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Think that s.th will happen and be ready for it.

We didn't anticipate so many problems.

انتظار داشتن / پیش بینی کردن


(verb) (regretted)

Feel sorry about s.th that you did.

He regrets selling his car.

I don't regret what I said to her.

متاسف بودن



تاسف / پشیمانی

I don't have any regrets about leaving my job.

Prefer (verb) (preferring / preferred)

Like one thing or person better than another.

Would you prefertea or coffee?

Jane wants to go to the cinema but I would prefer to stay at home.

He prefers going out to studying.

ترجیح دادن



Liking one thing or person better than another.

We have lemonade and orange juice_ do you have a preference?

پسند / برتری



Better, that you like more.

I think living in the country is preferable to living in the city.





Phone me on Sunday morning, but preferably not too early!



1. Think carefully about s.th.

2. Think that s.th is true.

3. Think about the feelings of other people when you do s.th

1. I'm considering going to Italy on holiday.

1. We must consider what to do next.

2. I consider her to be a good teacher.

3. I can't move to Australia next month! I have to consider my family.

مورد توجه قرار دادن / فکر کردن / گمان کردن



Great or large.

The car cost a considerable amount of money.

قابل توجه / هنگفت



به طور قابل ملاحظه ای

My flat is considerably smaller than yours.



A person who is considerate is kind, and thinks and cares about other people.

Please be more considerate and don't play loud music late at night.

Opp : inconsiderate

با ملاحظه / از روی لطف


(no plural)

1. Thinking carefully about s.th

2. Being kind and caring about other people's feelings.

1. After a lot of consideration, i decided not to accept the job.

2. He shows no consideration for anybody else.

دقت / اعتنا /اهمیت

Take s.th into consideration

Think carefully about s.th when you are deciding.

We must take the cost into consideration when choosing where to go on holiday.

مورد توجه قرار دادن



Stop working because you are a certain age.

My grandfather retired when he was 65.

بازنشسته شدن




A retired teacher.


(no plural)

The time when a person stops working because he/she is a certain age.

What is the age of retirement in your country?




به پایان رساندن / نتیجه گرفتن



S.th that is temporary lasts for a short time.

I had a temporary job in the summer holidays.

Opp: permanent





The road is temporarily closed for repairs.



1. Behave towards s.b or s.th.

2. Try to make a sick person well again.

1. How does your boss treat you?

1. Treat these glasses with care.

2. The doctor is treating him for cancer.

رفتار کردن / معالجه کردن

Treat s.th as s.th

Think about s.th in a certain way.

They treated my idea as a joke.

فرض کردن



S.th very special that makes s.b happy.

My parents took me to the theatre as a treat for my birthday.




1. (No plural): the way that you behave towards s.b or s.th.

2. The things that a doctor does to try to make a sick person well again.

1. Their treatment of the animals was very cruel.

2. A treatment for cancer.

رفتار / درمان



An agreement between countries.

The two countries signed a peace treaty.

معاهده / پیمان



If you are aware of s.th. you know about it.

It was aware that s.b was watching me.

He's not aware of the problem.

Opp: unware.

آگاه / مطلع




Say that you have done s.th wrong.

She confessed that she had stolen the money.

He confessed to the crime.

اقرار کردن



1. Say very clearly what you think or what you will do, often to a lot of people.

2. In an airport or port you declare things that you have bought in another country so that you can pay tax on them.

1. He declared that he was not a thief.

1. The country declared war on its enemy.

2. Have you anything to declare?

بیان کردن / اعلام کردن




A declaration of independence.

Permit (verb) (permitting / permitted)

Allow s.b to do s.th

You are not permitted to smoke in the hospital.

!! Allow is the word that we usually use.

اجازه دادن



A piece of paper that says you can do s.th or go s.wh.

Have you got a work permit?




Say what you think will happen

She predicted that it would rain, and she was right.

پیش بینی کردن



پیش بینی

His prediction were not correct.



Say 'no' when s.b asks you to do or have s.th

I asked Matthew to help, but he refused.

The shop assistant refused to give me my money back.

امتناع کردن



Saying 'no' when s.b asks you to do or have s.th.

A refusal to pay.




Make s.b remember s.b or s.th

This song reminds me of my holiday in France.

I reminded her to buy some bread.

یادآوری کردن



S.th that makes you remember.




Tell s.b about danger or about s.th bad that may happen.

I warned him not to go too close to the fire.

هشداد دادن



S.th that warns you

There is a warning on every packet of cigarettes.

هشدار / اخطار



آزمایشی / تجربی




Make s.b have good feelings or thoughts about you or about s.th that is yours.

He was so impressed by Cindy's singing that he asked her to sing on the radio.

تحت تاثیر قرار دادن



Feelings or thoughts you have about s.b or s.th.

My first impressions of London were not very good.

What's your impression of the new teacher?

تاثیر / تصور

Make an impression

Give s.b a certain idea of yourself.

He made a good impression on his first day at work.

تاثیر گذاشتن

Bound to

Certain to do s.th

She works very hard, so she is bound to pass the exam.

موظف به انجام کاری

Bound for

Going to a place

This ship is bound for New York.

عازم حرکت به






Jump, or run with small jumps

The dog bounded up the steps.

بالا و پایین پریدن

Grab (verb)

Take s.th quickly and roughly

The thief grabbed her bag and ran away.

ربودن / قاپیدن



توالی / ترتیب



قصه / شرح



قصه / ضرب المثل



Words that you say about s.th to show what you think.

She made some interesting comments about the film.


Comment (verb)

Say what you think about s.th.

A lot of people at school commented on my new watch.

نظر دادن




Words that s.b says about s.th that is happening.

We listened to the radio commentary on the football match.




A person who gives a commentary on radio or television.




1. (Court of law) a place where people (a judge or jury) decide if a person has done s.th wrong, and what the punishment will be.

2. A piece of ground where you can play a certain sport.

1. The man will appear in court tomorrow.

2. A tennis-court.

دادگاه / زمین (بازی)



Very good or beautiful.

What a magnificant cathedral.





Make s.th look bigger than it really is

We magnified the insect under a microscope.

درشت/بزرگ کردن

Magnifying glass


A special piece of glass that you hold in your hand. It makes things look bigger than they really are.

ذره بین

Emigrate (verb)

Leave your country to live in another country.

They emigrated to Australia in the 1960s to find work.

مهاجرت کردن


(no plural)


The emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel.



1. One of the most important people in a government.

2. A priest in some Christmas churches.

1. The minister of education.

وزیر / کشیش



A part of the government that controls one special thing.

The ministry of Defence.

وزارت خانه



Leave your job.

The director has resigned.

استعفا کردن

Resign yourself to s.th

Accept s.th that you do not like.

There were a lot of people at the doctor's so John resigned himself to a long wait.

رضایت دادن به



Saying that you want to leave your job.


Hand in your resignation

Tell the person you work for that you are going to leave your job.


Refer to s.b or s.th

1. Talk about s.b or s.th

2. Be used to mean s.th

3. Look in a book or ask s.b for information.

1. When i said that some people are stupid. I wasn't referring to you!

2. The word 'child' refers here to anybody under the age of 16.

3. If you don't understand a word, you may refer to your dictionaries.

اشاره کردن به / روی سخن با کسی / رجوع کردن



1. An accident when s.th that is moving hits another thing.

2. A loud noise when s.th falls or hits another things.

1. He was killed in a car crash.

1. A plane crash.

2. I heard a crash as the tree fall.

تصادف / گورمپ



1. Have an accident, hit s.th.

2. Make s.th hit another thing.

3. Fall or hit s.th with a loud noise.

1. The bus crashed into a tree.

2. I crashed my father's car.

3. A tree crashed through the window.

تصادف کردن / زدن / گرومپ صدا دادن



A hard hat that you wear to keep your head safe.

Motor cyclists must wear crash-helmets in Britain.

کلاه ایمنی



A person whose job is to find out who did a crime. Detectives are usually police officers.

Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective in stories.




S.th that is constant happens all the time.

The constant noise of traffic.

ثابت / پیوسته



به طور پیوسته

She talked constantly all evening.


(no plural)

Showing or saying that s.b or s.th is good or right.

Tania's parents gave the marriage their approval.

تصویب / موافقت



Think or say that s.th or s.b is good or right.

My parents don't approve of my friends.

She doesn't approve of smoking.

Opp: disapprove.

موافقت کردن / تایید کردن



Ask yourself s.th . Want to know s.th

I wonder what that noise is.

I wonder why he didn't come.

در شگفت شدن

I wonder if

Words that you use to ask a question politely.

I wonder if i could use your phone.

برای پاسخ مودبانه



1. (No plural): a feeling that you have when you see or hear s.th very strange, surprising or beautiful.

2. S.th that gives you this feeling.

1. The children looked up in wonder at the big elephant.

2. The wonders of modern medicine.

تعجب / شگفت

It's a wonder

It is surprising that.

It's a wonder you weren't killed in the accident.

عجیب است که

No wonder

It is not surprising

She didn't sleep last night_no wonder she's tired.

عجیب نیست



Very good, excellent

What a wonderful present!

This food is wonderful.

عجیب / بسیار خوب



1. One only, and not any other.

2. Special or more than usual.

3. If you are particular, you want s.th to be exactly right.

1. You need a particular kind of flour to make bread.

2. The road is very icy, so take particular care when you are driving.

3. He's very particular about the food he eats.

خاص / استثنایی / مشکل پسند

In particular

More than others

Is there anything in particular you want to do this weekend?




More than others, especially

I'm particularly tired today.

I don't particularly like fish.

بخصوص / فوق العاده



A piece of paper that says that s.b agrees to do s.th.

The company has signed a contract to build the new road.




1. The hard part at the end of a finger or toe.

2. A small thin piece of metal with one sharp end which you hit into wood (with a hammer) to fix things together.

1. Toenails.

1. Fingernails.

ناخن / میخ



Fix s.th to another thing with a nail.

I nailed the pieces of wood together.

میخکوب کردن



1. Not able to move.

2. Not able to do s.th because it is difficult.

1. This drawer is stuck_ I can't open it.

1. I was stuck in Italy with no money.

2. If you get stuck, ask your teacher for help.

گیر کرده / گرفتار



A large pipe over a fire that lets smoke go outside into the air.




Say that s.b or s.th is wrong or bad.

He criticizes everything I do!

انتقاد کردن



What you think is bad about s.b or s.th

I listened to all their criticisms of my plan.

نقد / انتقاد



1. Stand in front of a group of musicians and control what they do.

2. Show s.b where to go.

1. The orchestra was conducted by Peter Jones.

2. She conducted us on a tour of the museum.

راهنمایی کردن / اجرا کردن



1. A person who stands in front of a group of musicians and controls what they do.

2. A person who sells tickets on a bus.

رهبر (ارکستر) / فروشنده بلیط



1. Ask for s.th because it is yours.

2. Say that s.th is true.

1. If nobody claims the camera you found, you can have it.

2. Manuel claims that he did the work without help.

ادعا کردن / حق داشتن



ادعا / حق

The workers are making a claim for better pay.



Say that you do not like s.th; say that you are unhappy or angry about s.th

He complained to the waiter that his soup was cold.

She was complaining about the weather.

شکایت کردن



Saying that you do not like s.th.

We made a complaint to the hotel manager about the dirty rooms.




1. Make a long sad sound when you are hurt or very unhappy.

2. Talk a lot about s.th that you do not like.

1. He was moaning with pain.

2. He's always moaning about the weather.

ناله/شکوه کردن




I heard a loud moan.



ستیزه گر / جدال آمیز



S.th that you must do.

We have an obligation to help.





Be obliged to

If you are obliged to do s.th . You must do it.

You are not obliged to come if you do not want to.

مجبور بودن



An aroma is a scent or smell.

I love the aroma of coffee in the morning.

رایحه / بو



A beverage is a drink.

The waiter brought our beverages first. Then he brought our food.




A cluster of things is a small group of them placed close together.

She held a large cluster of graps in her hand.

دسته / خوشه



Two or more things mixed together.

The building is a combination of new and old styles.




Join or mix together.

The two schools combined and moved to a larger building.

Mina combined peanut butter and jelly to make a sandwich.

مخلوط کردن / ترکیب کردن



When a liquid is condensed, it is made thicker.

One way to make a dessert thick and sweet is to use condensed milk.

غلیظ شده



When s.th is contemporary, it is related to the present time.

Contemporary scientists have learned quite a bit about DNA




1. Use land for growing plants

2. Keep and care for plants.

1. Only a small area of the island was cultivated.

2. A research company is cultivating new kinds of rice to aid poor countries.

شخم زدن / پرورش دادن/ کشت کردن


(no plural)

کشت / زراعت

Cultivation of the land.



When s.th is divine, it is related to Gods.

Legends say that music was given to men as a divine gift from the gods.




When it is humid, there is a lot of water in the air.

It is very humid inside of a sauna.




An odor is a very distinct smell.

He knew there was a leak when he noticed the strong odor of natural gas.




1. Easy to hear,see or smell, clear.

2. Clearly different

1. There is a distinct smell of burning in this room.

2. English and Welsh are two distinct languages.

واضح / مجزا




I dinstinctly heard him say his name was Robert.

به طور آشکار



1. Have a hole that liquid or gas can go through.

2. Go out through a hole

1. The roof of our house leaks when it rains.

1. The boat is leaking.

2. Water is leaking from the pipe.

چکه کردن / تراوش کردن



سوراخ / نشتی

There's a leak in the roof.



The palate is the top part of the mouth

You can touch your palate with your tongue.

سقف دهان


(no plural)

The place where some people think good people go after they die. Heaven

My vacation in Hawaii was like being in paradise.




Anything that grows from the ground.

Don't forget to water the plants.




Put plants or seeds in the ground to grow.

We planted some roses in the garden.




A piece of land where things like tea, cotton or tabacco grow.

A sugar plantation.

In the 1800s, there were many cotton plantations in the southern US.

کشتزار / مزرعه



Quick, fast

Rapid changes.

His mother was surprised by her son's rapid growth.




به سرعت

The snow rapidly disappeared.



1.the speed of s.th or how often s.th happens.

2. The amount that s.th costs or that s.b is paid.

1. The crime rate was lower in 1993 than in 1992.

1. Grass tends to grow at a very slow rate.

2. My rate of paid is £5 an hour.

نرخ / میزان / سرعت

At any rate

Anyway , whatever happens.

I hope to be back before ten o'clock_ i won't be late at any rate.

به هر حال



Make s.b feel calmer and less unhappy.

The baby was crying, so i tried to soothe her by singing to her.

آرام کردن



When s.th is soothing, it makes you calm or relaxed.

Soothing music.

The soothing music helped the baby fall asleep.

آرامش بخش / آرام بخش

Subtle (adj)

When s.th is subtle, it is not easy to see or notice.

The handsome man has a subtle smile.

زیرکانه و ملایم

Texture (noun)

The way that s.th feels when you touch it.

Silk has a smooth texture.

The texture of a rock found in the water is typically very smooth.


Toxic (adj)

When s.th is toxic,it is poisonous. Toxic things are very dangerous.

Please check the label to see if the product is toxic.


Vary (verb) (varied)

Be or become different from each other.

These tapes vary in price from £6 to £9.

The heights of the people in my class vary by a large amount.

تغییر دادن / تغییر کردن / تفاوت داشتن

Accident (noun)

S.th, often bad, that happens by chance.

I had an accident when i was driving to work_my car hit a tree.

I'm sorry i broke your watch_it was an accident.

She had to go to the hospital after she was in a serious car accident.

حادثه / تصادف

Pretend (verb)

Try to make s.b believe s.tb that is not true.

He didn't want to talk, so he pretended to be asleep.

تظاهر/وانمود کردن

Mean (verb) (meant)

1. Say or show s.th on a different way.

Have as a meaning.

2. Plan or want to say s.th.

3. Plan or want to do s.th.

4. Make s.th happen.

1. What does 'medicine' mean?

1. The red light means that you have to stop here.

2. She said 'yes' but she really meant 'no'.

2. I don't understand what you mean.

3. I didn't mean to hurt you.

3. I meant to phone you, but I forgot.

4. This snow means there will be no sport today.

معنی دادن / منظور داشتن / قصد داشتن

Be meant to

1. If you are meant to do s.th, you should do it.

2. If s.th is meant to be true, people say it is true.

1. You're not meant to smoke on the train.

2. This is meant to be a good film.

انتظار میرود.

