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133 Cards in this Set

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Louisiana Purchase
Mayflower Compact
Civil War
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
judicial review
McCulloch v. Maryland(1819)
state bank can't tax federal
Gibbons v Ogden (1824)
steamboats - federal power
Worcester v. Georgia (1832)
Cherokee nation separate from U.S.A.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
first rulebook in colonies
Jamestown, VA (1607)
1st English colony
Thomas Hooker
wrote the Fund. Orders of Conn
John Locke
social contract
William Penn
Pennsylvania - Quakers
make money for the mother country
French and Indian War (1763)
British/colonists versus French/Indians
colonists had nobody to represent them in Parliament
Proclamation of 1763
could not move west of the Appalachians
Sugar Act
taxes on foods containing sugar
Stamp Act
taxes on stamps
Boston Massacre
five colonists shot to death after protesting
Boston Tea Party
Sons of Liberty dumped tea into harbor - civil disobedience
Intolerable Acts
closed the Boston Harbor
Samuel Adams
founder of Sons of Liberty
Benjamin Franklin
negotiated with France during Revolutionary War
King George III
King of England
Thomas Jefferson
wrote Declaration of Independence in 1776, 3rd President
Declaration of Independence
grievances towards King George III
Patrick Henry
"Give me Liberty or Give me Death"
Lexington and Concord
"shot heard round the world"
Thomas Paine
Common Sense
Valley Forge
winter campsite for the Continental Army
George Washington
Commander in Chief of Continental Army
supported the British during the war
supported independence from Britain
turning point when France joins U.S.
last major battle w/ British
Treaty of Paris
End of American Revolution, U.S.A wins land, freedom
John Paul Jones
Father of Navy "I have not yet begun to fight."
Abigail Adams
"Remember the Ladies"
John Adams
defended British soldiers in Boston Massacre; 2nd President
Wentworth Cheswell
Went to help warn that British were coming
Mercy Otis Warren
patriot who wrote plays, poems and essays
James Armistead
African American slave who became a spy
Bernardo de Galvez
Spanish governor who helped America
Crispus Attacks
shot and killed at the Boston Massacre
Haym Solomon
Jewish banker who helped to finance the patriots
Marquis de Lafayette
a French officer who came to America to help
Articles of Confederation
first constitution, FAILED
Philadelphia Constitutional Convention
Delegates met to fix the Articles, instead wrote new rulebook
Virginia Plan
big state plan based on population
New Jersey Plan
small state plan based on equality
Great Compromise
two house (bicameral) legislature, House and Senate
Three-Fifths Compromise
count three-fifths of a state's slaves as population
wanted strong national government
afraid of strong national government, wanted amendments
Federalist Papers
supported the Federalist cause
Alexander Hamilton
Federalist, free enterprise, supported national bank, first Sec. of Treasury
Limited government
government does not have unlimited power
election of representatives
Checks and Balances
each branch can check each other
government in layers; federal, state, local
Separation of Powers
three branches of government have separate powers
Popular Sovereignty
people power to vote
Unalienable Rights
rights that cannot be taken away by the government
Bill of Rights
protects us from government
1st Amendment
Freedom of...Speech, Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press
2nd Amendment
right to bear arms
3rd Amendment
no quartering (housing) troops
4th Amendment
no illegal search and seizure, warrant
5th Amendment
due process- no self incrimination, no double jeopardy
6th Amendment
right to a speedy, public trial
7th Amendment
trial by jury involving money ($20)
8th Amendment
no cruel or unusual punishment
9th Amendment
people have other rights not listed in Constitution
Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans
First two political parties
George Washington
1st President of the U.S.
Washington's Farewell Address
political parties and foreign alliances should be avoided
presidential advisers
Whiskey Rebellion
farmers stopped because of strong executive
Federal Judiciary Act
created the court system
XYZ Affair
France demands bribes, America rejects
Sedition Acts
citizens could be fined or jailed if they criticized the government
Louisiana Purchase (1803)
doubled size of United States
Lewis and Clark
main explorers of Louisiana Purchase
John Marshall
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for over 30 years
love or devotion for one's country
main reason for War of 1812, kidnapping sailors
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
Europe - Stay out of Western Hemisphere
New Orleans
important trade center on the Mississippi River
Era of Good Feelings
increased nationalism after War of 1812
Cotton (cotton gin)
led to an increase in slavery - more cotton was needed
Samuel Slater
brought ideas for the 1st factories to the U.S.
people moving from farms to cities
Industrial Revolution
factory machines replaced hand tools
Mass production
faster/cheaper way to produce product
Eli Whitney
invented cotton gin and interchangeable parts
McCormick Reaper
increased agricultural production
transportation on rivers more efficient
Samuel Morse
invented telegraph, increased communication
Lowell Mills
mostly single women worked in first factories
Erie Canal
man-made waterway connecting New York to West
Transcontinental Railroads
railroads running East to West
Temperance movement
no sale or drinking of alcohol
Educational Reform
led by Horace Mann
Prison Reform
Led by Dorothea Dix, better conditions
Abolitionist Movement
the movement to end slavery
Women's Suffrage Movement
the movement to help women gain equality/right to vote
Sojourner Truth
ex-slave who wrote about the rights of women
Horace Mann
father of public education
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
led women's movement towards equality and suffrage (right to vote)
Fredrick Douglass
former slave, wrote a newspaper called North Star
William Lloyd Garrison
publisher of The Liberator an anti-slavery newspaper
Hudson River School artists
A group of artists who painted nature scenes from the West
John J. Audubon
a European artist who painted pictures of birds.
Civil Disobedience
protesting laws you believe are unjust
Andrew Jackson
Common Man President, 7th, against the bank
Spoils System
Jackson removed government officials and replaced them with friends
tax on imported goods
Nullification Crisis
John C. Calhoun tried to nullify a tax
Indian Removal Act of 1830
Native Americans forced to move west
Trail of Tears
forced removal of Cherokee Native Americans to Oklahoma
Manifest Destiny
belief that the U.S. was destined to stretch from ocean to ocean
Mexican War (1846-1848)
fought because of the annexation of Texas
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Mexico loses, gives U.S. land called Mexican Cession
Oregon/Santa Fe Trail
two of the main trails that led settlers out West
Gold Rush 1849
thousands of people go to California to find gold; 49ers
Jamestown, first successful English colony in America
Treaty of Paris
Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson
John Q. Adams
6th President, Corrupt Bargain
New England Region
rocky soil, cold, shipping
Middle Region
Southern Region
hot, plantations, slavery