There are a total of five parts in Zeitoun, but each part doesn't really fit with the part before it. Dave Egger tells the story through the main charcter Zeitoun, as a biographical memoir. It's set in New Orleans about an American Muslim family during Hurricane Katrina. This story is set on a biographical memoir because it is all based on the Zeitoun family and is told simultaneously from experiences that were small, but significant to Zeitoun's life. Zei ounis told like a biography because of the voice of the main character. Egger had some intended goals, but also some unintended goals. The main goal for …show more content…
They were asked to show there ID'S and handcuffed without being read their rights. They were accused of "looting" a local grocery store because of the items they had on their kitchen counter. The soliders made an illegal arrest because they didn't have prrof they stole, northe soliders didn’t even know what items were stolen from the grocery store. It showed the reader the narration of Zeitoun as the soldiers showed up to the house until e was locked up in prison. He didn’t know why he was being hand cuffed, here he was going, why rights weren't bring read to him or why did his friends have a bag full of cash. All of these thoughts and many more were in Zeitoun's mind throughout his time in prison because he had no information on what he did wrong, other than not evacuating when