Mean s.th to s.b

Be important to s.b

My family means a lot to me.

اهمیت داشتن

Mean (adj) (meaner,meanest)

1. A person who is mean does not like to give things or to spend money.

Opp: generous

2. Unkind

1. Jim is very mean_he never buys anybody a drink.

2. It was mean of you to say that Peter was fat.

خسیس / بدجنس

Meaning (noun)

What s.th means or shows.

This word has two different meanings.


Means (noun)

A way of doing s.th.

A way of going somewhere.

I don't have a car and there are no trains, so I haven't got any means to getting to London.

وسیله / روش

By means of s.th

By using s.th

We crossed the river by means of a small bridge.


By no means

Not at all

I am by no means certain that i can come.

به هیچ وجه

In the Meantime (no plural)

In the time between two things happening.

The police will be here soon, in the meantime you should stay calm.

در این فاصله

Meanwhile (adverb)

1. At the same time as another thing is happening.

2. In the time between two things happening.

1. Neil cooked the dinner and meanwhile Anna cleaned the house.

2. I'm going to buy a bed next week, but meanwhile I'm sleeping on the floor.

درحالیکه / در این بین

Afford (verb)

استطاعت داشتن

Can afford s.th

If you can afford s.th, you have enough money to pay for it.

I can't afford a holiday.

استطاعت مالی داشتن

Tend (verb)

Usually do or be s.th

Men tend to be taller than woman.

متمایل بودن / تمایل داشتن

Tendency (noun)

S.th that a person or thing often does.

He has a tendency to be late.

گرایش / میل

Tender (adj)

1. Kind and gentle.

2. Tender meat is soft and easy to cut or bite.

Opp: tough

3. If a part of your body is tender, it hurtd when you touch it.

1. A tender look.

پر مهر / ترد / ظریف

Tenderly (adverb)

In a kind and gentle way.

He touched her arm tenderly.

با مهربانی

Tenderness (no plural)


A feeling of tenderness.

Thread (noun)

A long thin piece of cotton,wool,etc that you use with a needle for sewing.


Thread (verb)

Put thread through the hole in a needle.

نخ کردن (سوزن)

Threat (noun)

1. A promise that you will hurt s.b if they do not do what you want.

2. A person or thing that may damage or hurt s.b or s.th

2. Pollution is a threat to the lives of animals and people.

تهدید / خطر

Threaten (verb)

1. Say that you will hurt s.b if they do not do what you want.

2. Seem ready to do s.th bad.

1. They threatened to kill everyone on the plane.

1. She threatened him with a knife.

2. The dark clouds threatened rain.

تهدید کردن / هشدار دادن

Deserve (verb)

Be good or bad enough to have s.th

You have worked very hard and you deserve a rest.

They stole money from old people, so they deserve to go to prison.

لایق بودن / شایسته بودن

Avoid (verb)

1. Stay away or go away from s.b or s.th

2. Stop s.th from happening, try not to do s.th.

1. We crossed the road to avoid our teacher.

2. You should avoid eating too much chocolate.

پرهیز کردن / جلوگیری کردن

Persuade (verb)

Make s.b think or do s.th by talking to them.

The man in the shop persuaded me to buy the most expensive pen.

متقاعد کردن

Persuasion (no plural)

Persuading s.b or being persuaded.

After a lot of persuasion she agreed to come.

قانع سازی

Luggage (no plural)

Bags and suitcases that you take with you when you travel.

How much luggage have you got? Only one suitcase.

چمدان / بار

Mayor (noun)

The leader of a council (a group of people who control a town or city)


Mayoress (noun)

A mayor who is woman, or the wife of a mayor.

شهردار (زن) / زنِ شهردار

Province (noun)

A part of a country

Canada has ten provences.


Provincial (adj)

Of a province

The provincial government.

ایالتی / محلی

Seldom (adverb)

Not often

It seldom snows in Athens.

به ندرت

Accident (noun)

S.th, often bad, that happens by chance.

I had an accident when i was driving to work_my car hit a tree.

I'm sorry i broke your watch_it was an accident.

She had to go to the hospital after she was in a serious car accident.

حادثه / تصادف

By accident

By chance , not because you haveplanned it.

I took Jane's book by accident. I thought it was mine.


Accidental (adj)

If s.th is accidental, it happens by chance.

Accidental death.


Accidentally (adverb)


He accidentally broke the window.

Admiral (noun)

A very important officer in the navy.

They won the sea battle because of the admiral's great leadership.

دریا سالار

Lead (noun)

1. (No plural): a soft grey metal that is very heavy. Lead is used to make things like water-pipes and roofs.

2. The grey part inside a pencil.

سرب / متحد مواد

Lead (verb) (led)

1. Take a person or an animal somewhere by going in front.

2. Be the first or the best.for example in a race or game.

3. Go to a place.

4. Control a group of people.

1. He led me to my room.

2. Who's leading in the race?

3. This path leads to the river.

4. The team was led by Gary Hollis.

راهنمایی کردن / جلو بودن / منجر شدن / رهبری کردن

Lead to s.th

Make s.th happen

Smoking can lead to heart disease.

منجر شدن

Lead (no plural)

Going in front or doing s.th first.


Be in the lead

Be in front

At the start of the race her horse was in the lead.

جلو بودن

Lead (noun)

1. A long piece of leather or a chain that you tie to a dog's neck so that it walks with you.

2. A long piece of wire that brings electricity to things like lamps and machines.

قلاده / سیم رابط

Leader (noun)

1. A person who controls a group of people

2. A person or group that is the first or the best.

1. They chose a new leader.

2. The leader is ten metres in front of the other runners.

رهبر / راهنما

Leadership (no plural)

Controlling a group of people.

The country is under new leadership (=has new leaders).


Leading (adj)

Best or very important.

A leading writer.


Arc (noun)

An arc is a curved shape.

A rainbow has the shape of an arc.


Character (noun)

1. (No plural): the way a person or thing is.

2. A person in a play, book or film.

1. He has a strong character.

1. The new factory will change the character of the village.

1. My sister's character is fun and very outgoing.

2. Tom and Jerry are famous cartoon characters.

خصلت / هویت / شخصیت

Conscience (noun)

The feeling inside you about what is right and wrong.

I recycle everything i can, so my conscience is clear.


Have a clear conscience

Feel that you have done nothing wrong

Have a guilty conscience

Feel that you have done s.th wrong

Guilt (no plural)

1. Having done s.th wrong

2. The feeling that you have done s.th wrong.

1. The police could not prove his guilt

Opp: innocent

2. She felt terrible guilt after stealing the money.

گناه / تقصیر

Guilty (adj) (guiltier,guiltiest)

1. If you are guilty, you have done s.th wrong.

2. If you feel guilty, you feel that you have done s.th wrong.

1. He is guilty of murder.

Opp: innocent

I feel guilty about lying to her.

گناهکار / مجرم

Fiery (adj)

If s.th is fiery, it is burning strongly.

The fiery blaze burned all night long.


Blaze (noun)

A large strong fire.

The firemen put out the blaze.

زبانه / شعله

Blaze (verb)

Burn strongly and brightly

A blazing fire.


Blazer (noun)

A jacket, blazer sometimes show which school or club you belong to.

ژاکت / لباس فرم

Flesh (no plural)

The soft part of your body under your skin

The zebra's flesh has black and white stripes.

!! The flesh of an animal that we eat is called meat.


Stripe (noun)

A long thin line of colour.

Zebras have black and white stripes.

خط / راه

Striped (adj)

With stripe

He wore a blue-and-white striped shirt.

راه راه

Grapefruit (noun)

A fruit that looks like a big orange, but is yellow.

Would you like a grapefruit with your breakfast?

گریپ فروت

Hay (no plural)

Dry grass that is used as food for farm animals.

I need to buy some more hay for the horse to sleep on.

علف / یونجه خشک

Hay fever (no plural)

An illness like a cold. Grass and other plants can cause hay fever.

تب یونجه

Horrified (adj)

If you are horrified, you are very shocked and feel upset.

I was horrified when i read about the old lady who was attacked.

وحشت زده

Kerosene (noun)

Kerosene is a type of oil, it is used in some lamps and stoves.

Many people in poor countries cook on kerosene stoves.

نفت سفید

Loop (noun)

A round shape made by s.th like string or rope.

He made a loop with the rope and placed it over the post.


Paddle (noun)

A piece of wood with a flat end, that you use for moving a small boat through water.

We need a paddle to help us move across the water.


Paddle (verb)

1. Move a small boat through water with a paddle.

2. Walk in water that is not deep, with no shoes on your feet

1. We paddled up the river.

2. The children were paddling in the sea.

پارو زدن / آب بازی کردن

Raft (noun)

A flat boat with no sides and no engine.

The man made a raft out of bamboo and floated out to sea.

کلک / قایق الواری

Sour (adj)

1. With a taste like lemons or vinegar.

2. Sour milk tastes bad because it is not fresh.

1. If it's too sour, put some sugar in it.

1. I don't like lemons because i think they are too sour.

2. This milk has gone sour.

ترش / ترشیده

Stake (noun)

A stake is a small, sharp piece of woodor metal that is put into the ground.

We marked our property by placing stakes into the ground.

میخ چوبی

Steward (noun)

A man whose job is to look after people on an aeroplane or a ship.

The steward is bringing some tea.

مهماندار / گارسون هواپیما یا کشتی

Stewardess (noun)

A woman whose job is to look after people on an aeroplane or a ship.

مهماندار زن

String (noun)

1. Very thin rope that you use for tying things.

2. A line of things on a piece of thread.

3. A piece of thin wire etc on a musical instrument.

1. I tied up the parcel with string.

1. I found a large ball of string.

1. The little boy held a balloon on the end of a string.

2. She was wearing a string of blue beads.

3. Guitar strings.

نخ / سیم

Thorn (noun)

A sharp point that grows on a plant.

Rose bushes have thorns.

Be careful of the thorns when you pick the roses.

خار / تیغ

Bush (noun)

1. A plant like a small tree with a lot of branches

2. (The bush)(no plural): wild country with a lot of small trees in Africa or Australia.

1. A rose bush.

بوته / بیشه

Wreck (noun)

A ship, car or plane that has been very badly damaged in an accident.

A shipwreck at sea.

کشتی، ماشین یا هواپیمایی که آسیب دیده

Wreck (verb)

Break or destroy s.th completely.

The fire wrecked the hotel.

The teenager wrecked the house for no reason at all.

شکستن / خراب شدن

Wreckage (no plural)

The broken parts of s.th that has been badly damaged.

They found a child in the wreckage of the plane.

تکه پاره ها

Ingredient (noun)

One of the things that you put in when you make s.th to eat.

The ingredients for this cake are flour, butter, sugar and eggs.

جزء سازنده

Admonish (verb)

To admonish someone is to tell them you disapprove of their behavior.

The teacher admonished Mark because he was chewing gum in class.

تذکر دادن

Chew (verb)

Use your teeth to make food soft.


Chewing-gum (no plural)

Sweet stuff that you can chew for a long time.

آدامس / سقز

Gum (noun)

1. Your gums are the hard pink parts of your mouth that hold the teeth.

2. (No plural): thick liquid that you use for sticking pieces of paper together.

لثه / چسب

Audible (adj)

If s.th is audible, then it is able to be heard.

The sound of the drums was audible from miles away.

رسا / قابل شنیدن

Awesome (adj)

If s.th or someone is awesome, they are impressive or frightening.

The huge military plane was an awesome sight.


Sight (noun)

1. (No plural): the power to see.

2. (No plural): seeing s.b or s.th

3. S.th that you see.

4. The interesting places to visit.

1. She has poor sight (=she cannot see well).

2. We had our first sight of London from the plane.

3. The mountains were a beautiful sight.

4. When you come to Paris I'll show you the sights.

بینایی / نظر/ دیدنی

At first sight

When you see s.b or s.th for the first time.

He fell in love with her at first sight.

در نظر اول ....

Catch sight of s.b or s.th

See s.b or s.th suddenly.

I caught sight of Fiona in the crowd.

دیدن (کسی یا چیزی) بطور غیر منتظره

Come into sight

Come where you can see it.

The train came into sight.

در میدان دید قرار گرفتن

In sight

Where you can see it.

Is the land in sight yet?

در دیدرس....

Lose sight of s.b or s.th

No longer be able to see s.b or s.th

After an hour at sea we lost sight of land.

از نظر محو شدن

Out of sight

Where you cannot see it.

We watched until the car was out of sight.

پنهان از نظر

Sightseer (noun)

A person who is visiting interesting places.

The town was full of sightseers.


Sightseeing (no plural)

Visiting interesting places.

We did some sightseeing in Rome.

تماشای جاهای دیدنی

Beware of s.b or s.th (verb)

Be careful because s.b or s.th is dangerous.

Beware of the dog! (Words written on a sign)

You should beware of driving fast on wet roads.

احتیاط کردن از

Brag (verb)

To brag means to talk of one's abilities or achivements in a proud way.

He had strong muscles and bragged about it to the entire class.

فخر فروختن / رجز خواندن

Rare (adj) (rarer,rarest)

1. If s.th is rare, you don't find or see it often.

2. Meat that is rare is only cooked a little.

1. Pandas are rare animals.

1. It's rare to see snow in April.

کمیاب / (گوشت) نیم پز

Rarely (adverb)

Not often

I rarely go to London.

به ندرت

Rural (adj)

Of the country, not the town

The book is about life in rural France.


Harvest (noun)

1. The time when fruit,corn or vegetables are ready to cut or pick.

2. All the fruit,corn or vegetables that are cut or picked.

1. The apple harvest is in September.

2. We had a good harvest this year.

درو / محصول

Harvest (verb)

درو کردن

When does the farmer harvest his wheat?

Spirit (noun)

1. The part of a person that is not the body. Some people think that your spirit does not die when your body dies.

2. (Plural): strong alcoholic drinks whisky and brands are spirits.

3. (Plural): how you feel.

3. She's in high spirits(=happy) today.

روح / مشروب الکلی قوی / روحیه

Labour(no plural)

Hard work that you do with your hands and body.

کار / کوشش

The labour party (noun)

One of the important political parties in Britain.

حزب کارگر

Labourer (noun)

A person who does hard work with his/her hands and body

A farm labourer.


Legal (adj)

1. Allowed by the law.

2. Of or about the law.

1. In many parts of America, it is legal to carry a gun.

Opp: illegal or against the law.

2. Legal advice.

قانونی / مجاز

Legally (adverb)

به صورت قانونی

They are not legally married.

Honour (no plural)

1. S.th that makes you proud and pleased.

2. The respect from other people that a person or country gets because of s.th very good that they have done.

1. It was a great honour to be invited to Buckingham palace.

2. They are fighting for the honour of their country.

افتخار / عزت / آبرو / شرف

In honour of s.b

To show that you respect s.b

There is a party tonight in honour of our visitors.

به افتخار کسی برگزار کردن

Strike (noun)

A time when people are not working because they want more money or are angry about s.th

There are no trains today because the drivers are on strike.


Strike (verb) (struck)

1. Hit s.b or s.th.

2. Stop working because you want more money or are angry about s.th.

3. Ring a bell so that people know what time it is.

4. Come suddenly into your mind.

1. A stone struck me on the back of the head.

!! Hit is the more usual word, but when you talk abliut lightning, you always use strike.

The tree was struck by lightning.

2. The nurses are going to strike for better pay.

3. The clock struck nine.

4. It suddenly struck me that she looked like my sister.

خوردن به / اعتصاب کردن / زنگ زدن / کشف کردن

Strike a match

Make fire with a match

کبریت روشن کردن

Striking (adj)

If s.th is striking, you notice it because it is very unusual or interesting.

That's a very striking hat.


