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10 Cards in this Set

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First episode

1/ the small girl is angry

2/the tree is very beautiful

3/ I don't like this ugly tree .

4/ the man is very brave.

5/ look at the coward boy.

6/ the fat man is not careful.

7/ I don't like this careless man.

8/ my friend is very clever.

9/ I have a cat . It is very cute.

10/ the lion is not cute . It is dangerous.

11/ the cute baby is very happy.

12/ the small girl is excited.

13/ the boy and the girl are famous.

14/ my work friends are friendly.

15 / the football player is lucky.

16/ the goalkeeper is very unlucky.

17/ the old man is happy.

18/ I'm young but my grandmother is old.


Jobs 1

1. My grandfather is a baker.

2. My mother is a banker.

3. My brother is a barber.

4. My neighbor is a butcher.

5. This man is a burglar.

6. My friend is a chef.

7. My brother is a carpenter.

8. I don't like criminals.

9. My aunt is a police officer.


The family and some vegetables.

1. My son is excited, he likes strawberry.

2. My daughter eats plums. البرقوقة

3. My nephew likes to eat peach.الخوخ

4. My niece eats watermelon.

5. My cousin likes pineapple.

6. My grandson is cute, he likes to eat pear . إجاص

7. My granddaughter plays with grapes.

8. My strpfather hates lemon.

9. My stepmother cooks with lime.

10. My mother in- law likes tangerine.

11. My father-in-law picks cherries.

12. My parents make fruit juice.

13. My grandparents give me fruit.


Lesson 4 : home and class.

1. The fan is on the table.

2. The fans are on the table.

3. The couch is front of the blackboard.

4. The chair is in the bookcase / bookshelf.

5. He is sitting on the chair.

6. He is sitting in the armchair.

7. The clock is on the wall above the chair.

8. The calendar is above the chair.

The eraser is next to the pencil. بجانبه

9. The dictionary is under the pencil sharpener.

10. The whiteboard is behind the lamp الفيوزة.

11. The cat is on the roof.

The notebook is between the book and the ink pen. قلم الحبر


1. Above is like on but with distance.

Lesson 5: Jobs 2.

1. The dentist wears a white coat.

2. My cousin is an engineer, he likes to wear shirts.

3. The waiter wears a suite and a tie.

4. The waiter wears a vest and a bowtie.

5. The waitress wears a skirt.

6. My grandpa is not a tailor but he can sew.

7. The firefighter wears a jacket and a pair of pants, it is the uniform.

8. Some lawyer wear suits and some lawyer wear coat.

9. My father- in law is a coach, he wears a blue sweatshirt.

10. My parents like to wear sweaters.

11. The army soldiers wear boots.

1. في اللغة الإنجليزية كا شيء مكون من جزئين نقول عليه ( a pair of ) بمعنى (زوج من ) للدلالة على أن هذا الشيء مفرد، واصل الكلمة تكون جمع.

A pair of pants = pants .

A pair of scissors = scissors.

A pair of glasses = glassess.

A pair of shoes = shoes .

1 . Firefighter , fireman , forewoman.

Lesson 6: animals.

1. Bees make honey.

2. Camels are patient.

3. The chicken has many eggs.

4. Crocodiles are very dangerous animals.

6. Look at the beautiful deer.

7. Dolphins are very friendly to people.

8. Ducks like to swim.

9. Did you know that elephants can swim.

10. Flies are very annoying.

11. Foxes are very sly.

13. My niece plays with the goat.

The hipo can walk underwater.

14. Kangaroos can run fast.

12. The from wants to eat.13. My niece plays with the goat.The hipo can walk underwater.14. Kangaroos can run fast.15. The octopus can swim and walk. 16. Baby owls are very cute.17. Bears are very lazy animals.18. Ants are very hatdworking.

15. The octopus can swim and walk.


17. Bears are very lazy animals.

16. Baby owls are very cute.17. Bears are very lazy animals.18. Ants are very hatdworking.

18. Ants are very hatdworking.


Lesson 7: الصفاة المتضادة

1. The little gilr rides the big elephant.

2. Some people have cheap cars and some people have expensive cars.

3. My drink is hot but your drink is cold.

4. People say English is difficult but I say it is very easy.

5. The children's swimming pool is shallow.

6. The red ball is heavy but the black ball is light.

7. The boy in blue is strong but the boy in pink is weak.

8. Our street is very narrow.

9. The car is very wide.

10. the tall boy has long pencil.

11. The snake is long.

11. The tree is tall.

12. the tree is short.

13. The snake is short.

14. Only a few people in the world are super rich.

15. The book is thin.

16. The book is thick.

17. The man is fat .

18. The man is thick.

19. Married , or divorced or single.


Lesson 8: vegetables.

1. Many people eat stewed beans for breakfast.ا لفول

2. I don't like soybean milk.

3. The little baby doesn't like broccoli.

4. My friend's dog likes broccoli.

5. The rabbit eats carrot.ا لجزر

6. Can you chop eggplant.ا الباذنجان

7. The man loves to eat lettuce.

8. The man can chop onion very fast.ا لبصل

9. My friend makes salad with peas and eggs. البازلاء

10. Popeye loves spinach. It makes him very strong.

11. Pickled onion. Pickled pepper. Pickled cucumberالخيار المخلل . Pickled turnip اللفت المخلل . Pickled reddish الفجل المخلل.

12. The cow is in a pickle.

13. he is in a pickle.


Lesson 22: money

1. I can't afford a new house now.

2. I can't buy a new house now.

3. I can't afford buying a new house now.

4. Excuse me can I borrow this cigarette?

5. Let me lend you some money.

Wait, I said some.

6. How will you pay back your debt.

7. The government is bankrupt.

. The government will go bankrupt.

8. My friend is broke.

9. When the government went bankrupt, all the people went broke.

10. Now you can put coins in your wallet.

11. How much did you spend on your watch?

12. How long did you spend in Japan?

13. Always encourage your children to spend money on useful things.

13. We discourage our children from playing useless things.

14. Some things worth fighting for, fight for your goals.

15. The book is worth reading again and again.

16. How much is it worth?

17. Customer is king, king never bargain.

18. Wow, that is a good bargain.

1. Go broke, went broke.

2. Go bankrupt, went bankrupt.

3. Bargain: good affair.

الحلقة 24

Educated. Uneducated. Ignorant. Education.

2. He seems very educated but the truth is he is very ignorant.

2. She was ignorant of her friend's plan.

3. Get lost you ignorant fool.

4. This is the most hideous wedding dress on the planet.

5. Because he grew up in village he is very naive about life in big cities.

6. The naive girl believed that candy can grows up on trees.

7. Don't be naive.

8. I'm not going to vote for him because he is corrupt.

And how isn't ?

9. If you are not strong money and power can corrupt you.

10. Harry didn't feel any love from his cold hearted wife.

11. She is the most warm hearted girl in the universe.

12. Babies have no knowledge of good and evil.

13. I'm Spoke and this is my evil twin brother.

14. I really don't understand why we allow rednecks to vote.

15. Don't put your greedy hands on my money.

16. Don't be so greedy or you'll end up with nothing.

17. Greed makes people do strong things.

18. He has an evil eye.

19. He gave me the evil eye.

20. I saw him giving me the evil eye, so, I turned around and walked the other way.

21. Ignorance is bliss.

22. I never ask what my kids eat in their grandparent's house, ignorance is bliss.

23. Ignorance of the law is no excuse to breaking it.

He does not have money . He has no money.
