The protest has paved …show more content…
It has shown that with passion, planning, and group effort change is possible. The Boston Tea Party was an early illustration of how protest can influence and encourage action. On December 6, 1773, a group of men protested against parliaments Tea Act by throwing 92,600 lbs of tea into the Boston Harbor. This was their way of protesting parliament 's power to impose commercial monopolies upon them. The events that evening contributed to the radicalization of anti-Parliament protests, up and down the seaboard. The British response to those actions was the ordered closing of the port of Boston. This action incited a coordinated sequence of inter-colonial boycotts that made the expansion of nascent abolitionist efforts in New England strategically impossible (Bell pp. 1160).
The Tiananmen movement was not a spontaneous protest, it was the product of several small but important protest that leads up to Tienanmen Square incident. There were boycotts and sit-ins at Tienanmen Square and other areas in Beijing. They were well organized and orderly, with an emphasis on group solidarity and protection from police attacks. The students mobilized under the protection of Beijing Students Autonomous …show more content…
Their willingness to suffer for the cause their knowledge of the past and the present, their power to hold out and defeat the injustices that continue to suppress our nation. Peaceful protest has given the poor and the weak, the unheard individuals and the normal everyday folks a voice, a power that is stronger than anyone army. Together they are an unbeatable force to be reckoned with. This kind of strength is not based on religion, color, race, political affiliation or personal status. It 's the force that unites us all. It 's protest. Rosa parks and Martin Luther King planned protests that would increase attention to racial segregation. they knew why they were protesting, what the purpose was for doing it. They made sure the media was present to capture the moment, they made sure the that the photos ended up where they would make the most difference, they affected change. Without a solid plan that truly affects the opposition they have no incentive to deal with protesters, negotiate with them, or change their