Conscious (adj)

1. Awake and able to think.

Opp : unconscious

2. If you are conscious of s.th, you know about it.

1. The patient was conconscious during the operation.

2. I was conscious that s.b was watching me.

2. The new student was conscious of the other students starting at her.

هشیار / آگاهانه

Lose consciousness (no plural)

Stop being conscious

As she fell, she hit her head and lost consciousness.

از دست دادن هشیاری

Disagree (verb)

Say that another person's idea is wrong.

Not agree.

I said it was a good film, but Jason disagreed with me.

My sister and I disagree about everything.

The lawyers disagreed about the best way to settle the case.

موافق نبودن

Disagreement (noun)

A talk between people with different ideas.

An argument

My parents sometimes have disagreements about money.

اختلاف / مخالفت

Settle (verb)

1. Go to live in a new place and stay there.

2. Decide s.th after talking with s.b

End a discussion or argument.

3. Come down and rest somewhere.

4. Pay s.th

1. Ruth left England and went to settle in America.

2. Have you settled your argument with Rajit?

3. The bird settled on a branch.

4. Have you settled your bill?

ساکن شدن / مستقر کردن / فروکش کردن / واریز کردن

Settle down

1. Sit down or lie down so that you are comfortable.

2. Become calm and quiet.

3. Begin to have a calm life in one place.

1. I settled down in front of the television.

2. The children settled down and went to sleep.

3. When are you going to get married and settle down?

راحت نشستن /آرام گرفتن / سروسامان گرفتن

Settle in

Start to feel happy in a new place

We only moved to this flat last week and we haven't settled in yet.

جا افتادن

Settlement (noun)

1. An agreement about s.th after talknig or arguing.

2. A group of homes in a place where no people have lived before.

1. After long talks about pay, the workers and their bosd reached a settlement.

2. A settlement in the forest.

توافق / مستعمره

Echo (noun)

A sound that a wall sends back so that you hear it again.


Echo (verb)

To echo means that a sound repeats itself because it bounced off an object.

His footsteps echoed in the empty hall.

The child yelled over the canyon, and the wall echoed the sound.

منعکس شدن

Hall (noun)

1. A big room or building where a lot of people meet.

2. The room in a house that is near the front door and has doors to other rooms.

1. A concert hall.

1. We did our exams in the school hall.

2. You can leave your coat in the hall.

سالن / تالار / راهرو

Bounce (verb)

1. When a ball bounced, it moves away quickly after it hits s.th hard.

2. Make a ball do this

3. Jump up and down a lot.

1. The ball bounced off the wall.

2. The boy was bouncing a basketball.

3. The children were bouncing on their beds.

بالاجستن / پریدن / جست و خیز کردن

Canyon (noun)


Eventual (adj)

If s.th is eventual, it will happen at the end of a series of events.

The constant training and planning led the team to an eventual victory.


Victory (noun)

Winning a fight, game or war.

ظفر / پیروزی

Hint (verb)

Say s.th, but not in a direct way

Sarah looked at her watch, hinting that she wanted to go home.

اشاره ضمنی کردن

Hint (noun)

1. S.th that you say,but not in a direct way.

2. A small amount of s.th

1. When he said he had no money, it was a hint that he wanted you to pay for his dinner.

1. A quietly passed on a hint to my sister about the test.

2. There's a hint of garlic in this soup.

اشاره / اثر

Garlic (no plural)

A plant like a small onion with a strong taste and smell, that you use in cooking

(گیاه شناسی) سیر

Idiot (noun)

A person who is stupid or does s.th silly

I was an idiot to forget my key.

Because he got lost in the forest, the man felt like an idiot.

(آدم) احمق

Immense (adj)

Very big

Immense problems.

An immense amount of money was needed to buy such a large boat.

بسیار بزرگ / کلان

Immensely (adverb)

Very or very much

We enjoyed the party immensely.

خیلی زیاد

Indirect (adj)

Not straight or direct.

We came an indirect way to avoid the city centre.

He chose to take the most indirect route to the coast.


Indirectly (adverb)

In an indirect way

بطور غیر مستقیم

Option (noun)

A thing that you can choose

If you're going to France, there are two options, you can go by plane or by boat.

The children were given the option of three houses to pick from.

حق انتخاب

Optional (adj)

That you can choose or not choose.

All students must learn English,bus German is optional.

Opp : compulsory


Compulsory (adj)

If s.th is compulsory, you must do it.

School is compulsory for all children between the ages of five and sixteen.


Pastime (noun)

S.th that you like doing when you are not working.

Painting is her favourite pastime.

In the US, baseball is considered the national pastime.


Perfect (adj)

1. So good that it cannot be better, with nothing wrong.

2. Made from 'has','have' or 'had' and the past participle of a verb.

1. Her english is perfect.

1. The weather is perfect for a picnic.

1. She got all the questions right, so her score was perfect.

2. Perfect tenses.

کامل / عالی / (دستور زبان) کامل

Perfectly (adverb)

1. Completely

2. In a perfect way.

1. I'm perfectly all right.

2. She played the piece of music perfectly.

کاملا / بسیار خوب

Pinpoint (verb)

To pinpoint s.th means to locate it exactly.

The navigation system in my car is able to pinpoint my exact location.

دقیقا مشخص کردن

Navigate (verb)

Use a map, etc to find which way a ship, an aeroplane or a car should go.

Long ago,explorers used the stars to navigate.

جهت یابی کردن

Navigator (noun)

A person who navigates.

افسر ناوبر

Switch (noun)

A small thing that you press to stop or start electricity

Where is the light switch?

کلید برق

Switch (verb)

Change to s.th different.

I switched to another seat because I couldn't see the film.

Mom switched the TV station from the news to her favourite show.

عوض کردن / تغییر موضع دادن

Switch off

Press s.th to stop electricity

I switched the TV off.

Don't forget to switch off the lights.

خاموش کردن

Switch on

Press s.th to start electricity.

Switch the radio on.

روشن کردن

Switch board (noun)

The place in a large office where s.b answers telephone calls and sends them to the right people.

صفحه سوئیچ

Thorough (adj)

Careful and complete.

We gave the room a thorough clean.

Tina did a thorough job of cleaning the stains out of the carpet.


Thoroughly (adverb)

1. Carefully and completely

2. Completely, very or very much.

1. He cleaned the room thoroughly.

2. I thoroughly enjoyed the film.

بطور کامل / فوق العاده

Thoroughly (adverb)

1. Carefully and completely

2. Completely, very or very much.

1. He cleaned the room thoroughly.

2. I thoroughly enjoyed the film.

بطور کامل / فوق العاده

Stain (verb)

Make coloured or dirty marks on s.th

The wine stained the carpet red.

لک کردن

Stain (noun)


She had blood stains on her shirt.

Torment (verb)

To torment someone means to cause them to suffer on purpose.

She tormented her little brother by taking his favourite toy.

زجر دادن

Suffer (verb)

Feel pain,sadness or s.th else that is not pleasant

I'm suffering from toothache.

(درد) داشتن / رنج بردن از

Faucet (noun)

شیر (اب و غیره)

Graze (verb)

1. Hurt your skin by rubbing it against s.th rough.

2. Eat grass

1. He fell and grazed his arm.

2. The sheep were grazing in the fields.

خراشیدن / چریدن

Graze (noun)


Her legs were covered with grazes.

Commute (verb)

Travel a long way from home to work every day.

She lives in the country and commutes to London.

رفت و آمد

Commuter (noun)

A person who commutes

مسافر هرروزه (میان خانه و محل کار)

Attend (verb)

Go to or be at a place where s.th is happening.

Did you attend the meeting?

شرکت کردن در

Register (noun)

A list of names.

The teacher keeps a register of all the students in the class.

صورت اسامی / ثبت

Register (verb)

1. Put a name on a list.

2. Show a number or amount.

1. I would like to register for the English course.

2. The thermometer registered 30°C

ثبت نام کردن / نشان دادن

Registration (no plural)

Putting a name on a list.

Registration of births,marriages and deaths.

ثبت نام

Registration number (noun)

The numbers and letters on the front and back of a carn etc.

(اتومبیل) شماره

Escape (verb)

1. Get free from s.b or s.th

2. If a liquid or gas escapes, it comes out of a place.

1. The bird escaped from the cage.

1. The prisoner escaped, but he was caught.

فرار کردن / گریختن

Escape (noun)

گریز / فرار

Make your escape

Get free.

Get away from a place.

They jumped out of a window and made their escape.

موفق به فرار شدن

Terrify (verb)

Make s.b very frightened

Spiders terrify me!


Terrified (adj)

Very frightened

Di is terrified of dogs.

وحشت زده

Associate (verb)

Put two ideas together in your mind

We usually associate Austria with snow and skiing.

مربوط کردن

Association (noun)

A group of people who join or work together for a special reason.

The football association.

انجمن / کانون

Paralysed (adj)

If you are paralysed, you cannot move your body or a part of it.

After the accident she was paralysed in both legs.

فلج (شده)

Proud (adj)

1. If you feel proud, you are pleased about s.th that you or others have done or about s.th that you have.

2. A person who is proud thinks that he/she is better than other people.

1. They are very proud of their new house.

2. She was too proud to say she was sorry.

!! The noun is pride.

مفتخر / متکبر

Proudly (adverb)

با افتخار / با غرور

I made this myself, he said proudly.

Dress (noun)

1. Piece of clothing with a top part and a skirt, that a woman or girl wears.

2. (No plural): clothes.

2. The group of dancers wore national dress.

لباس زنانه / لباس (مخصوص)

Dress (verb)

1. Put clothes on yourself or another person.

2. Wear clothes

1. She dressed quickly and went out.

1. He washed and dressed the baby.

!! Opp: undress.

2. She dressed like a film star.

پوشانیدن / پوشاندن

Dressed in s.th

Wearing s.th

He was dressed in black.


Dress up

1. Put on your best clothes.

2. Put on special clothes for fun, so that you look like another person or a thing.

1. They dressed up to go to the theatre.

2. The children dressed up as ghosts.

لباس خوب پوشیدن / تغییر لباس

Get dressed

Put on your clothes

I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

Opp: get undressed

لباس پوشیدن

Dressing (noun)

1. A thing for covering a part of your body that is hurt.

2. A mixture of oil,vinegar,etc that you put on a salad.

1. You should put a dressing on that cat.

مرحم گذاری

Dressing-gown (noun)

A piece of clothing like a coat that you wear over your pyjamas or nightdress

لباس خواب

Dressing-table (noun)

A piece of bedroom furniture like a table with drawers and a mirror.

میز آرایش

Custom (noun)

S.th that a group of people usually do.

It is a custom to give presents at Christmas.

رسم / سنت

Gloomy (adj) (gloomier,gloomiest)

1. Dark and sad.

2. Sad and without hope.

1. What a gloomy day!

2. He's feeling very gloomy because he can't get a job.

تاریک / افسرده

Gloomily (adverb)

She looked gloomily out of the window at the rain.

Setting (noun)

The place where s.th is or where s.th happens

The house is in a beautiful setting on top pf a hill.

نصب / موقعیت / زمینه

Decay (verb)

Become bad or fall to pieces.

If you don't clean your teeth, they will decay.

پوسیده شدن

Decay (no plural)


Tooth decay.

Trap (noun)

1. A thing that you use for catching animals.

2. A plan to trick s.b

1. The rabbit's leg was caught in a trap.

2. I knew the question was a trap, so I didn't answer it.

تله / کلک

Trap (verb) (trapped)

1. Keep s.b in a place that they cannot escape from.

2. Catch or trick s.b or s.th

1. They were trapped in the burning building.

به تله انداختن / گیر انداختن

Article (noun)

1. A piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine.

2. A thing

3. The word 'a' , 'an' and 'the' are called articles.

1. Did you read the article about Spain in yesterday's newspaper?

2. Many of the articles in the shop are half-price.

2. Articles of clothing (=things like skirts,coats and trousers)

مقاله / شی /حرف تعریف

Carve (verb)

1. Cut wood or stone to make a picture or shape.

2. Cut meat into thin pieces after you have cooked it.

1. Her father carved a little horse for her out of wood.

حکاکی کردن / (بریدن) گوشت پخته

Creep (verb) (crept)

Move quietly and carefully so that nobody hears or sees you; move along close to the ground.

The cat crept towards the bird.

I crept into the room where the children were sleeping.

خزیدن / پاورچین پاورچین رفتن

Represent (verb)

1. Be a sign for s.th

2. Speak or do s.th for another person or other people.

1. The yellow lines on the map represent roads.

2. Christie will represent Britain at the next Olympic Games.

نشان دادن / نماینده بودن

Representative (noun)

A person who speaks or does s.th for a group of people

There were representatives from every country in Europe at the meeting.


Legend (noun)

An old story that is perhaps not true.

The legend of Robin Hood.


Regard (verb)

Think of s.b or s.th in a certain way.

I regard her as my best friend.

تلقی کردن

Regard (noun)

1. (No plural): what you think about s.b or s.th

2. (No plural): care.

3. Regards (plural): kind wishes

1. I have a high regard for his work (=I think it is very good).

2. She shows no regard for other people's feelings.

3. Please give my regards to your parents.

ملاحظه / احترام

Restrain (verb)

Stop s.b or s.th from doing s.th; control s.b or s.th

I couldn't restrain my anger.

مهار کردن / بازداشتن

Vandalism (no plural)

Damage by vandals

Vandalism is a problem in this part of the city.


Destroy (verb)

Break s.th completely so that you cannot use it again or so that it is gone.

The house was destroyed by fire.

خراب کردن / معدوم کردن

Donate (verb)

Give s.th to people who need it

They donated £1000 to the hospital.

اهدا کردن / بخشیدن

Donation (noun)

S.th that you give to people who need it.

A donation of money.


Charity (noun)

1. A group of people who collect money to help people who need it.

2. (No plural): being kind and helping other people.

1. The red cross is a charity.

خیریه / نوع دوستی / نیکوکاری

Dispute (noun)

An angry talk between people with different ideas

There was a dispute about which driver caused the accident.

مشاجره / جدال

Debate (noun)

A public meeting where people talk about s.th important.


Debate (verb)

بحث کردن

Parliament is debating the new law.

Scholar (noun)

A person who has learned a lot about s.th

A famous history scholar.


Scholarship (noun)

Money that is given to a good student to help him/her to continue studying

Adrian won a scholarship to Cambridge.


Grave (adj) (graver,gravest)

Very bad or serious

!! Serious is the word that we usually use.

شدید / سخت

Grave (noun)

A hole in the ground where a dead person's body is put.

We put flowers on the grave.

گور / قبر

Gravestone (noun)

A piece of stone on a grave that shows the name of the death person

سنگ گور

Graveyard (noun)

A piece of land near a church where death people are put in the ground.


Corpse (noun)

The body of a dead person.

جسد / جنازه

Intend (verb)

Plan to do s.th

When do you intend to go to London?

قصد داشتن

Be intended for s.b or s.th

Be for s.b or s.th

This dictionary is intended for elementary learners of English.

اختصاص داشتن

Pumpkin (noun)

A very large round vegetable with a thick orange skin.

کدو حلوایی

Myth (noun)

1. A very old story.

2. A story or belief that is not true.

اسطوره / افسانه

Destruction (no plural)

Breaking s.th completely so that you cannot use it again or so ghat it is gone.

The destruction of the city by bombs.

خرابی / ویرانی

Complex (noun)

A group of building

A sports complex.


Consist of s.th (verb)

Be made of s.th

Have s.th as parts

Jam consists of fruit and sugar.

تشکیل شدن

Consistent (adj)

Always the same

His work isn't very consistent_sometimes it's good and sometimes it's terrible

Opp: inconsistent.

سازگاری / ثبات

Connect (verb)

Join one thing to another thing.

This wire connects the video recorder to the television.

The two cities are connected by a motorway.

متصل کردن/شدن

Connection (noun)

1. The way that one thing is joined to another.

2. A train, plane or bus that leaves a place soon after another arrives, so that people can change from one to the other.

1. We had a bad connection on the phone so I couldn't hear him very well.

1. Is there a connection between violence on TV and crime?

2. The train was late, so I missed my connection.

اتصال / ارتباط / ادامه مسیر

In connection with s.th

About s.th

The police want to talk to him in connection with the robbery.

