I know truly appreciate not only the quality, but the quantity of the work and planning Ferguson put into this project. As solely a reader of the novel, we fail to acknowledge the author’s reasons for specific character details and plotlines. After watching his interview, readers understand his motives behind certain choices he made to enhance the authenticity of the novel. For example, Ferguson describes Henry Curtis as , “... an older, retired shop teacher...,” who, “...is not very tech savvy.” During the same interview, he later on goes to say that, “unfortunately the sad truth is that these con artists very often target senior citizens,” since they have money saved up and they are usually …show more content…
Ferguson states that the 419 scam itself can be traced to the Shakespearian days/ Elizabethan era.. In fact, he suggests that the 419 scam is simply a , “modern manifestation of a very old scam.” The scam from the days of Shakespeare is almost identical in the way that a con artist sent letters claiming to have been the daughter of a wealthy nobleman who needs a bit of money to bribe his way out of trouble, whereas scammers of today send emails claiming to be related to a wealthy person who is in trouble or very ill. However, the consequences for a victim today are much worse than that of victims of the ancient version of the scam. The relatively identical scams prove that Ferguson did extensive research for his novel and is very knowledgeable in this realm of scams. Thus, making the audience that much more appreciative of Ferguson’s effort put into the