First, on May 1st after three months of consultation with the Winnipeg Builders Exchange, all the unions came together with the “Buildings Trade Council “and went on strike. A day later the “Metal Trades Council” announce a strike of employees, all of the three main areas amid the city join in and leave all of their work. Then, both the Winnipeg Building Council and the Metal Trades Council confess the Winnipeg Trades and Labour Council (TLC) about their employers declining to bargain with the workers. Next, the TLC came to an agreement about surveying all unions on a responsive strike. The outcome of this survey on May 13th was 8,667 for and 645 against the strike. From there a general strike committee of 300 people is formed. Finally, on May 15th at 11:00 am, the general strike begins. In a period of 2 hours, the whole city of Winnipeg comes to a freeze. Employees followed the union members at walking off of their occupations. All of the people involved in this strike were now a total of …show more content…
Some citizens opposed of the strike because they thought their city was lifeless because lots of regional businesses were shut down such as shopping malls, police, phone operators, newspapers, street cars, mail, etc. The aftermath of this was harsh because retail was lame. Transportation by motorized vehicles were almost absent and factories were shut down. So, on May 16th, a Winnipeg Citizens Committee of 1,000 was declared, its main purpose was to fight the strike. Many conditions were formed for provincial and civic government jobs, and they were also owned by the government. Through this conflict back and forth, 5,000 strikers dismissed all ultimatums in the Victoria Park Stand on May 25th. The government now realized that this affair was bigger than they previously