در ارتباط با چیزی

Compete (verb)

Try to win a race or competition

Teams from many countries compete in the world cup.

مسابقه دادن

Competition (noun)

1. A game or test that people try to win.

2. (No plural): trying to win or be best.

1. I entered the painting competition and won first prize.

2. We were in competition with a team from another school.


Prize (noun)

S.th that you give to the person who wins a game, race, etc.

I won first prize in the painting competition.


Advantage (noun)

S.th that helps you or that is useful.

When you're travelling in South America, it's a great advantage if you speak Spanish.

One advantage of camping is that it's cheap.

Opp: disadvantage

امتیاز / نفع

Take advantage of s.th

Use s.th to help yourself

Buy now and take advantage of these special prices.

سود / بهره

Advance (no plural)

ترقی / پیشرفت

In advance

Before s.th happens

we paid for the tickets in advance.

قبلی / مقدم


S.th that requires specialized knowledge


Advanced (adj)

Of or for s.b who is already good at s.th.


An advanced English class.

پیشرفته / مترقی


Unneccessary , extra

I have so much supperfluous

زیادی / غیرضروری


To accept s.th

She will not acquiesce to your request.

تسلیم شدن / راضی شدن


An unfocused feeling of anxiety toward life.

My teenager is so filled with angst.

احساس بیم و نگرانی


Art that is considered lowbrow.

My aunt's apartment is really kitschy.

پرزرق و برق و کم محتوا

*bono fide

Real , genuine

He's a bana fide genttleman.

*Vice versa

The converse

I could to your house, or vice versa


*alma mater

One's former school

Hardward is my alma mater

مدرسه یا دانشگاهی که شخص در آن پرورش یافته است

*carpe diem

Seize the day

امروز را رها مکن / تا وقت هست خوش باش

*Status quo

The existing state of affairs

Eating vegan is the status quo.

وضع موجود

Artificial (adj)

Made by people, not natural

Artificial flowers.

مصنوعی / ساختگی

*Kick up their heels

To celebrate, commemorate an event with festivities


Devoted to one's country

Evergreen (noun)

A tree that has green leaves all the year

همیشه سبز


To be broadcasted on television

در تلویزیون نشان دادن

Shrub (noun)

A plant like a small low tree


*national anthem

Official song of a nation

Ornament (noun)

A thing that we have because it is beautiful, not because it is usual.

Their house is full of china ornament.



Impressive decorations, clothes, music and so on that are traditional for an important ceremony.

Ornamental (adj)

آرایشی / تزیینی

There is an ornamental pond in the garden.

*setting up

To assemble, put together, to place upright

He spent 3 hours setting up the stage forthe band

Possess (verb)

Have or own s.th

He lost everything that he possessed in the fire.

!!! Have or own are the words that we usually use.

مالک بودن / داشتن

*do a great

To do someone means to impersonate them, immitate the way they act or more.

Possession (noun)

1. (No plural): having or owing s.th

2. Possessions (plural): the things that you have or own

1. The possession of drugs is a crime.

مالکیت / دارایی

Carol (noun)

A religious song that people sing at Christmas

سرود کریسمس

Revolution (noun)

1. A fight by people against their government, to put a new government in its place.

2. A big change in the way of doing things.

1. The French revolution was in 1789.

2. The industrial revolution.


Defeat (verb)

Win a fight or game against a person or group of people.

Alexander the Great defeated the Persians in 334 BC.

شکست دادن

Defeat (noun)

Losing a game, fight or war


Replace (verb)

1. Put s.th back in the right place.

2. Take the place of s.b or s.th

3. Put a new or different person or thing in the place of another.

1. Please replace the books on the shelf when you have finished with them.

2. John Major replaced Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister.

3. The watch was broken so the shop replaced it with a new one.

جانشین کردن/شدن

Replacement (noun)

1. A new or different person or thing that takes the place of another.

2. (No plural): putting a new or different person or thing in the place of another.

1. Sue is leaving the company next month so we need to find a replacement.


Strict (adj)(stricter,strictest)

If you are strict, you make people do what you want and do not allow them to behave badly.

Her parents are very strict_she always has to be home before ten oclock.

Strict rules.

سختگیر / خشک

Strictly (adverb)

1. Definitely, in a strict way.

2. Exactly

1. Smoking is strictly forbidden.

2. That is not strictly true.

به طور جدی / دقیقا

Ban (verb)(banned)

Say that s.th must stop or must not happen

The film was banned (=people were not allowed to see it)

توقیف کردن

Ban (noun)

توقیف / تحریم

There is a ban on smoking in petrol stations

Prohibit (verb)

Say that people must not do s.th

Smoking is prohibit in the theatre.

ممنوع کردن

Aside (adverb)

On or to one side, away.

He put the letter aside while he did his homework.


State (noun)

1. (No plural): how s.b or s.th is.

2. A country and its government.

3. A part of a country.

1. Your room is in a terrible state (=untidy or dirty)

2. Many schools are owned by the state.

3. Texas is a state in the USA.

وضع / حکومت / ایالت

State of mind

How you feel

What state of mind is he in?

وضعیت احساسی

State (verb)

Say or write s.th

I stated in my letter that I was looking for a job.

بیان کردن

Statement (noun)

S.th that you say or write

The driver made a statement to the police about the accident.


Armed (adj)

With a weapon, for example a gun

An armed robber.

Are the police armed in your country?


The armed forces (noun)

The armyn air force and navy.

نیروهای مسلح

Force (noun)

1. (No plural): power or strength.

2. A group of people, for examplepolice or soliders, who do a special job.

1. He was killed by the force of the explosion.

2. The police force.

زور / شدت / نیرو

By force

Using a lot of strength, for example by pushing, pulling or hitting

I lost the key so I had to open the door by force.

به زور

Force (verb)

1. Make s.b do s.th that they do not want to do.

2. Do s.th by using a lot of strength.

1. They forced him to give them the money.

2. The thief forced the window open.

مجبور کردن / فشار آوردن

Weapon (noun)

A thing that you use for fighting. Guns and swords are weapons.


Sword (noun)

A long sharp knife for fighting


Memory (noun)

1. The power to remember things.

2. S.th that you remember.

3. The part of a computer that holds information.

1. She's got a very good memory_she never forgets people's names.

2. I have very happy memories of that holiday.

حافظه / خاطره

Dead (adj)

1. Not living

2. Very quiet

1. All my grandparents are dead.

1. Throw away those dead flowers.

2. This town is dead: everything is closed after ten o'clock at night.

مرده / سوت و کور

A dead end

A street that is only open at one end

بن بست

The dead (noun)(plural)

Dead people

عالم اموات / مردگان

Deadline (noun)

A day or time before which you must do s.th

The deadline for finishing ghis essay is next Tuesday.

مهلت / فرجه

Deadly (adj)(deadlier,deadliest)

S.th that is deadly may kill people or other living things

A deadly weapon.

مهلک کشنده

Deadly (adverb)


I'm deadly serious.

بسیار / زیاد

Essay (noun)

A short piece of writing about a subject

Our teacher asked us to write an essay on our favourite author.


Duty (noun)

1. S.th that you must do because it is part of your job or because you think it is right.

2. Money (a tax) that you pay to the government when you bring things into a country from another country

1. It's your duty to look after your parents when they got older.

1. One of the duties of asecretary is to type letters.

وظیفه / مالیات

Off duty

Not working

The police officer was off duty.

فراغت از کار

On duty


Some nurses at the hospital are on duty all night.


Duty-free (adj,adverb)

That you can bring into a country without paying money to the government. You can buy duty-free goods on planes or ships and at airports.

معاف از مالیات

Century (noun)

1. 100 years.

2. A time of 100 years, that we use in dates.

2. We are living at the end of the twentieth century.

سده / قرن

Cemetery (noun)

An area of ground where dead people are put under the earth


Contain (verb)

Have s.th inside it.

This box contains pens and pencils.

Chocolate contains a lot of sugar.

شامل بودن

Container (noun)

A thing that you can put other things in boxes, bottles, bags and jars are all containers.

ظرف / کانتینر

Tomb (noun)

A thing made of stone where a dead person's body is buried.


Funeral (noun)

The time when a dead person is buried or burned

(مراسم) تدفین

Statue (noun)

The shape of a person or an animal that is madeof stone or metal

The statue of Liberty in New York.


Preservation (no plural)

Keeping s.th safe; make s.th stay the same.

The preservation of rare birds.


Preserve (verb)

Keep s.th safe, make s.th stay the same.

Parts of the town are new, but they have preserved many of the old building.

حفاظت کردن

Salute (verb)

Make the special sign that soliders make by lifting your hand to your head.

The soliders saluted as the Queen walked past.

سلام (نظامی) دادن

Salute (noun)

سلام نظامی

The soliders gave a salute.

Expression (noun)

1. A word or group of words, a way of saying s.th

2. The look on your face that shows how you feel.

1. The expression 'to drop off' means 'to fall asleep'.

2. An expression of surprise.

اظهار / بیان / حالت

Praise (verb)

Say that s.b or s.th is good.

She was praised for her hard work.

تحسین کردن

Praise (no plural)


The book has recieved a lot of praise.

Respect (no plural)

1. Thinking that s.b is very good or clever.

2. Being polite to s.b

1. I have a lot of respect for your father.

2. You should treat old people with more respect.


Respect (verb)

Think that s.b is good or clever.

The students respect their teacher.

احترام گذاشتن

Respectable (adj)

If a person or thing is respectable, people think he/she/it is good or correct

She comes from a respectable family.


View (noun)

1. What you can see from a certain place.

2. Whst you believe or think about s.th

1. There is a beautiful view of the mountains from our window.

2. What are your views on marriage?

منظریه / نظریه

In view of s.th

Because of s.th

In view of the bad weather we decided to cancel the match.

نظر به

On view

In a place for people to see

Her paintings are on view at the museum.

در معرض نمایش

Viewer (noun)

A person who watches television.


Marriage (noun)

1. The time when two people are together as husband and wife.

2. The time when a man and woman become husband and wife; a wedding

1. They had a long and happy marriage.

2. The marriage will take place in church.

ازدواج / عقد

Outlook (noun)

What will probably happen.

The outlook for the weekend: dry and sunny weather in all parts of Britain.

پیش بینی / دورنما

Application (noun)

Writing to ask for s.th, for example a job.


Application form (noun)

A special piece of paper that you write on when you are typing to get s.th, for example a job.

درخواست نامه

Operation (noun)

1. Cutting a person's body to take out or mend a part inside.

2. S.th that happens, that needs a lot of people or careful planning.

1. He had an operation on his eye.

2. A military operation.

عمل (جراحی) / عملیات

Support (verb)

1. Hold s.b or s.th up, so that they do not fall.

2. Help s.b to liveby giving things like money, a home or food.

3. Say that you think that s.b or s.th is right or the best.

1. The bridge isn't strong enough to support heavy lorries.

2. She has three children to support.

3. Everybody else said I was wrong but Paul supported me.

3. Which football team do you support?

پشتیبانی کردن

Support (noun)

1. (No plural): help.

2. S.th that holds up another thing.

1. Thank you for all your support.

2. A roof support.

پشتیبانی / تکیه گاه

Supporter (noun)

A person who helps s.b or s.th by giving money, or by showing interest.

Football supporters.


Relation (noun)

1. A person in your family.

2. A connection between two things.

2. There is no relation between the size of the countries and the number of people who live there.

خویشی / ارتباط

Relationship (noun)

How people,things or ideas are connected to each other; feelings between people.

I have a good relationship with my parents.

The book is about the relationship between an Indian boy and an English girl.


Office (noun)

1. A room or building with desks and telephones, where people work.

2. A room or building where you can buy s.th or get information

3. One part of the government.

1. I work in an office.

2. The ticket office is at the front of the station.

2. The post office.

3. The Foreign Office.

دفتر / اداره / منصب

Officer (noun)

1. A person in the army,navy or air force who gives orders to other people.

2. A person who does important work, especially for the government.

1. A naval officer.

2. A prison officer.

2. Police officer.

متصدی و افسر

Official (adj)

Of or from the government or s.b who is important.

An official report.

The newscis now official_they are getting married.

Opp : unpfficial

#On my own


Without other people

#be complete opposite

Be very different

#share a flat

Live in the same flat as another person

#go out with someone

Have a romantic relationship with someone

Officially (adverb)


I think I've got the job, but they will tell me officially on Friday.

#get to know someone

Learn about and become friends with someone

#get married

Become husband and wife

Official (noun)

A person who does important work, especially for the government.

Government officials.

مامور / مقام

#split up

Stop having a romantic relationship

#Get on well with someone

Have a good relationship with someone

To have a knack for

To have a special talent or ability

She has a knack for learning speaking.

#Become flatmates/friends

Start to be flatmades/friends

#what's the matter?

What's the problem?

You can do me

Here 'to do someone' has a double meaning of having sex with someone.

It is very informal expression

#be/feeling boiling

Very very hot

#be/feel freezing

Very very cold

#Cash desk

The place where you pay

#stay in

Stay at home

#come round

Come to my home

#Go out

Leave home to go cinema and etc.

#go shopping

Go to shops to buy clothes, CDs etc.

#go for a walk

Have a short walk to enjoy yourself

#try s.th on

Put s.th on to see if the size is right.

#changing room

A place where you try s.th on

#that looks really nice

I think it's on you

Refresh (verb)

Make s.b feel cooler, stronger or less tired.

A sleep will refresh you after your long journey.

سرحال آوردن

Refreshing (adj)

نشاط آور

A cool, refreshing drink.

Refreshments (noun) (plural)

Food and drinks that you can buy in a place like a cinema or theatre.

Refreshments will be sold in the interval.

خوردنی و آشامیدنی / تازگی


A person who arrives late

#hunted house

Houses in which ghosts are seen or heard.

#historical figure

People,situations or things that existed in the past and are considered to be a part of history.

#full swing

Full operation

#faux pas

An embrassing social mistake in manners or behavior


Very interested in fashion and wanting to wear fashionable clothes, spend time in fashionable places, etc.


No longer useful or acceptable, not modern or current


To be in existence, or has been performed, for a long time

#native American

A member of rthe indegenous people of North America

Contribute (verb)

Give s.th when other people are giving too.

We contributed £10 each to pay for the party.

کمک کردن / سهیم شدن

#politically correct

Of language, ideas, policies and behavior seen as seeking to minimize offense among gender, race, culture, etc.

#winter solstice

The shortest day of the year, which usually occurs on December 21 to 22

Contribution (noun)

S.th that you give when other people are giving too.

We are sending contributions of food and clothing to people in poor countries.

سهم / کمک

#to round out

To make bigger, better or more complete

#to stuff oneself

To eat as possible, to overeat

#fallen solider

Soliders who have died in the line of duty

#Twentieth century

The years between 1901 to 2000

Train (noun)

Carriages or wagons that are pulled by an engine along a railway line.

I'm going to Briston by train.

ترن / قطار

#to be missing s.th

To not have s.th, to be lacking s.th

Catch a train

Get on a train to go somewhere

We caught the 7.15 train to Leeds.

سوار قطار شدن

#switch places with someone

To exchange or swap sitting positions with someone

Change trains

Go from one train to another.

You have to change trains at reading.

عوض کردن قطار (برای مسافرت)

# I'll get right on that

Expression used to say that you'll do s.th immediately

#get arrested

To be captured by a police man for breaking to law

#roll/jump/fall out of bed

This means that she/he left her bed in a very casual way, without taking care of his/her appearance.

Train (verb)

1. Teach a person or an animal to do s.th

2. Make yourself ready for s.th by studying or doing s.th a lot

1. He was trained as a polite.

2. Ann is training to be a doctor.

2. He goes running every morning_he's training for thr race.

آموزش دادن/دیدن / تمرین کردن

#I bet you are a ...

To bet means to gomble, to risk money based on the outcome of a game like poker.

# in the meantime

Diring or in the intervening time

#handle a stick

Expression used to ask if the person can drive a manual car. The stick is referring to a gear stick.

