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25 Cards in this Set

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What is an atom or a group that has become electrically charged?
What happens to an atom when it LOSES an electron?
It gains a negative charge & becomes a POSOTIVE ion.
What happens to an atom when it GAINS an electron?
It gains a negative charge & becomes a NEGATIVE ion.
What is an ionic bond?
The attraction between two OPPOSITLEY charged ions.
Why does a sodium atom become more stable when it loses one valace electron?
Because it has +1 charge and LOSES one and becomes NEUTRAL.
In an ionic compound, the name of the ________ ion comes first.
When does the end of a name of a negative ion become -ide?
If the negative ion is an element.
Three charecteristic properties of ionic compounds are-----
Crystal Shape,
High Melting Points,
& Electrical Conductivity.
What is an orderly, three dimensional arrangement formed by ions?
In an ion, all ions are attracted to-----
Ions near it that have an opposite charge.
At room temp, ionic bonds are strong enough to cause ALL compounds to be ______.
Ionic compounds conduct electricity well when -----
Ionic compounds dissolve in water.

Covalent bond-
Chemical bond formed when two atoms share electrons.
Double Bond-
A chemical bond formed when atoms share two pairs of electrons.
Molecular Compounds contain-----
Molecules having covalently bonded atoms.
Molecular compounds have a slight electrical charge because-----
Some atoms pull more strongly on the shared electrons than other atoms do.
Polar covalent bonds are shared-----
Electrons are shared in non polar covalent bonds by-----
Electrons moving closer to one atom.
An atom can be non polar when it has polar bonds by-----
having some of the same properties.

Water molocules (Are/Are not) polar?
Why do polar and non polar molecules have different properties?
Because they have different charges.
Water and vegetable oil DON'T mix because-----
Oil is non polar and non polar doesn't mix well with water.
A naturally occurring solid that has crystal structure and a definite chemical composition is called a-----
All properties of a mineral depends on-----
Measurements or testing.
The arrangement of particles in a mineral and the kind of bonds holding them together determines-----
Mineral properties such as crystal shape, hardness, and the ways the crystals break apart.