high fever*, convulsions, delirium, loss of consciousness, or manic behavior, d/t extreme heat affecting nutri or blood levels]
(N) Saved many lives [*1-2 grams directly as a powder, strongly lowers body temp, raises white blood count, anti-biotic, tranquilizer, subst w/ shuǐ niú jiǎo]

CTX: Pregnancy, use only in real excess case; Caution: SP ST defic.

xī(rhinoceros) jiǎo(horn)
Rhinoceri Cornu
rhinoceros horn
bitter, salty, cold
ClHt-Blood, Not in Clinic
(1) Bleeding d/t heat pathog entering blood level
(2) Constipation
(3) Swollen lymph nodes
B.123 C.158 Dr.19
xuán shēn 玄參
(xuán yuán shēn)
(1) Clears heat & cools blood [Bleeding d/t heat pathog entering blood level*, fever, dry mouth, purplish tongue]
(2) Nourishes yin [Constipation* or irritability d/t prev febrile pathogenic dz; Not as good as shēng dì huáng]
(3) Softens hardness & dissipates nodules [Swollen lymph nodes* in neck, throat, armpits, inguinal, d/t phlegm-fire, severe throat pain & swelling; Salty dissolves hardness]
(N) Vasodilator, anti-hypertension, antimicrobial

CTX: Cold-damp of SP ST, avoid combi w/ lí lú

xuán(dark) shēn(root)
Scrophulariae Radix
bitter, sweet, salty, cold
(1) Night sweats
(2) Fever
B.226 C.25 Dr.20
yín chái hú 銀柴胡

(1) Causes heat from yin deficiency to recede [Night sweats*, thirst, daytime fever, steaming bone dz, HIV sx; Cools & nourishes Yin & Blood]
(2) Clears heat & reduces childhood nutritional impairment [Fever*, thirst, irritability d/t malnutrition; "swollen belly" accumulation]

CTX: Blood defic w/out heat

yín(silver) chái(kinding) hú(barbarians)
Stellariae Radix
stellaria root
sweet, sl cold
ClHt-Blood, ClHt-Defic
(1) Very dark purple rashes
(2) Skin lesions
B.128 C.164 Dr.19
zǐ cǎo 紫草

(1) Clears heat, cools blood, & resolves fire toxicity while venting rashes [Very dark purple rashes*, chickenpox, measles; Great affinity for skin, encourages rashes to surface, also moistens Intestines & promotes urination]
(2) Clears damp-heat from skin [Skin lesions* by damp-heat, vaginal itching, burns ]
(N) Anti-neoplastic cancer effect ie leukemia, antibiotic, antiviral

CTX: SP qi defic loose stools

zǐ(purple) cǎo(herb)
Lithospermi Radix
groomwell root
sweet, cold