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35 Cards in this Set

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Breaks the law

Does something illegal

Committed a crime


A Savage rape


A brutal murder






Vicious crimes



For example and attempted murder attempt kidnapping or attempted break in


Alleged assault alleged harassment alleged raped.

Report the crime


Investigate the crime


Crime scene


Gather forensic evidence

Colleague detail like bullets fingerprints are blood sample that can show what happened

Witness come forward


Hear first-hand account

It is story told by a person who sold the event.

Motivates for the crim


Arrest suspects


Prove their innocence


Providing a solid alibi


Unsolved crime


Crime rate

There's statistics about number of crime in particular area is called crime rate.

Crime wave

When there is a big increase in the crime rate we can called this is a crimewave

A first-time offender

Is someone who has broken below for the first time.

Has a crime before

Whereas someone who has broken the low in the past has a criminal record.

A Serial killer

A person who has killed multiple people over time

Organised crime


Notorious criminal

A person who is usually involved in organised crime can be called notorious criminal

The cold blooded killer/murder

A person who doesn't have feeling or emotion

A crazed /psychopathic killer

A claire-louise insane or mentally unbalanced

Domestic violence

When there is violence inside a home for example it has been beating his wife

Drive trafficking

The purchase cell and transport of illegal drugs

Identity teft

When a criminal steals and innocent persons identifying information and use it in an illegal way

Sexual harassment

When one person makes on desired sexual advances towards another person.

Petty crime

A minor crime

Armed robbery

When criminals is still something while using weapon.