Trainer (noun)

1. A person who teaches other people to do a sport.

2. A person who teaches animals to do s.th

3. A soft shoe that you wear for runninh.

مربی / تربیت کننده

#stand to reason

Obviously, based on the facts

This is no common

#go time

The planned start time

#it's a deal

To drive at an agreement, contract

Training (no plural)

Getting ready for a sport or job.

She is in training for the Plympic Games .

#leave up to (a person or thing)

To cede/release control or power for a decision

Traitor (noun)

A person who harms his/her country or friends to help another wear of rison breaker.


#that's it / that's all

I don't want any more things

#just over

A little more than

Opp: just under

#take away

Eat in another place (not in the café)

#a couple of minutes

Two or three minutes

#have a seat

Sit down

#are you ready to order?

Do you know what you want to eat?

#how would you like your steak?

Would you like your steak rare, medium or well done?

#still water

Water without gas

#sparkling water

Water with gas

#kick off

To start or begin

#in style

Fashionable or fashionably

#time zone

A special region in which the same standard time is used

#ring in the New year

To celebrate the beginning of the new year at midnight on Desember 31


Jokingly, sarcastically, or ironically

#lunar calendar

A calendar that is based on cycles of the moon

#the good old days

Past times remembered with fondness or longing to go back to that time.

#well into

Far into s.th or far along in s.th

#ticket office

The place where you buy tickets in a station

#rush hour

The time when a lot of people are travelling to and from work


Pass another car by going faster

#entrance / way in

Go in here

Go out / leave here

#no entry

You can't go in here

#no exit

You can't go out here

#queue here

Wait in a line here

#nothing to declare

You have no tax to pay

#out of order

This isn't working

It's broken

#please ring for attention

Ring the bell and s.b will come

#no vacancies

The hotel is full

#human rights

Basic freedoms to which all humans are entitled, such as freedom of thought

#there's lots to do

There's many activities and places to visit

Opp: there's nothing to do

#would think

A way of saying, "that would make sense but no"

You would think it's cheaper, but it's more expensive.

#(to be) familiar with

Having a general understanding or knowledge about s.th

Even though I've been here for over 10 years, I'm still not totally familiar with this city.

#not gonna happen

Commenly used to say we won't do s.th someone is asking us or trying to force us to do.

Thought (noun)

1. (No plural): thinking

2. An idea

1. After a lot of thought, I decided not to take the job.

2. Have you had any thoughts about what you want to do when you leave school?

فکر / قصد

Tour (noun)

1. A short visit to see a building or city.

2. A journey to see a lot of defferent places.

1. They gave us a tour of the house.

2. We went on a tour of Scotland.

گردش / بازدید

Tour (verb)

گردش کردن

We toured France for three weeks.

Thoughtful (adj)

1. If you are toughtful, you are thinking carefully.

2. A person who is thoughtful is kind, and thinks and cares about other people

1. She instened with a toughtful look on her face.

2. It was very thoughtful of you to cook us dinner.

متفکر / با ملاحظه

Tourism (no plural)

Arranging holidays for people

This country earns a lot of money from tourism.


Tourist (noun)

A person who visits a place on holiday.


Bury (verb)

1. Put a dead body in the ground

2. Put s.th in the ground or under s.th

1. !!!! The noun is burial

2. The dog buried a bone in the garden.

دفن کردن

Tournament (noun)

A sports competition with a lot of players or teams.

A tennis tournament.

یک دوره مسابقه

Military (adj)

Of or for soliders or the army

A military camp.

Military action.


Gradual (adj)

S.th that is gradual happens slowly

I am making gradual progress with my work.


Gradually (adverb)

کم کم / به تدریج

We all become gradually older.

Deal (noun)

An agreement, usually about buying, selling or working.

Let's make a deal_I'll help you today if you help me tomorrow.

دادوستد / معامله

Ceremony (noun)

A time when you do s.th special and important

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

A wedding ceremony.

مراسم / تشریفات

A good/great deal

A lot


I saw a good deal of France on my holiday.

We ate a great deal.

مقدار زیادی

Deal (verb)

معامله کردن

Deal in s.th

Buy and sell s.th in business.

We deal in insurance.

قرارداد بستن

Deal out

Give s.th to each person

I dealt out the cards for the next game.

قسمت کردن

Deal with s.th/s.b

1. Look after s.th and do what is necessary.

2. Tell about s.th

1. I am too busy to deal with this problem now.

2.the first chapter of the book deals with letter-writing.

رسیدگی کردن / در مورد چیزی صحبت کردن

Significance (no plural)

The importance or meaning of s.th

What is the significance of this discovery?


Significant (adj)

Important, with a special meaning.

The police say that the time of the robbery was very significant.

با اهمیت

Adjust (verb)

Make a small change to s.th. to make it better.

You can adjust the height of this chair.

سازگار کردن / وفق دادن

Daler (noun)

A person who buys and sells things

Drug dealers

فروشنده / دلال

Remain (verb)

1. Stay after other people or things have gone.

2. Stay in the same way. Not change

1. After the fire, very little remained of the house.

2. I asked her a question but she remained silent.

باقی ماندن / توقف کردن

Remains (noun)(plural)

What is left when most of s.th has gone.

The remains of an old church.


Swing (verb) (swung)

1. Hang from s.th and move backwards and forwards or from side to side through the air.

2. Make s.b or s.th move in this way.

3. Move in a curve.

1. The monkey was swinging from a tree.

2. He swung his arms as he walked.

3. The door swung open.

تاب خوردن / حرکت دادن / چرخیدن

Spend (verb)(spent)

1. Pay money for s.th

2. Use time for s.th

1. Louise spends a lot of money on clothes.

2. I spent the summer in Italy.

2. He spent a lot of time sleeping.

خرج کردن / گذراندن

Swing (noun)

A seat that hangs down. Children sit on it to move backwards and forwards through the air.


Embarrass (verb)

Make s.b feel shy or worried about what other people think of them.

Mark embarrassed his friends by singing very loudly on the bus.

نگران کردن / شرمنده کردن

Embarrassed (adj)

If you are embarrassed, you feel shy or worried about what other people think of you.

Everyone laughed when I fell off my chair_I was really embarrassed.

خجالت زده

Fare (noun)

The money that you pay to travel by bus, train, plane, etc.

How much is the train fare to Manchester?


Embarrassing (adj)

S.th that is embarrassing makes you feel embarrassed.

I couldn't remember her name_it was so embarrassing.

ناراحت کننده

Embarrassment (noun)

The feeling that you have when you are embarrassed; a person or thing that embarrasses you.

His face was red with embarrassment.

پریشانی / شرم

Shower (noun)

1. A place where you can wash by standing under water that falls from above you.

2. Washing yourself in a shower.

3. Rain that falls for a short time.

1. There's a shower in the bathroom.

2. I had a shower after the tennis match.

دوش / رگبار

Breeze (noun)

A light wind


Damp (adj) (damper,dampest)

A little wet

A cold damp house.


Date (noun)

1. The number of the day, the month and sometimes the year.

2. A small sweet brown fruit.

1. What's the date today? The first of February.

1. Today's date is 11 September 1993.

1. What is your date of birth?

تاریخ / زمان /خرما

Vomit (verb)

When you vomit, food comes up from your stomach and out of your mouth

!!! It is more usual to say be sick.

قی (استفراغ) کردن

Out of date

1. Not modern

2. Too old, so that you cannot use it.

1. The machinery they use is completely out of date.

2. This ticket is out of date.

کهنه / قدیمی

Up to date

1. Modern

2. With the newest information

2. Is this list of names up to date?

جدید / مد روز

Plaster (noun)

1. (No plural): soft stuff that becomes hard and smooth when it is dry. Plaster is used for covering walls.

2. A small piece of sticky materials that you put over a cut on your body to keep it clean.

3. (No plural): white stuff that you put round a broken arm or leg. It becomes hard and keeps the arm or leg safe until it is better.

3. When i broke my leg it was in plaster for two months.

گچ (ساختمان،شکسته بندی) / چسب زخم

Adopt (verb)

Take the child of another person into your family to become your own child.

They adopted Stephen after his parents died.

به فرزندی پذیرفتن

Cough (verb)

Send air out of your throat with a sudden loud noise.

The smoke made me cough.

سرفه کردن

Cough (noun)


He gave a little cough before he started to speak.

I've got a bad cough.

Alter (verb)

1. Become different, change

2. Make s.th different; change s.th

2. These trousers are too long_ I'm going to alter them (=make them shorter by sewing)

تغییر دادن / عوض کردن

Pork (no plural)

Meat from a pig

Pork sausages

گوشت خوک

Alteration (noun)

A small change

اصلاح / تغییر

Alternate (adj)

First one and then the other

At school we have English and German lessons on alternate days (=English on Mondays,German on Tuesdays. English again on Wednesdays,etc)

Prawn (noun)

A small pink sea animal that you can eat.

شاه میگو

Ham (no plural)

Meat from a pig's leg that you can keep for a long time because salt or smoke was used to prepare it.

ژامبون / ران (خوک)

Bacon (no plural)

Thin pieces of meat from a pig, that is prepared using salt or smoke.

We had bacon and eggs for breakfast.

ژامبون / گوشت نمک زده

Sausage (noun)

Meat that is cut into very small pieces and made into a long, thin shape

Garlic sausage.

Sausages and chips.


Piglet (noun)

A young pig

بچه خوک

Alternative (adj)


The theatre has no tickets for the first of June_can you choose an alternative date?

دیگر / جایگزین

Alternative (noun)

A thing that you can choose instead of another thing

We could go by train_the alternative is to take the car.


Bitter (adj)

1. With a sharp unpleasant taste, like very strong coffee, not sweet.

2. Angry and sad about s.th that has happened.

3. Very cold

2. He felt very bitter about losing his job.

3. A bitter wind.

تلخ / عصبانی / سرمای سخت

A bitter wind

باد بسیار سرد

Bitter (no plural)

A dark beer

A pint of bitter, please.

آبجوی تلخ

Cauliflower (noun)

A large vegetable with green leaves outside and a hard white part in the middle.

گل کلم

Courgette (noun)

A long vegetable that is green on the outside and white on the inside.

کدو سبز

Cabbage (noun)

A large round vegetable with thick green leaves.

کلم پیچ

Reform (verb)

Change s.th to make it better.

The government wants to reform the education system in this country.

اصلاح کردن

Mushroom (noun)

A plant that you can eat, with a flat top and no leaves


Reform (noun)

A change to make s.th better

Political reform


Crisis (noun)

A time when s.th very dangerous or serious happens

A political crisis.


District (noun)

A part of a country or town

The lake district is in the North-West of England.

بخش / ناحیه

Swap (verb)

Change one thing for another thing: give one thing and get another thing for it.

Do you want to swap chairs with me? (=you have my chair and I'll have yours).

I swapped my T-shirt for Tom's cassette.

باهم عوض کردن

Due (adj)

1. If s.th is due at a certain time, you expect it to happen or come then.

2. If an amount of money is due, you must pay it.

1. What time is the train due?

1. The new motorway is due to open in April.

2. My rent is due at the beginning of the month.

مقرر / بدهی

Due to s.th

Because of s.th

The accident was due to bad driving.

به علت چیزی

Arrest (verb)

When the police arrest s.b, they make that person a prisoner because they think that he/she has done s.th wrong

The thief was arrested yesterday.

دستگیر کردن

Arrest (noun)

Arresting s.b

The police made five arrests.


Be under arrest

Be a prisoner of the police

تحت بازداشت بودن

Capture (verb)

Catch s.b and keep them somewhere so that they cannot leave

The police captured the robbers.

دستگیر کردن

Reach (verb)

1. Arrive somewhere.

2. Put out your hand to do or get s.th. be able to touch s.th.

1. It was dark when we reached Paris.

1. Have you reached the end of the book yet?

2. I reached for the telephone.

2. Can you get that book from the top shelf for me? I can't reach.

رسیدن / دست دراز کردن

Capture (no plural)


The capture of the escaped prisoners

Capture (no plural)


The capture of the escaped prisoners

Beyond reach, out of reach

Too far away to touch

Keep this medicine out of the reach of children.

دور از دسترس

Within reach

Near enough to touch or go to

Is the beach within reach of the hotel?

دم دست

Bet (verb)

Say what you think will happen. If you are right, you win money, but if you are wrong, you lose money.

I bet you £5 that our team will win.

شرط بستن

I bet

I am sure

I bet it will rain tomorrow.

I bet you can't climb that tree.


Bet (noun)


I lost the bet.

Rush (verb)

1. Go or come very quickly

2. Do s.th quickly or make s.b do s.th quickly.

3. Take s.b or s.th quickly to a place.

1. The children rushed out of school.

2. We rushed to finish the work on time.

3. She was rushed to hospital.

باعجله رفتن/آمدن / عجله کردن

Gamble (verb)

1. Try to win money by playing games that need luck.

2. Do s.th, although there is a chance that you might lose.

1. He gambled a lot of money on the last race.

2. We bought the food for the picnic the day before, and gambled on the weather staying fine.

قماربازی کردن

Gampble (noun)

S.th that you do without knowing if you will win or lose


Rush (no plural)

1. A sudden quick movement

2. A need to move or do s.th very quickly.

1. At the end of the film there was a rush for the exits.

2. I can't stop now_I'm in a rush.

عجله / هجوم

Gambler (noun)

A person who tries to win money by playing games that need luck


The rush hour (noun)

The time when a lot of people are going to or coming from work

ساعت شلوغی

Gambling (no plural)

Playing games that need luck, to try to win money


Weird (adj) (weirder,weirdest)

Very strange

A weird dream

خارق العاده

Continent (noun)

One of the seven big pieces of land in the world, for example Africa,Asia or Europe

!!! In Britain, people sometimes say the continent when they mean the main part of Europe.


Eager (adj)

If you are eager to do s.th, you want to do it very much.

She's eager to help with the party.


Eagerly (adverb)


The children were waiting eagerly for the film to begin.

Continental (adj)

قاره ای / اقلیمی

A continental climate.

Turn out

Be s.th in the end

It rained this morning, but it has turned out to be a lovely day.

معلوم شدن که ...

Turn out a light

Switch off a light

خاموش کردن

Parade (noun)

A line of people who are walking together for a special reason, while other people watch them.

A military parade.


Display (verb)

Show s.th so that people can see it.

All kinds of toys were displayed in the shop window.

نمایش دادن

Display (noun)

S.th that people look at

A firework display.

ابراز / تظاهر

On display

In a place where people can look at it

The paintings are on display in the museum.

به نمایش گذاشتن

Quantity (noun)

How much of s.th there is; amount

I only bought a small quantity of cheese.

کمیت / مقدار / تعداد

Firework (noun)

A container with special powder in it that sends out coloured lights and smoke or makes a loud noise when you burn it.

We watched a firework display in the park.

وسیله آتش بازی

Ripe (adj) (riper,ripest)

Fruit that is ripe is ready to eat

These bananas aren't ripe_they're still green.


Mineral (noun)

Minerals are things like coal, gold, salt or oil that come from the ground and that people use.

ماده معدنی

Mineral water (noun)

Water with minerals in it, that comes from the ground

A bottle of mineral water.

آب معدنی

Pass (noun)

1. A special piece of paper or card that says you can go somewhere or do s.th

2. Kicking, throwing or hitting a ball to s.b in a game.

3. Doing well enough in an examination.

4. A road or way through mountains.

1. You need a pass to get into the factory.

3. How many passes did you get in your exams?

4. The Brenner pass.

مجوز / پاس / قبولی / گذر

Vinegar (no plural)

A liquid with a strong sharp taste. You put it on food and use it for cooking

I mixed some oil and vinegar to put on the salad.


Roast (verb)

Cook or be cooked in an oven or over a fire.

Roast the chicken in a hot oven.

کباب کردن

Pass (verb)

1. Go by s.b or s.th

2. Give s.th to s.b

3. Go by

4. Do well enough in an examination or test.

5. Spend time

1. She passed me in the street.

1. Do you pass any shops on your way to the station?

2. Could you pass me the salt,please?

3. A week passed before his letter arrived.

4. Did you pass your driving test?

Opp : fail

5. How did you pass the time in hospital?

عبور کردن / دادن / قبول شدن / گذراندن

Roast (adj)

برشته / بریان

Roast beef and roast potatoes.

