Second Grade was an awesome year, but Mrs. Smith was always yelling at me for staring out the window. It was a great year, and she gave us a lot of new responsibilities. She taught us how to tell time, and taught us what multiplication was. She also taught us how to divide. I remember how cool it felt to be able to leave the room without asking to go to the bathroom. I also remember teaching us about why structure was important by dancing on the desks, and kicking books everywhere, and that was an awesome year.
Third Grade was when we learned a lot, and we had Ms. Massen. She was a pretty cool teacher, and gave me a lot of good books. Me and Tyler read a lot of Percy Jackson Books that year. She also made me do a lot of writing, and made us do step by step instruction …show more content…
That was all I did, except ride my bike. Fifth Grade was the beginning of my middle school journey at MQP. It was the first year that we started switching classes, had real homework, and had to carry around all of my books. I finished all of my homework during class, and then we started doing Masses every Wednesday. At first I would just daydream about what video games I would play when I got home, but then, in the last few years I realized that Church was a lot more than just singing a few songs, and then just saying a few prayers. Now I really like going to Mass, singing, and