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63 Cards in this Set

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secrete pepsinogen
chief cells
1st enzyme in proteolysis
Releases H+ and intrinsic factor
parietal cells
Name 3 that causes HCl release
ACh, gastrin and histamine
which acts on phospholipase to secrete HCl?
ACH and Gastrin
What acts on adenylate cyclase ?
Histamine to produce cAMP which activates protein kinase A
4 that inhibits parietal cells
Somatostatin, PGE1, secretin, CCK
Type of cells found in antrum
G and D cells
Role of G cells
release gastrin
inhibited by acid in duodenum
stimulated by amino acids and ach
Role of D cells
secrete somatostatin
stimulates release of somatostatin, CCK, and secretin
duodenal and antral acidificaiton
causes of increased acid and gastrin
antral cell hyperplasia
retained antrum
renal failure
gastric outlet obstruction
short bowel syndrome
causes of increased gastrin and nl/decreased acid
pernicious anemia
chronic gastritis
gastric CA
medical acid supression
rapid gastric emptying causes
#1 previous surgery
B1/2 vs RYGJ
more marginal ulceration and diarrhea
what is Dieulafoy's ulcer
vascular malformation
Menetrier's disease
mucous cell hyperplasia
increased rugal folds
Gastric volvlus is a/w?
Type 2 paraesophageal hernia
usually organoaxial
management --> reduction and nissen
All vagotomies result in ?
increased liquid emptying
Truncal vs selective vs highly selective vagotomy
decreased solid emptying except in highly seelctive
effect of pyloroplasty
increased solid empyting
Effects of truncal vagotomy
90% reduction in acid output
increased gastrin
gastrin cell hyperplasia
decreased exocrine pancreas function
decreased postprandial bile flow
increased GB volumes
MC problem following vagotomy
diarrhea due to sustained MMcs forcing bile acids into colon
Chance of rebleeding with
1) Spurting blood vessel
2) visible blood vessel
3) diffuse oozing
1) 60%
2) 40%
3) 30%
Management of esophageal varices
EGD sclerotherapy or banding --> IV vasopressin, balloon tamponade --> repeat sclerotherapy or banding --> TIPS --> esophageal stapling or portosystemic shunt
symptoms of duodenal ulcers
epigastric pain radiating to back that abates with eating but recurs 30mins postprandially
Surgical options in dudodenal ulcers
truncal vagotomy and pyloroplsaty
truncal vagotomy, antrectomy, B1 or B2 recon (best for prevention of recurrence)
Proximal or highly selective vagotomy - lowest rate of postop complications, 10% recurrence
no antral or pylorus procedure needed
surgical options for bleeding duodenal ulcer
1st duodenostomy
GDA ligation
plus vagotomy and pyloroplasty if pt had been on PPI
Initial management of obstruction from duodenal ulcer
serial dilation
obstructing duodenal ulcer near Amp of vater
B2, antrectomy and vagotomy
obstructing duodenal ulcer prosimal to amp of vater
antrectomy with ulcer excision, B2 and vagotomy
best surgical option for perforated duodenal ulcer
G patch and highly selective vagotomy if pt had been on PPI
Other options for perforated duodenal ulcer
truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty
TV and antrectomy with B1 or B2
need to include ulcer
Intractable duodenal ulcer
>3 months of PPI without relief
recurrence <1 year after medical therapy
based on EGD not symptoms?`
Management of pancreatic tumors causing ZES that's <2cm
test for ZES
secretin causes high gastrin
Management of unresectable ZES
total gastrectomy
RF for gastric ulcers
H. Pylori
stress (burns, sepsis, trauma)
which types of gastric ulcers have normal acid secretion?
Type 1 and 4
Most gastric ulcers are located on
lesser curve
T/F bleeding gastric ulcers are a/w higher mortality than duodenal
biopsy for H. Pylori needs to be from where?
What blood type is associated with type 1 gastric ulcers
type O a/w type II-IV ulcers
surgical options for all types of gastric ulcers
1 distal gastrectomy + B1 or B2
2 & 3 - distal gastrectomy, B1/B2, + truncal vagotomy/pyloroplasty
Type 4 - ulcer excision +/- highly selective vagotomy or TV + P
H. Pylori treatment regimen
PPI + amoxicillin (or flagyl) + clarithromycin X 14 days
PPI/H2 + bismuth + flagyl + tetracycline for 10-14 days
RF for gastric CA
adenomatous polyps (10-20%)
previous gastric ops
intetinal metaplasia
atrophic gastritis
pernicious anemia
type A blood
Intestinal vs diffuse gastric cancer
blood vs lymphatic invasion
presence of glands
less favorable prognosis
subtotal vs total gastrectomy
Chemo (5FU, doxorubicin, mitomycin C)
hypoechoic on U/S (smooth edges)
chemo if >5cm?
1cm margins needed
How do gastric leiomyosarcomes spread?
precursor to gastric lymphoma
should regress after H Pylori treatment
if not, need CHOP
surgical eligibility of morbid obesity
BMI>40 or >35 with comorbidities
What is dumping syndrome?
Diarrhea, dizziness, hypotension from rapid entering of carbs into SB
Treatment of dumping syndrome
Small low fat, low carb, increased protein meals
no liq with meals
surgery rarely needed (10%) convert to RYGB
Name 10 complications from gastrectomy
Dumping syndrome
Afferent loop obstruction
Efferent loop obstruction
Gastric atony
Alkaline reflux gastritis
Roux stasis
Small gastric remnant
Duodenal stump blowout
Blind loop syndrome
Postvagotomy diarrhea
Alkaline reflux gastritis
postprandial epigastric pain with N/V (no relief)
evidence of bile reflux into stomach
treat w/ H2 blockers, cholestyramine, reglan
surgery --> convert to RYGJ
Roux Stasis
Chyme stasis in roux limb due to loss of jejunal motility
Management of Roux stasis
reglan, prokinetics, if not shorten roux limb to 40cm
Blind looop syndrome
with B2 or RYGJ
pain, diarrhea, malabsorption, B12 deficiency, steatorrhea
from bacterial overgrowth and stasis in afferent limb
treatment: tetracycline, flagyl, reglan
surgery: reanastomosis with shorter afferent limb (40cm)
Afferent loop Obstruction
B2 or RYGJ
Nonbilious vomiting, pain relieved with bilious emesis
EGD, dilation?, reanastomosis w/ shorter limb (40cm)
efferent loop obstruction
UGI, EGD, balloon dilation
postvagotomy diarrhea
from nonconjugated bile salts in colon (from sustained postprandial MMCs)
cholestyramine, octreotide
if not reversed interposition jejunal graft
What does not get absorbed in jejunum?
Iron (duodenum)
Bile acids (ileum)
B12 and folate (terminal ileum)
classic triad of gastric volvulus
severe epigatric pain
retching without vomiting
inability to pass NGT