Pass on

Give or tell s.th to another person.

Will you pass on a message to Mike for me?

پیغام دادن / گفتن

Pass through

Go through a place

The train passes through Oxford on its way to London.

عبور کردن

Hand down

Pass a thing,story,etc. From an older person to a younger one

He never had new clothes_they were handed down from his older brothers.

پشت در پشت چیزی را رساندن

Still (adverb)

1. A word that you use to show that s.th has not changed.

2. Although that is true.

3. A word that you use to make another word stronger.

1. Do you still live in London?

1. Is it still raining?

2. She felt ill, but she still went to the party.

3. It was cold yesterday, but today it's colder still.

هنوز / با وجود این

Concerning (preposition)


Thank you for your letter concerning the date of the next meeting...

درباره ی

Still (adj,adverb)

Without moving

Please stand still while I take a photo.

بی حرکت

Stillness (no plural)


The stillness of the night.

Define (verb)

Say what a word means

How do you define 'rich'?

تعریف کردن / معنا کردن

Sparkle (verb)

Shine with a lot of very small points of light.

The sea sparkled in the sunlight.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

جرقه زدن

Identify (verb)

Say or know who s.b is or what s.th is

The police have not identified the dead man yet.

تشخیص هویت کردن

Sparkle (no plural)


The sparkle of diamonds.

Sparkling (adj)

1. That sparkles.

2. Sparkling wine has a lot of small bubbles in it.

1. Sparkling blue eyes.

گازدار / درخشان

Identification (no plural)

1. Identifying s.b or s.th

2. S.th that shows who you are, for example a passport.

1. The identification of bodies after the accident was difficult.

2. Do you have any identification?

!!! The short form is ID.

شناسایی / کارت شناسایی

Belong (verb)

Have its right or usual place

That chair belongs in my room.

متعلق بودن

Belong to s.b

Be s.b's

Who does this pen belong to? It belongs to me.

عضو بودن

Universal (adj)

Of, by or for everybody.

This subject is of universal interest.

عمومی / مکی

The universe (no plural)

The earth and all the stars, planets and everything else in space.

عالم / جهان

Belong to s.th

Be in a group, club, etc

She belongs to the tennis club.

عضو بودن در گروه

Belongings (noun) (plural)

The things that you own

They lost all their belongings in the fire.


Manner (noun)

1. The way that you do s.th or the way that s.th happens.

2. Manners (plural): the way you behave when you are with other people

1. Don't get angry, let's try to talk about this in a calm manner.

2. It's bad manners to talk with your mouth full.

رفتار / طریق

Instance (noun)

An example

There have been many instance of forests fires this year.

مثال / مورد

Recognize (verb)

1. Know again s.b or s.th that you have seen or heard before.

2. Know that s.th is true

1. I didn't recognize you without your glasses.

2. They recognize that there is a problem.

شناختن / تصدیق کردن

Recognition (no plural)

Recognizing s.b or s.th

شناسایی / تشخیص

For instance

As an example

There are many things to see in London-for instance Big Ben and Buckingham palace.

به عنوان مثال / برای نمونه

Except (preposition)

But not

The restaurant is open every day except Sunday.

Everyone went to the party except for me.

غیراز / مگر

Except that

Only that

I don't know what he looks like, except that he's very tall.

غیراز اینکه

Exception (noun)

A person or thing that is not the same as the others.

Most of his films are good but this one is an exception.


With the exception of s.b or s.th

If you do not count s.b or s.th

I like all vegetables with the exception of cabbage.

به استثنای

Incident (noun)

S.th that happens

Josie told us about a funny incident at school, when her teacher fell in the pond!


Exceptional (adj)

1. Not usual.

2. Very good

1. It's exceptional to have such hot weather at this time of year.

2. She is an exceptional pianist.


Incidentally (adverb)

A word that you say when you are going to talk about s.th different

Charles helped us to move the table. Incidentally, he has a new car.

راستی / برحسب اتفاق

Exceptionally (adverb)


He was an exceptionally good student.

Exhaust (verb)

Make s.b very tired

The long journey exhausted us.

فرسوده کردن / خسته کردن

Exhausted (adj)

Very tired

I'm exhausted_ I think I'll go to bed.

به کلی خسته

Exhaust (noun)

A pipe that takes gas out from an engine, for example on a car

اگزوز / تخلیه

Seek (verb)

Try to find or get s.th

You should seek help.

جستجو کردن

Kick (verb)

1. Hit s.b or s.th with your foot.

2. Move your foot or feet up quickly

1. I kicked the ball to Chris.

2. The child was kicking and screaming.

لگد زدن / لگد انداختن

Kick off

Start a game of football

ضربه آغازی بازی

Kick s.b out

Make s.b leave a place.

The boys were kicked out of the cinema because they were noisy.

بیرون انداختن

Kick (noun)

1. Hitting s.th or s.b with your foot, or moving your foot or feet up quickly.

2. A feeling of excitement

1. Jan gave the ball a kick.

لگد / کیف

Kick-off (noun)

The start of a game of football

The kick-off is at 2.30

ضربه آغازی بازی فوتبال

Region (noun)

A part of a country or of the world.

There will be snow in northern regions today.


Regional (adj)

Of a certain region

منطقه ای / محلی

Sarcastic (adj)

If you are sarcastic, you say the opposite of what you mean, in an unkind way

کنایه دار

Humorous (adj)

A person or thing that is humorous makes you smile or laugh

A humorous story.


Humour (no plural)

Being funny

A story full of humour.

شوخ طبعی

Have a sense of humour

Be able to laugh and make other people laugh at funny things.

Dave has a good sense of humour.

حس شوخ طبعی داشتن

Resolution (noun)

S.th that you decide to do

Julie made a resolution to stop smoking.


Ambition (noun)

1. (No plural): a very strong wish to do well.

2. S.th that you want to do

1. Louise is intelligent, but she has no ambition.

2. My ambition is to become a doctor.

بلندپروازی / آرزو

Ambitious (adj)

A person who is ambitious wants to do well.

جاه طلب / بلند پرواز

Offence (noun)

S.th you do that is against the law.

It is an offence to drive at night without lights.

خلاف / خطا / لغزش

Be Fond of s.b or s.th

Like s.b or s.th a lot

They are very fond of their uncle.


Take offence

Become angry or unhappy

He took offence because I said his spelling was bad.


Translation (noun)

1. (No plural): translating

2. S.th that s.b has translated

1. Translation from English into French.


Race (noun)

1. A competition to see who can run, drive, ride, etc fastest.

2. The races (plural): a time when there are a lot of horse-races in one place.

3. A group of people of the same kind, for example with the same colour of skin.

1. Who won the race?

1. A horse race.

3. People of many different races live together in this country.

مسابقه / مسابقه اسب دوانی / نژاد

Racecourse / racetrack (noun)

A place where you go to see horse-races.

پیست اسب دوانی

Junction (noun)

A place where roads or railway lines meet.

Turn right at the next junction.

پیوندگاه / اتصال

Race (verb)

Run , drive, ride, etc in a competition to see who is the fastest.

The cars raced round the track.

مسابقه دادن

Racial (adj)

Of race

Racial differences.


Roundabout (noun)

1. A place where roads meet, where cars must drive round in a circle.

2. A big round machine at a fair. It has model animals or cars on it that children can ride on as it turns.

میدان / چرخ و فلک

Racing (no plural)

A sport where horses,cars,etc race against each other.

A racing car.


Initial (adj)


Our initial idea was to go to Greece, but then we decided to go to Spain.


Pavement (noun)

The part at the side of a road where people can walk

پیاده رو

Initially (adverb)

In the beginning. At first

Initially I hated England, but now I love it.

در آغاز / ابتدا

Lane (noun)

1. A narrow road in the country.

2. One part of a wide road.

2. We were driving in the middle lane of the motorway.

راه / کوچه / مسیر

Initials (noun)(plural)

The first letters of your names

Julie Ann Smith's initials are J.A.S.

حروف اول نام و نام خانوادگی

Overtake (verb)

Go past s.b or s.th that is going more slowly

The car overtook a bus.

سبقت گرفتن از

Generous (adj)

1. Always ready to give things or to spend money.

2. Large

1. She is very generous_she often buys me presents.

2. Generous amounts of food.

سخی / بخشنده / بزرگ

Queue (noun)

A line of people who are waiting to do s.th.

There's a long queue outside the cinema.

ردیف / صف

Generously (adverb)

از روی بخشندگی و سخاوت

Please give generously.

Queue up (verb)

Stand in a queue

We queued for a bus.

صف بستن

Gift (noun)

1. S.th that you give to or get from s.b, a present.

2. S.th that you can do well or learn easily.

1. Wedding gifts.

2. She has a gift for languages.

هدیه / بخشش

Federal (adj)

A federal country has several smaller countries or states that are joined together.

The federal government of the united states.

فدرال / مرکزی

Sleep (verb) (slept)

Rest with your eyes closed, as you do at night

I sleep for eight hours every night.

Did you sleep well?


Root (noun)

The part of a plant that is under the ground


Federation (noun)

A group of states or companies that work together.


Sleep (no plural)


I didn't get any sleep last night.

Ancestor (noun)

Your ancestors are the people in your family who lived a long time before you.

My ancestors came from Norway.

جد / نیا

Go to sleep

Start to sleep

I got into bed and soon went to sleep.

رفتن به رختخواب

Sleeping-bag (noun)

A big warm bag that you sleep in when you go camping.

کیسه خواب

Civil (adj)

Of the people of a country

Civil rights.

مدنی / داخلی

Sleepless (adj)

Without sleep

I had a sleepless night.

بی خواب

Participate (verb)

Do s.th together with other people

Ten countries participated in the discussions.

شرکت کردن / شریک بودن

The civil service (no plural)

The people who work for the government

کارکنان ادارات دولتی

Participant (noun)

A person who does s.th together with other people


Civil war (noun)

A war between groups of people in one country.

جنگ داخلی

Participation (no plural)

Doing s.th together with other people.


Sleepy (adj) (sleepier,sleepiest)

1. Tired and ready to sleep.

2. Quiet, with not many things happening

1. I felt sleepy after that big meal.

2. A sleepy little village.

خواب آلود / بی سروصدا

Civilian (noun)

A person who is not a solider.


Participle (noun)

A form of a verb

The present participle of 'eat' is 'eating' and the past participle is 'eaten'.

وجه وصفی (دستور زبان)

Civilization (noun)

The way people live together in a certain place at a certain time.

Ancient civilizations.


Asleep (adj)


The baby is asleep in the bedroom

Opp: awake


Contest (noun)

A game or competition that people try to win

A boxing contest.

مسابقه / رقابت

Fall asleep

Start sleeping

He fell asleep in front of the fire.

به خواب رفتن

Citizen (noun)

A person who belongs to a country or a town.

She became a British citizen.


Contestant (noun)

A person who tries to win a contest

There are six contestants in the race.

رقیب / حریف

City (noun)

1. A big and important town.

2. The City (no plural): the part of London with a lot of banks and offices.

1. The city of Liverpool.

1. The city centre.


Thanksgiving (no plural)

A special holiday in October or November for people in Canada and the USA.

روز شکرگذاری

Sale (noun)

1.(no plural): selling s.th

2. A time when a shop sells things for less money than usual

2. In the sale, everything was half-price.

فروش / حراج

Feast (noun)

A large special meal for a lot of people

A wedding feast.

جشن / ضیافت

For sale

If s.th is for sale, its owner wants to sell it.

Is this house for sale?

برای فروش

Residence (noun)

1. (No plural): living in a place.

2. The place where an important or famous person lives.

1. A university hall of residence (=a place where students live).

2. The Prime Minister's residence.

اقامت / اقامتگاه

On sale

If s.th is on sale, you can buy it in shops

The magazine is on sale at most newsagents.


Resident (noun)

A person who lives in a place.


Mark (noun)

1. A spot or line that makes s.th less good than it was before.

2. A shape or special sign on s.th

3. A number or letter that a teacher gives for your work to show how good it is.

1. There's a dirty mark on the front of your shirt.

2. This mark shows that the ring is made of silver.

3. She got very good marks in the exam.

نشان / لکه / نمره (امتحان)

Mark (noun)

1. A spot or line that makes s.th less good than it was before.

2. A shape or special sign on s.th

3. A number or letter that a teacher gives for your work to show how good it is.

1. There's a dirty mark on the front of your shirt.

2. This mark shows that the ring is made of silver.

3. She got very good marks in the exam.

نشان / لکه / نمره (امتحان)

Effort (noun)

Trying hard to do s.th

Hard work.

Thank you for all your effort


Make an effort

Try hard to do s.th

He made a big effort to arrive on time.

جد و جهد کردن

Mark (verb)

1. Put a sign on s.th by writing or drawing on it.

2. Put a tick or cross on school work to show if it is right or wrong, or write a number or letter to show how good it is.

3. Show where s.th is.

1. The price is marked on the bottom of the box.

2. The teacher marked all my answers wrong.

3. This cross marks the place where he died.

علامت زدن / نمره دادن

Attempt (verb)

Try to do s.th

He attempted to swim from England to France.

!!!! Try is the word that we usually use.

سعی کردن

Attempt (noun)


She made no attempt to help me.

Order (noun)

1. (No plural): the way that you place people or things together.

2. (No plural): when everything is in the right place or everybody is doing the right thing.

3. Words that tell s.b to do s.th.

4. Asking s.b to make, send or bring you s.th

1. The names are in alphabetical order (=with the names that begin with A first,then B, then C,etc).

2. Our teacher likes order in the classroom.

3. Soliders must always obey order.

4. The waiter came and took our order (=we told him what we wanted to eat)

ترتیب / نظم / دستور / سفارش

Market (noun)

1. A place where people go to buy and sell things, usually outside.

2. The people who want to buy s.th.

1. There is a fruit and vegetable market in the town square.

2. There is a big market for personal computer in the USA.

بازار / تقاضا

In order

With everything in the right place.

Are these papers in order?

صحیح / درست

Racism (no plural)

The belief that some groups (races) of people are better than others.

تبعیض نژادی

In order to

So that you can do s.th

We arrived early in order to buy our tickets.


Out of order

Not working

I couldn't ring you_ the phone was out of order.

نادرست / درهم برهم

Racist (noun)

A person who believe that some races of people are better than others.


Corporation (noun)

1. A big company

2. A group of people that the people in a town choose, who meet to decide things.

1. The British broadcasting corporation.

شرکت / انجمن شهر

Order (verb)

1. Tell s.b that they must do s.th

2. Say that you want s.th to be made, sent, brought, etc.

1. The doctor ordered me to stay in bed.

2. The shop didn't have the book I wanted, so I ordered it.

2. When the waiter came I ordered an omelette.

امر کردن / سفارش دادن

Extent (no plural)

How big s.th is.

I didn't know the full extent of the problem(=how big it was) until he explained it to me.

!!! You use expressions like to a certain extent and some extent to show that you do not think s.th is completely true.

I agree with you to a certain extent.

تا اندازه ای

Reception (noun)

1. (No plural): the place where you go first when you arrive at a hotel,company,etc

2. A big important party.

1. Leave your key at reception if you go out.

2. A wedding reception.

پذیرش (هتل و ...) / پذیرایی (عروسی و ...)

Entertainment (noun)

Anything that entertains people, for example films, plays or concerts.

There isn't much entertainment for young people in this town.


Informal (adj)

You use informal language or behave in an informal way in situations that are friendly and easy, not serious or important. And with people that you know well.

You do not usually use informal words when you write (except in letters to people that you know well)

I wear a suit when I'm at work, but more informal clothes, like jeans and T-shirts, at weekends.

An informal letter.


Informally (adverb)

به طور غیر رسمی

The dtudents talked informally to each other.

Receptionist (noun)

A person in a hotel, company,etc who helps you when you arrive and who may also answer the telephone.

متصدی پذیرش

Pilgrim (noun)

A person who travels a long way to a place because it has a special religious meaning.


Pilgrimage (noun)

A journey that a pilgrim makes


Information (no plural)

What you tell s.b


Can you give me some information about trains to London?

