Writing Center And Ability

Improved Essays
The relationship between writing center and improvement in writing ability has been a big question for Author Casey Jones. He as done research to find out if there is any effective ways in finding out the answer. Casey believes that trying to find evidence to prove this theory is near impossible. He states many different factors that would interferer with finding out if writing center improves students writing ability. One of these factors was the way the writing centers criteria are set up.
It resembles the criteria of the Alcohol Anonymous agenda but yet the AA can come up with evidence to prove there program works but the writing centers cannot. Another claim was that different literacy assignment has different skills needed to complete
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He states that “how does one evaluate the impact of writing centers when writing abilities are so difficult to define (Jones 2). An assessment was taken in a class of student with the same assignment; some students had a good paper while some didn’t. It was noticed that on a prompt for the same question it showed different response that answered the question, but somewhere able to get there thought across fully and somewhere not.
Jones states that Author Stephen North published a widely cited critique of writing centers and his survey of the field lead nor to conclude that writing Center research has not for most part, been the formal inquiry by which we my test or assumptions (Jones 3). In his research he states that writing Center’s fall under one of these categories reflection on the Arthur’s personal experience working in writing centers, theoretical speculations about the possibilities of writing centers, and various types of surveys, most of these be dedicated to program descriptions (Jones
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He stated that Donald Buhman the director of the University of Tennessee’s learning center commented and said that in there curriculum they keep each student individualized with a tutor because no two student see everything the same. Jones questions how do you find a change in a student’s writing ability. He talks about if an experiment was done on this topic it wouldn’t work because of the “confounding Variables” outside the writing center. Jones is basically say they would not be able to prove if writing center work by doing an experiment with the student because, the students go to school and may learn something new from outside the writing center which would bring bias

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