Marisa Arnholtz
3. Why does Visser view Walmart as an example as a company worthy of emulation? What are some of the problems about how companies have introduced sustainable products and services into the marketplace, and what does Walmart’s best practices have to teach us about sustainability? Furthermore, why would Walmart pursue sustainability, if its primary objective is profit?
Walmart is a great example of how a company is worthy of emulation because in 2000 when Lee Scott became President and CEO of the infamous store (Visser, 2011. Pg.191), he took responsibility of the allegations made against him and the company. Allegations of harassment and discrimination threatened the company’s …show more content…
When these issues came to light however, Scott took responsibility, “Scott had apparently learned that the best way to respond to an attacker was not with an attack of one’s own, but to embrace them’ (Visser, 2011. Pg. 192). That is what it takes to show emulation. If a company wants to further its success and continue achieving and striving to do better, they need to take responsibility of their actions and see how to improve. They need to listen to the needs and wants of their customers, their supporters. However, with sustainability comes challenges. when sustainable options are introduced, prices are often raised. This makes a more self-aware lifestyle hard for the everyday household to achieve. “Almost 50% of those shoppers surveyed said they were unwilling or unable to pay this premium, claiming that on average they were not willing to pay a premium in excess of 20% for greener alternatives” (Visser, 2011. Pg. 199). With Walmart, it was made possible to still have reasonably priced products and services while still being conscious of the environmental impact they are making. Personally, I find myself looking to Walmart as a place where I can purchase my groceries or toiletries guilt free. The cost is reasonable, if not the …show more content…
It means seeing a call for help and wanting to do your part. “Responsibility is the counterbalance to rights. If we enjoy the right to freedom, it is because we accept our responsibility not to harm or harass others” (Visser, 2011. Pg.4). It is about doing to others what you want done to them. If we want people to be more sustainable and focused on the environmental needs of our world, we ourselves need to do the same. If we work together and each make a small change in the way we carry out our lives, an even bigger impact can be made. This concept closely relates to the concept of Scalability. With scalability, the principle is to widen the scope of the impact being made. Increase the results. Responsibility is creating the awareness and movement to make a change, and scalability is the growing impact of the change being made. These principles from Visser’s ‘Age of Responsibility’ (Visser, 2011), can work together and bring the idea of a more sustainable way of living and environmental awareness to