!!!! Be careful!!!! You can not say 'an information'. You can say 'some information' or 'a piece of information'

She gave me an interesting peice of information.


Vacancy (noun)

1. A job that nobody is doing.

2. A room in a hotel that nobody is using.

1. We have a vacancy for a secretary in our office.

2. The sign outside the hotel said 'no vacancies' (=the hotel is full)

پست خالی / محل،اتاق،جای خالی

Supply (verb)

Give or sell s.th that s.b needs

The school supplies us with books.

The lake supplies water to thousands of homes.

تامین کردن

Fate (noun)

1. (No plural): the power that some people believe controls everything that happens.

2. What will happen to s.b or s.th

2. What will be the fate of the prisoners?

تقدیر / سرانجام

Supply (noun)

An amount of s.th that you need.

Supplies of food.


Exclude (verb)

Shut or keep a person or things out.

We cannot exclude the students from the meeting. Their ideas are important.

خارج کردن

Fabulous (adj)

Very good. Wonderful

The food smells fabulous!

خیلی خوب / عالی

Crisp (adj) (crisper , crispest)

1. Hard and dry.

2. Fresh and not soft.

1. If you keep the biscuits in a tin, they will stay crisp.

2. Crisp apples.

برشته / ترد / تروتازه

Excluding (preposition)

Without, if you do not count.

The meal cost £35, excluding drinks.

به استثنای

Crisp (noun)

A very thin piece of potato cooked in hot oil.

A packet of crisp.


Out of sight

Where you cannot see it.

We watched until the car was out of sight.

پنهان از نظر

Corporation (noun)

1. A big company

2. A group of people that the people in a town choose, who meet to decide things.

1. The British broadcasting corporation.

شرکت / انجمن شهر

Diversion (noun)

A way that you must go when the usual way is closed.

There was a diversion around Chester because of a road accident.


Unique (adj)

Not like anybody or anything else

Everybody in the world is unique.

بی مانند

Notice (noun)

1. A piece of writing that tells people s.th

2. (No plural): a warning that s.th is going to happen.

1. The notice on the wall says ' no smoking'.

2. Our teacher gave us two week's notice of the history exam.

آگهی / اخطار

As short notice

With not much time to get ready.

We left for Scotland at very short notice and I forgot to take my coat.

در زمان خیلی کوتاه آماده شدن

Give in/ hand in your notice

Tell the person you work for that you are going to leave your job.

استعفا دادن

Take no notice of s.b/s.th

Not listen to or look at s.b or s.th.

Not pay attention to s.b or s.th

Take no notice of what she said_she's not feeling well today.

اعتنا نکردن

Notice (verb)

See s.b or s.th

Did you notice what she was wearing?

I noticed that he wads driving a new car.

توجه کردن

Noticeable (adj)

Easy to see

I've got a mark on my shirt. Is it noticeable?


Notice-board (noun)

a flat piece of wood on a wall. You put papers on a notice-board so everybody can read them.

The teacher put the exam results on the notice-board.

تابلوی اعلانات

Establish (verb)

Start s.th new

This company was established in 1852.

تاسیس کردن

Conflict (noun)

A fight or an argument.

کشمکش / درگیری

Battle (noun)

1. A fight between armies in a war.

2. Trying very hard to do s.th difficult.

1 who won the battle?

2. A battle against the illness.


Battle (verb)

Try very hard to do s.th difficult

The doctors battled to save her life.

مبارزه کردن

Struggle (verb)

1. Try very hard to do s.th that is not easy.

2. Move your arms and legs a lot when you are fighting or trying to get free.

1. We struggled to lift the heavy box.

2. She struggled to get away from her attacker.

تقلا کردن

Struggle (noun)

مبارزه / تلاش

In 1862 the American slves won their striggle for freedom.

مبارزه / تلاش

Immigrant (noun)

A person who comes from another country to live there

Many immigrants to Britain have come from Asia.


Immigration (no plural)

Coming to another country to live there


Permanent (adj)

S.th that is permanent continues for ever or for a very long time and does not change.

I'm looking for a permanent job.


Permanently (adverb)

برای همیشه

Has he left permanently or is he coming back?

Arrange (verb)

1. Make a plan for the future.

2. Put things in a certain order or place.

1. I have arranged to meet Tim at six o'clock.

1. We arranged a big party for Debbie's birthday.

2. Arrange the chairs in a circle.

ترتیب دادن / مرتب کردن

Arrangement (noun)

1. S.th that you plan or agree for the future.

2. A group of things put together so that they look like nice.

1. They are making the arrangements for their wedding.

2. A flower arrangement.

برنامه / دکور / قرار

Decorate (verb)

1. Make s.th look nicer by adding beautiful things to it.

2. Put paint or paper on the walls of a room.

1. We decorated the room with flowers.

2. I am decorating the kitchen.

آرایش دادن / تزیین کردن

Decorations (noun)(plural)

Beautiful things that you add to s.th to make it look nicer.

Christmas decorations.

تزیین / آرایش

Scene (noun)

1. A place where s.th happened

2. What you see in a place. A view

3. Part of a play or film

1. The police arrived at the scene of the crime.

2. He painted scenes of life in the countryside.

3. Act 1, scene 2 of 'Hamlet'.

صحنه / منظره

Scenery (no plural)

1. The things like mountains, rivers and forests that you see around you in the countryside.

2. Things on the stage of a theatre that make it look like a real place.

1. What beautiful scenery.

منظره / صحنه پردازی

Observation (no plural)

Watching or being watched carefully

ملاحظه / مشاهده

Be under observation

Be watched carefully

The police kept the house under observation.

تحت نظر بودن

Observe (verb)

Watch s.b or s.th carefully: see s.b or s.th

The police observed a man leaving the house.


Gather (verb)

1. Come together in s group, meet.

2. Take things that are in different places and bring them together.

3. Understand s.th

1. A crowd gathered to watch the fight.

2. I gathered up all the books and papers and put them in ny bag.

3. I gather that you know my sister.

گرد هم آمدن / چیدن / استنباط کردن

Gathering (noun)

A time when people come together.

There was a large gathering outside the palace.


Aspect (noun)

One part of a problem, idea, etc.

Spelling is one of the most difficult aspects of learning English.

جنبه / نمود

Feature (noun)

1. An important part of s.th

2. Features(plural): the parts of the face,for example the eyes, nose or mouth.

3. An important piece of writing in a magazine or newspaper, or a programme on TV

1. Pictures are a feature of this dictionary.

3. The magazine has a special feature on Paris on the centre pages.

مشخصه / جزء صورت / مطلب

Hemisphere (noun)

One half of the earth

The northern/southern hemisphere.

نیم کره

Global (adj)

Of or about the whole world

Pollution is a global problem.


Globe (noun)

1. A ball with a map of the world on it.

2. The globe (no plural): the earth

2. He's travelled all over the globe.

کره / زمین / کره خاکی

Land (noun)

1. (No plural): the part of the earth that is not the sea.

2. (No plural): a piece of ground.

3. A country.

1. After two weeks in a boat,we were happy to see land.

2. They have bought some land and they are going to build a house on it.

2. Farming land.

3. She returned to the land where she was born.

!!!! In this sense, country is the word that we usually use.

زمین / خشکی / کشور

Land (verb)

1. Come onto the ground from the air or from the sea.

2. Bring an aircraft down onto the ground

1. The plane landed at Heathrow airport.

1. The boat has landed.

2. The pilot landed the plane safety.

(به زمین) نشستن / فرود آمدن

Landing (noun)

1. Coming down onto the ground.

2. A flat place at the top of stairs in a building.

1. The plane made a safe landing in a field.

2. There's a telephone on the landing.

فرود / پاگرد

Landlady (noun)

1. A woman who has a house and lets you live there if you pay her money.

2. A woman who has a pub or a small hotel.

صاحب خانه/ بار (زن)

Landlord (noun)

1. A man who has a house and lets you live there if you pay him money.

2. A man who has a pub or a small hotel.

صاحب خانه / بار (مرد)

Landmark (noun)

A big building or another thing that you can see easily from far away.

Big Ben is one of London's most famous landmarks.


Landscape (noun)

Everything you can see in an area of land.

The Scottish landscape is very beautiful.

منظره / چشم انداز

Complex (adj)

Difficult to understand because it has a lot of different parts

A complex problem.


Indeed (adverb)

1. A word that makes 'very' stronger.

2. Really, certainly

1. Thank you very much indeed.

1. She's very happy indeed.

2. Did you have a good holiday? I did indeed.

به راستی / مسلما

Rude (adj) (ruder,rudest)

1. Not polite.

2. About things like sex or using the toilet.

1. It's rude to walk away when someone is talking to you.

2. Rude words.

بی ادب / زننده

Rudely (adverb)

بی ادبانه

'Shut up' she said rudely.

Enormous (adj)

Very big

An enormous dog.

بزرگ / عظیم

Enormously (adverb)

Very or very much

London has changed enormously since my grandmother was a child.

بسیار / بسیار زیاد

Coast (noun)

The part of the land that is next to the sea

Their house is near the coast.

The west coast of France.


Border (noun)

1. A line between two countries.

2. A line along the edge of s.th.

1. You need a passport to cross the border.

2. A white tablecloth with a blue border.

سرحد /مرز / لبه

Crawl (verb)

1. Move slowly on your hands and knees.

2. Move slowly with the body close to the ground.

1. Babies crawl before they can walk.

2. An insect crawled across the floor.

خزیدن / سینه خیز رفتن

Crawl (no plural)

A way of swimming on your front

(شنای) کرال

Assume (verb)

Think that s.th is true when you are not completely sure.

Jo is not here today, so I assume that she is ill.

فرض کردن / پنداشتن

Suppose (verb)

1. Think that s.th is true or will happen but not be sure.

2. A word that you use when you agree with s.th but are not happy about it.

1. Where's jenny? I don't know_ I suppose she's still at work.

2. Can i borrow your pen? Yes, I suppose so_ but don't lose it.

فرض کردن / (بااکراه) موافقت کردن

Racist (adj)

A racist comment

نژاد پرستی

Inform (verb)

Tell s.th to s.b

You should inform the police of the accident.

مطلع کردن / خبر دادن

Keep out

Stay outside

The sign on the door said 'Danger, keep out'.

بیرون از خانه ماندن

Resist (verb)

1. Fight against s.b or s.th, try to stop s.b or s.th

2. Refuse to do or have s.th that you want to do or have.

1. If he has a gun, don't try to resist.

2. I can't resist chocolate.

مقاومت کردن / خودداری کردن از

Resistance (no plural)

Resisting s.b or s.th

There was a lot of resistance to the plan to build a new motorway.

مقاومت / مخالفت

Tide (noun)

The movement of the sea towards the land and away from the land.

The tide is coming in.

The tide is going out.

!!!!! High tide is when the sea is nearest the land, and low tide is when the sea is furthest from the land.

جزرومد / موج

Tidy (adj) (tidier,tidiest)

1. With everything in the right place.

2. If you are tidy, you like to have everything in the right place.

1. Her room is very tidy.

2. A tidy boy.

منظم / مرتب

Tidily (adverb)

به طور منظم

Put the books tidily when you've finished with them.

Tidiness (no plural)

Being tidy.

نظم و ترتیب

Tidy up (verb)

Make s.th tidy

I tidied the house before my parents arrived

Can you help me to tidy up?

مرتب کردن / جمع و جور کردن

Crop (noun)

All the plants of one kind that a farmer grows at one time

There was a good crop of potatoes last year.

Rain is good for the crops.


Barrier (noun)

A fence or gate that stops you going somewhere.

You must show your ticket at the barrier before you get on the train.

سد / حصار /راه کسی را بستن

Convenience (no plural)

Being easy to use.

Making things easy.

For convenience, I usually do all my shopping in the same place.

راحتی / رفاه

Convenient (adj)

1. Easy to use or go to.

2. Easy for s.b or s.th.


1. The house is very convenient for the station.

2. Let's meet on Friday. What's the most convenient time for you?

Opp: inconvenient.

مناسب / راحت

Conveniently (adverb)

به طور مناسب

We live conveniently close to the shops.

Convent (noun)

A place where religious women, called nuns, live, work and phone.

صومعه / دیر

Trolley (noun)

A thing on wheels that you use for carrying things.

A supermarket trolley.

چرخ دستی

Definite (adj)

Sure, certain

I want a definite answer, 'yes' or 'no'.

I want it was Sally I saw but I'm not definite.

معین / قطعی

Definitely (adverb)


I am definitely going to the theatre this evening - I have already bought my ticket.

به طور قطعی

Definition (noun)

A group of words that tell you what another word means.


Razor (noun)

A sharp thing that people use to cut hair off their boddies (to shave)

An electric razor.


Razor-blade (noun)

The thin metal part of a razor that cuts.


Tutor (noun)

A teacher who teaches one person or a small group.

معلم خصوصی

Tease (verb)

Say unkind things to s.b because you think it is funny.

People often tease me because I'm short.

مسخره کردن / شوخی کردن

Ridiculous (adj)

So silly that it makes people laugh

You can't play tennis with a football_that's ridiculous.


Inspiration (noun)

A person or thing that gives you ideas which help you do s.th good. For example write or paint

The beauty of the mountains is a great inspiration to many artists.

منبع الهام

Inspire (verb)

1. Give s.b ideas that help them do s.th good, for example write or paint.

2. Make s.b feel or think s.th

1. His wife inspired him to writethis poem.

2. Her words inspired us all with hope.

الهام بخشیدن / روحیه دادن

Keen (adj) (keener,keenest)

1. If you are keen, you want to do s.th and are interested in it.

2. Very good or strong

1. Ian was keen to go out but i wanted to stay at home.

1. Louise is a keen swimmer.

2. Keen eyesight.

مشتاق / بسیار خوب

Be keen on s.b or s.th

Like s.b or s.th very much

Katie is keen on football.

علاقه زیاد به کسی داشتن

Attach (verb)

Join or fix one thing to another thing.

I attached the photo to the letter.

وصل کردن

Be attached to s.b or s.th

Like s.b or s.th very much

He's very attached to you.

دلبسته بودن به

Wages (plural)

The money that you recieve every week for the work that you do

Our wages are paid every Friday.

Low wages.


Vet (noun)

A doctor for animals


Veterinary surgeon

Hairdresser (noun)

A person whose job is to wash, cut and arrange hair

!!!! The place where a hairdresser works is called a hairdresser's

I'm going to the hairdressers to get my hair cut.


Hairdresser (noun)

A person whose job is to wash, cut and arrange hair

!!!! The place where a hairdresser works is called a hairdresser's

I'm going to the hairdressers to get my hair cut.


Undergraduate (noun)

A student at a university

دانشجوی دوره لیسانس

Pupil (noun)

A person who is learning at school

There are 30 pupils in the class.

دانش آموز

Imitate (verb)

Try to do the same as s.b or s.th

Copy s.b or s.th

He imitated his teacher's voice.

تقلید کردن

Imitation (noun)

S.th that you make to look like another thing.

A copy

It's not a diamond, it's only a glass imitation.

Imitation leather.

تقلید / بدل

Stare (verb)

Look at s.b or s.th for a long time

Everybody started at her hat.

He was staring out of the window.

خیره نگرستن

Engaged (adj)

1. If two people are engaged, they have agreed to get married.

2. (Used about a telephone) being used.

1. Louise is engaged to Michael.

1. They got engaged last year.

2. I tried to phone him but his number was engaged.

نامزد / اشغال

Engagement (noun)

An agreement to marry s.b


Fiancé (noun)

A woman's fiancé is the man she is going to marry.

Can I introduce my fiancé David? We've just got engaged.

نامزد (مرد)

Fiancée (noun)

A man's fiancée is the woman he is going to marry.

نامزد (زن)

Portable (adj)

That you can move or carry easily.

A portable television.

قابل حمل

Tent (noun)

A kind of a house made of cloth. You sleep in a tent when you go camping.

We put up our tent.


Bonefire (noun)

A big fire that you make outside

آتش افروزی

Quote (verb)

Say or write s.th that snother person said or wrote before.

She quoted from the Bible.

