To this day, it grows and grows. The amount of power that media has now is insurmountable and with the power that it has, it could get the entire world’s attention in merely a week. Due to the fact that the media could get everyone’s eyes on whatever it wanted, it leads to that conclusion that protesting is an excellent way to get attention. If the media can make Kylie Jenner’s haircut spread like wildfire in merely a day, it’s immeasurable capability to spread news of numerous social justice warriors is always quite the spectacle. When a large group of unhappy people gather and make noise towards a known issue it gets the media’s attention. Which is exactly the goal of a protest, for when the media’s eyes are on you so are the eyes of millions of people around the world. This leads to an increase in support for the protest which slowly makes the protests larger and larger leading to more awareness. As long as there are enough people and that the motives behind a protest are reasonable it will get attention and not only the attention of the world but of those that are responsible for the unhappiness within the protesters. As the amount of protestors grow the more difficult it becomes to not bring about change due to too many people being dissatisfied. If no change occurs even after the initial protests gaining media coverage then that only leads to more anger and these are the first few steps to having a peaceful protest being turned into a violent one and that leads to the next idea of how protesting creates pressure that results in
To this day, it grows and grows. The amount of power that media has now is insurmountable and with the power that it has, it could get the entire world’s attention in merely a week. Due to the fact that the media could get everyone’s eyes on whatever it wanted, it leads to that conclusion that protesting is an excellent way to get attention. If the media can make Kylie Jenner’s haircut spread like wildfire in merely a day, it’s immeasurable capability to spread news of numerous social justice warriors is always quite the spectacle. When a large group of unhappy people gather and make noise towards a known issue it gets the media’s attention. Which is exactly the goal of a protest, for when the media’s eyes are on you so are the eyes of millions of people around the world. This leads to an increase in support for the protest which slowly makes the protests larger and larger leading to more awareness. As long as there are enough people and that the motives behind a protest are reasonable it will get attention and not only the attention of the world but of those that are responsible for the unhappiness within the protesters. As the amount of protestors grow the more difficult it becomes to not bring about change due to too many people being dissatisfied. If no change occurs even after the initial protests gaining media coverage then that only leads to more anger and these are the first few steps to having a peaceful protest being turned into a violent one and that leads to the next idea of how protesting creates pressure that results in