The main reason the world plunged into World War II was because of the three aggressors; Italy, Germany, and Japan. Causing many mini wars, invasions, and attacks led to War World II because they put in fear and with fear comes …show more content…
This method is the because the nations join together and fight back not allowing aggressors to break boundaries, treaty’s, promises, and agreements. Also, as Winston Churchill said in his speech to the parliament in document 6, “ If that course would have been followed, events would not have fallen into this disastrous state.”, “...opportunities to stop the growth of Nazi power which have been thrown away…”. and “ … hour of trial without a strong national defense or system of international security.” This means that if they used collective security things they wouldn’t be in such a atrocious state and that they dwandled their time finding peace rather than making the issue come to a halt. Also in document 7, Kennan gives his critical view point the fact that the Munich agreement was unnecessary by stating, “ Czech defenses were very strong and… the German general, conscious of Germany’s weakness, were actually prepared to attempt to remove Hitler… had he continued to move toward war”. Here Kennan acknowledges that the Czech were strong enough to fight rather than just let Hitler take the land and if he tried going to war, his own group would have overthrown