ذکر کردن / نقل کردن

Witness (noun)

1. A person who sees s.th happen and can tell other people about it later

2. A person in a court of law who tells what he/she saw.

1. There were two witnesses to the accident.

گواه /‌شاهد

Witness (verb)

See s.th happen

She witnessed a murder.

گواهی دادن

Witty (adj) (wittier,wittiest)

Clever and funny

A wetty answer.


Nation (noun)

A country and all the people who live in it.


National (adj)

Of or for all of a country.

She wore the national custom of Greece.

National newspaper.


National anthem (noun)

The song of a country.

سرود ملی

National park (noun)

A large area of beatiful land that the government looks after.

پارک ملی

Nationality (noun)

Belonging to a certain country

What nationality are you? I'm French.


Splendid (adj)

Very beautiful or very good

A splendid palace.

What a splendid idea.

باشکوه / عالی

Devote (verb)

Give a lot of time or energy to s.th

She devoted her life to helping the poor.

وقف کردن

Devoted (adj)

If you are devoted to s.b or s.th, you love them vry much.

John is devoted to his wife and children.

ارادتمند / فداکار

Independence (no plural)

Being free from another person, thing or country

American declared its independence from Britain in 1776.

استقلال / بی نیازی

Independent (adj)

1. Not controlled by another person, thing or country.

2. A person who is independent does not need help.

1. Zimbabwe has been independent since 1980.

2. She lives alone now and she is very independent.


Affair (noun)

1. S.th that happens. An event

2. S.th that you need to do or think about: business.

1. The wedding was a very quiet affair.

2. Don't worry about that_it's not your affair.

2. Foreign affairs.

پیشامد / کار / موضوع

Seize (verb)

Take s.th quickly and strongly.

The thief seized my bag and ran away.


Wardrobe (noun)

A cupboard where you hang your clothes.

She bought some new clothes to expand her wardrobe.

جارختی / کمد

Wail (verb)

Make a long sad cry or noise.

The little boy started wailing for his mother.

شیون کردن



S.th that you do, say or give to show that you respect or admire s.b

They built a statue in London as a teribute to Nelson Mandela.

سپاس / قدردانی


(No plural)

The feeling of being grateful.

We gave David s present to show our gratitude for all his help.




Think or say that s.b or s.th is very good.

I really admire you for doing such a difficult job.

They were admiring the view from the top of the tower.

تمجید کردن


(No plural)

تحسین / ستایش

I have great admiration for her work.

Day off


A day when you do not go to work or school.

روز تعطیلی



Need s.th

Do you require anything else?

!!!! Need is the word that we usually use.

نیاز داشتن



Keep s.th for a special reason or to use later; ask s.b to keep s.th for you

I would like to reserve a single room for tomorrow night, please.

Those seats are reserved.

ذخیره کردن



A room, seat or another thing that you have reserved.

I made a reservation for a table for two.




1. S.th that you keep to use later.

2. A person who will play in a game if an another person cannot play.

1. Reserves of food.

ذخیره / بازیکن ذخیره

In reserve

For using later.

Don't spend all the money_keep some in reverse.

پس انداز



A big lake where a town or city keeps water to use later.




1. (No plural): everything in the world that was not made by people.

2. The way a person or thing is

1. The beauty of nature.

2. Our cat has a very friendly nature.

طبیعت / طبع



Make s.b very surprised

Matthew amazed me by remembering my birthday.

متعجب ساختن



If you are amazed, you are very surprised.

I was amazed to see John_ I thought he was in Canada.

حیرت زده


(No plural)

Great surprise.

She looked at me in amazement.




If s.th is amazing, it sirprises you very mush

She told us sn amazing story.

حیرت انگیز/ عالی



به طور شگفت انگیزی

Jo plays the violin amazingly well.



With the agreement of every person

The decision was unanimous.




Choose s.b or s.th by putting up your hand or writing on a piece of paper.

Who did you vote for in the election?

رای دادن




There were 96 votes for the plan, and 25 against.



A person who votes in a political election.

رای دهنده



1. The leader in many countries that do not have a king or queen.

The president of the United states of America.

رییس جمهور / رییس کل



Of a president or his/her work

The presidential elections.

ریاست جمهوری



A piece of metal with words and pictures on it that is given to s.b who has done s.th very good.

She won s gold medal in the Olympic Games.




Choose s.b to be a leader.

(By voting)

The new president was elected in 1990.

انتخاب کردن



A time when people choose s.b to be a leader by voting.

The election will be held on Wednesday.




Hurt s.b or s.th

She injured her arm when she was playing tennis.

Joe was injured in a car accident.

مجروح کردن



مجروح شده

The injured woman was taken to hospital.



Damage to the body of a person or an animal.

He had serious head injuries.

صدمه / زخم


(No plural)

Tables, chairs, bedsn etc.

They've bought some furniture for their new house.

All the furniture is very old.

The only piece of furniture in the room was a large bed.




The inside part

We painted the interior of the house white.





Interior walls.

Opp: exterior.



The work or office of s.b who does business for others

A travel agency plans holidays for people.

آژانس / موسسه



A small grey or brown animal with a big thick nail. Squirrels live in trees and eat nuts.




Almost correct but not exact

The approximate time of arrival is three o'clock.

نزدیک به / تقریبی



About, not exact

I live approximately two kilometres from the station.

تقریبا / درحدود



A hole in the ground where some animals, for example rabbits, live

سوراخ زیرزمینی



1. Make s.b smile or laugh

2. Keep s.b happy and busy

1. Rick's joke did not amuse his mother.

2. We played games to amuse ourselves on the long journey.

خنداندن / سرگرم کردن


(No plural)

The feeling that you have when you think s.th is funny

We watched in amusement as the dog chased its tail.

تفریح / خوشی



S.th that is amusing makes you smile or laugh

An amusing story.

خنده آور / سرگرم کننده



Exactly right, with no mistakes

He gave an accurate description of the thief

Opp: inaccurate.

صحیح / بدون اشتباه



به درستی / به طور صحیح

The map was accurately drawn.



Make you sad because what you wanted did not happen

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't come to your party.

ناامید کردن / مایوس کردن



If you are disappointed, you feel sad because what you wanted did not happen.

Sue was disappointed when she didn't win the prize.




If s.th is disappointing, it makes you feel sad because it is not as good as you hoped.

Disappointing exam result.




1. (No plural): a feeling of sadness because what you wanted did not happen

2. S.th that makes you sad because it is not what you hoped.

1. She couldn't hide her disappointment when she lost the match.

2. Sarah's party was a disappointment_only four people came.

ناامیدی / یاس



1. The place where s.b or s.th is.

2. The way a person is sitting or lying, or the way a thing is standing.

3. How things are a certain time.

1. Can you show me the position of your village on the map?

2. She was still sitting in the same position when I came back.

3. He's in a difficult position_he hasn't got enough money to finish his studies.

موضع / جا / وضعیت

In position

In the right place

The dancers were in position, waiting for the music to start.

سرجای خود


(No plural)

Thinking that good things will happen

Opp: prssimism

خوش بینی



A person who always thinks that good things will happen

فرد نیک بین / خوش بین



If you are optimistic, you think that good things will happen

I' optimistic about winning.

خوش بین



A small bag in your clothes for carrying things.

I put the key in my pocket.


Pick s.b's pocket

Steal money from s.b's pocket or bag.

کیف یا جیب زدن


American English for wallet

کیف بغلی

Pockrt money

(No plural)

Money that parents give to a child each week to buy things.

How much pocket money do you get?

پول تو جیبی



Break s.th completely do that you cannot use it again or so that it is gone.

The house was destroyed by fire.

با وجود / علیرغم


(No plural)

Wanting to hurt s.b

She broke my watch out of spite (=because she wanted to hurt me).


In spite of s.th

Although s.th is true, not noticing or not caring about s.th

I slept well in spite of the noise.

In spite of the bad weather, we went out.

با وجود



1. In spite of s.th, though.

2. But.

1. Although she was ill, she went to work.

1. I bought the shoes although they were expensive.

2. I think he's from Sweden, although I'm not sure.

اگرچه / هرچند که


(No plural)


Our team won the match by two goals to nil.




Choose s.b for a job

The bank has appointedanew manager.

منصوب کردن / انتخاب کردن



1. A time that you have fixed to meet s.b

2. A job

1. I've got an appointment with the doctor at ten o'clock.

1. You can telephone to make an appointment.

2. !!!!! Job is the word that we usually use.

قرار ملاقات / مقام / شغل



Hurt part of your body by turning it suddenly

Scott fell and sprained his ankle.

رگ به رگ‌کردن



1. The front part of your neck.

2. The part inside your neck that takes food and air down from your mouth into your body.

2. I've got a sore throat (=my throat hurts)

گلو / حلق



If a part of your body is sore, it gives you pain.

My feet were sore afrer the long walk.

I've got a sore throat.

زخم / درد



The feeling that you want to eat.

Swimming always gives me an appetite. (=makes me hungry)

اشتها / میل



A lot of snall red spots on your skin.




(Rasher , rashest)

If you are rash, you do things too quickly, without thinking

You were rash to leave your job before you had found a new one.




1. (No plural): cutting s.b's body to take out or mend a part inside.

2. A place where you go to see a doctor or dentist.

1. He needed surgery after the accident.

جراحی / مطب



Make s.th good again when it was broken, repair s.th

Can you mend this chair?

تعمیر کردن



An important piece of paper that shows that s.th is true.

Your birth certificate shows when and where you were born.



(No plural)

1. What you feel when pain or worry stops.

2. Food or money for people who need it.

1. It was a great relief to know she was safe.

2. Many countries sent relief to the people who had lost their homes in the floods.

تسکین / اعانه



Say that s.th is true or that s.th will happen

Please write and confirm the date of your arrival.

تایید کردن / اثبات کردن



Coming to a place

My brother met me at the airport on my arrival.




(Chillier , chilliest)


A chilly morning.



(No plural)

Modern music that a lot of young people like.

What's your favourite pop group?

Pop music

A pop singer.

موسیقی پاپ



A short sharp sound

The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.

(صدای) بامب



A thing like a circle that turns round to move s.th.

Cars and bicycles have wheels.




Push along s.th that has wheels

I wheeled my bicycle up the hill.

چرخ خوردن



A chair with wheels for s.b who cannot walk

صندلی چرخدار



(Bit , bitten)

1. Cut s.th with your teeth.

2. If an insect or snake bites you, it hurts you by pushing a small sharp part into your skin.

1. That dog bit my leg

2. I've been bitten by mosquitoes.

گاز گرفتن / نیش زدن



1. A piece of food that you can put in your mouth.

2. A painful place on your skin made by an insect or dog

1. He took a bite of his sandwich.

2. A snake bite.

لقمه/ جای نیش



1. A piece of food that you can put in your mouth.

2. A painful place on your skin made by an insect or dog

1. He took a bite of his sandwich.

2. A snake bite.

لقمه/ جای نیش


(No plural)

Water that comes out of your skin when you are hot or afraid.




Have sweat coming out of your skin.

The room was so hot that everyone was sweating.

عرق کردن



(Sweatier , sweatiest)

Covered with sweat.

Sweaty socks.

عرق کرده



A warm piece of clothing with sleeves, that you wear on the top part of your body. Sweaters are often made of wool.




A piece ofclothing like a sweater, made of thick cotton.

ژاکت گرم کن



The part of your body where your arm joins your hand.

مچ (دست)



The words at the top of a piece of writting to show what it is about.

A title

عنوان / سرفصل



A typhoon is a large tropical storm that moves in circle.

Thousands of people lost electricity after a typhoon hit Australia.


#s.th set in stone

It's very difficult to change

#it is what it is

There's nothing we can do

#giving 110%

Making your best effort

Hey we have that meeting coming up next month,let's giving 110% to make sure all of the materials are finished by them.

#hit the ground running

To stall well

Let's hit the ground running.

#the bottom line

The point

The bottom line is we have to make more sales next month.

#thinking outside the box

Thinking differently

Great job thinking out of box, Steven!

#to centre around

To make someone or s.th the central point


Considered to be acceptable or respectable


Considered to be acceptable or respectable


An animal belonging to the group of large ground squirrels.


Worthy of notice


A sales agency having permission to sell s.th


Great in size, amount or intensity.



A big table with things on it that s.b wants to sell, for example in a street or market.

A fruit stall.




A sudden strong feeling of excitement.

هیجان / لرز



Make s.b feel strong excitement

هیجان زده کردن



Very happy and excited

We are all thrilled that you have won the prize.

هیجان زده / ذوق زده



Very exciting

A thrilling adventure.

هیجان انگیز



An exciting book, film or play about a crime.

داستان یا فیلم پرهیجان



A person or thing that is violent is very strong and dengerous and hurts people

A violent man.

A violent storm.

خشن / سخت


(No plural)

Being violent

Do you think there's too much violence on TV?

تندی / سختی



با خشونت

Did she behave violently towards you?

What's on?

What television programme, film, etc is being shown?

What's on TV tonight?

تلویزیون یا فیلم چه چیزی نشان میدهد؟



1. A piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine that says what s.b thinks about a book, film, play, etc.

2. Thinking again about s.th that happened before.

1. The film got very good reviews.

2. A review of all the important events of the year.

مرور / نقد



1. Write a review about a book, film,play,etc

2. Think again about s.th that happened before.

2. Let's review what we have learned in this lesson.

نقد کردن / مرور کردن

Where's it on?

Where can we see it?



Do what s.b or s.th tells you to do.

You must obey the law.

فرمانبرداری کردن



1. S.th very bad that happens and that may hurt a lot of people.

2. S.th that is very bad.

1. Floods and earthquakes are disasters.

2. Our holiday was a disaster! It rained all week.

بلا / بدبختی



Very bad, that cause great trouble

The heavy rain brought disastrous floods.

فجیع / مصیبت بار


(No plural)

Stuff that you use with water for washing and cleaning

A bar of soap.


Soap opera


A story about the lives of a group of people, that is on the TV or radio every day or serial times each week.

سریال آبکی

Soap powder

(No plural)

Powder that you use for washing clothes

پودر صابون



With soap in it

Soapy water.

صابون کفی



1. A clever plan that makes s.b believe s.th that is not true.

2. S.th that you do to make s.b seem stupid.

3. S.th clever that you have learned to do.

1. He got the money from me by a trick.

2. The children hid their teacher's books to play a trick on her.

3. Card tricks.

حیله / شوخی / تردستی/ (بازی ورق) دور



Do s.th that is not honest to get what you want from s.b

He tricked the old lady so that she gave him all her money.

فریب دادن



Move slowly like a thin line of water

Tears trickled down her cheeks.

(قطره قطره) جاری شدن



جریان باریک

A trickle of blood.



(Trickier , trickiest)

Difficult, hard to do

A tricky question.



Greatly loved, dear to the heart.



With no use or purpose

It's pointless telling Paul anything_he never listens.

بی فایده

#light hearted

Carefree or cheerful



What you plan to do

They have no intention of getting married.




That you want and plan to do, and do not do by mistake.

I'm sorry I upset you_ it wasn't intentional

Opp: unintentional.





They broke the window intentionally_it wasn't an accident.


A trick of a playful nature.



Whole or complete, with no parts missing

We spent the entire day on the beach.

تمام / همه




She looks entirely different from her sister.

I entirely agree with you.

کلا / کاملا



A person or animal that is hurt or killed by s.b or s.th

The victims of the car accident were taken to hospital.


#to fall victim to

To be harmed by another, other literally or figuratively



Not simple, with a lot of different parts

The carpet has a very elaborate pattern on it.



Passing resonable bounds, intolerable





1. A secret plan to do s.th that is wrong

2. What happens in a story, play or film.

1. A plot to kill the president.

2. This book has a very exciting plot.

توطئه / پی رنگ



Make a secret plan to do s.th that is wrong

They plotted to rob the bank.

نقشه کشیدن (دزدی و ...)



A way from one place to another

What is the quickest route from London to Edinburgh?



To pass or move over, along ot through


A mistake in conception or notion

On the contrary

(No plural)

The opposite is true.

You look ill, Ben. On the contrary, I feel fine.




A person who knows a lot about s.th

He's an expert on Shakespeare.

A computer expert.

متخصص / کارشناس