The new and the old provinces were required to affirm their allegiance to Rome and recognize the Roman authority ( After Augustus conquered Spain and Gaul he was considered to be a hero. He was continually conquering more land and expanding Rome. However, Augustus did utilize all of the power he was given. He had an extremely large army that followed him everywhere he went and each soldier had to vow to protect and support Augustus no matter what. The growth of the Roman Empire and military expansion was very great for Rome but it also took a toll their treasury ( Augustus created a way to solve this problem which also helped minimize civil conflict in the empire. The seas were cleared of pirates and over fifty thousand miles of new roads were made which made communication and trade easier; Rome’s greatness had finally been restored
The new and the old provinces were required to affirm their allegiance to Rome and recognize the Roman authority ( After Augustus conquered Spain and Gaul he was considered to be a hero. He was continually conquering more land and expanding Rome. However, Augustus did utilize all of the power he was given. He had an extremely large army that followed him everywhere he went and each soldier had to vow to protect and support Augustus no matter what. The growth of the Roman Empire and military expansion was very great for Rome but it also took a toll their treasury ( Augustus created a way to solve this problem which also helped minimize civil conflict in the empire. The seas were cleared of pirates and over fifty thousand miles of new roads were made which made communication and trade easier; Rome’s greatness had finally been restored