After writing mostly about the bad aspects of Facebook, Marche tells us that it is not just the fault of the people who invented social media sites, it is also mostly our fault as well. Moira Burke, a recent graduate student “…concluded that the effect of Facebook depends on what we bring to it.” (pg.10). Social media sites were intended to bring people together, but it has caused us to grow farther apart.…
Even though I agree that social media is an important phenomenon with big impact on humanity, I believe that Deresiewicz exaggerates the negative effects of websites such as Facebook, belittles their positive effects, and ignores other important causes of the problem he discusses. Deresiewicz argues that by focusing on friendship circles, social media conveys the idea that friends are an “indiscriminate…
Sara Blakely’s essay, “Let’s Face It” convinces her readers by claiming, “Let’s Face It: Facebook has become a feature of contemporary life” (Blakely 150). The strong accusation Blakely makes is very true. Facebook has taken over people’s lives. The mainstream social media site Facebook, that was created to connect with others and bring people together, is slowly tearing us apart. Facebook was created to share photos, explore ideas, gossip and complain, and and every day all around the world, this outlet is stopping people from being the most authentic version of themselves.…
He supports this claim by using ethos when he brings in a quote from Andrew Sullivan, “It seems as if everyone with Facebook account and a smartphone now felt pressured to run their…
Haag talks about Facebook in this essay, which I believe connect with the reader more because there are a number amount of people who uses Facebook. In paragraph seven through thirteen Hagg talks about how people who uses Facebook are like fox. She wrote “…I’m not wedded to this hypothesis, it seems to be inclining us toward the fox social life… Facebook can satiate my social appetite in ways that somewhat trouble me…. I spent two hours Facebook-mesmerized, scrolling up and down my wall, liking random comments, reading others, writing some and then seeing who might have liked mine and all the rest……
The article mostly focused on the need for social acceptance and how that related to the problematic use of facebook. People who don’t feel like they are expected in their everyday life turn to facebook to find friends and to always feel like they are accepted. The source was good about including the other opinion as well. It talked about that maybe there is an overuse of technology because it provides a channel for those with social anxiety disorder to communicate with others. I used this source to show that using technology too much has a negative impact on self esteem and many other factors.…
I find Mr Hayden's argument to be unconvincing because his argument is based on limited evidence In his argument, he only presents one evidence and one example which is not enough to prove his statement is true. For example, he uses his wife and assumes that al Facebook users are like her This isahasty generalisation made by Mr Hayden which shows that his example is not reliable, Another reason would be Mr Hayden has clearly showed biasness towards Facebook because he did not even mention any studies about the positive effects of Facebook And lastly Mr Hayden has also made an assumption Facebook has a large infuence on its users and Facebook users are pressured to log is nottrue because there is no proof that everyone is feeling the same way…
To put it simply, there is no easy way to have a perfectly functioning school. Quoting demographic expert, Harold L. Hodgkinson, “Improving a school is like remodeling a house. New plaster and a paint job won’t fix a leaky roof.” By this, Hodgkinson means that schools are every bit as complicated as house; that by fixing the superficial aspects of a school, such as more advanced technology or new books, you won’t erase the deeper, far more important issues, such as a simply lackluster curriculum. A majority of schools in the United States, in attempts to fix the obvious issues, resort to the tracking system.…
In the article “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely”, Stephen Marche discusses the effects and utility of network in people’s life. Marche establishes how Facebook is making us more isolated and replacing deep connections from society. He also demonstrated that isolation is an option in which we are blinded pushed towards by social networking. As stated by Marche, the things that you post in Facebook are a reflection of yourself.…
“The Great Forgetting” by Nicholas Carr and “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?” by Stephen Marche tell stories of how technology can be great but there are some under lying aspects which can make it detrimental. Carr writes about how technology can cause some catastrophic events if it malfunctions and our reliance on it has made us observers instead of participants which is causing a decline in our ability to perform tasks. Marche talks about the benefits and drawbacks of using Facebook. He suggests that social media has potential flaws by affecting some people’s physical and psychological wellbeing, but does also have some positive aspects.…
It is your choice not someone else. The author does succeed in this article because he brings topic that everyone knows about and he gives us details why we all have Facebooks. He tells us that our Facebooks are about the groups, clubs, the stuff we like, post and the pictures we send out to show everyone. Facebook is place where people go when they bored to see what is going on the world.…
These social media platforms connect us with so many people through the so called machine of technology. We are tricked into believing that strangers are our friends because we add so many random people without knowing who they are and where they are from. The message that the author wants to get through…
The articles basic message is about how Facebook is a waste of time and how it can affect real friendships because of silly little things. I could use the issue raised in this article in my own article as it shows social media affects social situations, which approaches social media negatively from a different angle to my other source. However, I won 't be discussing the "52 top friends" feature in my article, which is spoken about in "Wasting time for fun", to support the issue, as it is no longer relevant as this feature no longer exists on Facebook. Additionally, other aspects of this article will be outdated as it was published in 2008, and social media has greatly evolved during the last 7 years. However,…
Introduction: In this modern day, it is prevalent to see bounteous invented technologies holding big roles in human language and society. Hence it is hard for almost every person in this world to live without technologies. While abounding technologies become more advance every day, it is directly affects human language and society. Basically, many technologies are invented in order to help and make human’s tasks or jobs easier to be done.…
and Tom Meltzer 's article "Social Networking: Failure to Connect", in my opinion, social networking harms people more than benefits them. If you spend too much time on something you will get the side effect of it, likely, if a person spends too much time on social networking this can hurt a person 's well-being…