Men started the sports world and will keep it going with advertisements and more. In the article “Women and Sport: The Role of Women in Traditional Games and Sport” by Gertrude Pfister, he states “In many articles, books and descriptions, women are either not mentioned at all or only in a footnote or in the margin” (Pfister 2). This meaning that men are usually what the fan base likes to hear so people block the women out. To add on, Nuria Puig states on page 2 of her article that “Generally speaking, more men participate in a sport than women. As a rule, sport is associated with traditional “masculine” values” (Puig 2). This meaning that females will never have more women participate in a sport than men will. The importance of this is that it shows how much men have impacted life, but more importantly the sports life. Lastly, men have done too much in the sports world to ever be forgotten. Susan Morse states “Women will never pass men. Never, Never” (Morse 1). Meaning men have brought too much into the sports world to ever be forgotten or passed. In Brooklyn College the female student takes up 56% of the student body, but only 30% of girls there participate in a sport and 70% of men participate in a sport, this is states by Susan Morse as well on page 14 (Morse 14). She is telling us that there are so many more men that are in sports than women. This is important because all that men have done in
Men started the sports world and will keep it going with advertisements and more. In the article “Women and Sport: The Role of Women in Traditional Games and Sport” by Gertrude Pfister, he states “In many articles, books and descriptions, women are either not mentioned at all or only in a footnote or in the margin” (Pfister 2). This meaning that men are usually what the fan base likes to hear so people block the women out. To add on, Nuria Puig states on page 2 of her article that “Generally speaking, more men participate in a sport than women. As a rule, sport is associated with traditional “masculine” values” (Puig 2). This meaning that females will never have more women participate in a sport than men will. The importance of this is that it shows how much men have impacted life, but more importantly the sports life. Lastly, men have done too much in the sports world to ever be forgotten. Susan Morse states “Women will never pass men. Never, Never” (Morse 1). Meaning men have brought too much into the sports world to ever be forgotten or passed. In Brooklyn College the female student takes up 56% of the student body, but only 30% of girls there participate in a sport and 70% of men participate in a sport, this is states by Susan Morse as well on page 14 (Morse 14). She is telling us that there are so many more men that are in sports than women. This is important because all that men have done in