Why Do Women Go Unreported

Superior Essays
There is a devastating number of women who have been sexually violated and there is a vast majority of them that do not report it to anyone. Out of every 1000 rapes, 994 perpetrators will walk free, leaving only 6 to being imprisoned. Perpetrators of rape are less likely to go to jail than any other criminals. Two out of three rapes go unreported, many victims don't report because they feel unsafe going to the police which is a huge problem because police are supposed to be people we can go to in times of need and feel safe about it. Due to the huge amount of unreported rape the police must improve their process for handling rape reporting to make victims feel less intimidated and more respected. Rape is the act of sexual intercourse without the permission of the victim. Victimization is the action of singling someone out for subjection of a crime. Rape victims often don't report because of fear of victimization and many are afraid of being victimized by the police. “Police mistreatment is one reason victims cite for withdrawing a report of rape or else not calling the cops in the first place.” (Hess) Many victims fear the attitude an officer might have on them. Rape and Victimization are two different words but are closely related to each other for all the wrong reasons. People who are most affected by rape are females. Women say they witness and experience some sort of sexual behavior all the time, while men say they only hear about it. Rape is happening to women way more than it is to men. A research conducted by Justice Women claims that “ninety eight percent of rape perpetrators are male and 94% of rape victims are women and children.” This exposes that no other crime shows the violent nature men can have. So when it comes to rape, more women have dealt with it than men. One reason why police should improve their process of handling rape is because too many cases of rape go unreported in the United States because of the police and this is letting perpetrators walk away without any consequence. There are a variety of reasons why, with the top reason being fear that the police can't/won't do anything. An evidence is that in a National Crime Victimization Survey, they report that eight percent believed it no one would care enough to report. Thirty three percent believed the police wouldn't do anything about it or couldn't do anything about it. This focuses on the fact that many victims fear going to the police so they deal with it on their own. When they deal with it on their own victims won't be able to get the proper help they need and offenders will go unpunished. The police are supposed to get criminals, but by scaring off rape victims they are letting many rome free. Another evidence is that the fear that rape victims have about the police not doing anything is leading them to be scared of reporting the offender. While the perpetrator is likely to be a stranger of the victim “there has been a growing awareness of the problem of acquaintance rape.”( Funk and Waghalis New world encyclopedia) A study led by RAINN showed that seven percent did not report because they didn't want to get perpetrator in trouble …show more content…
Women get more raped than men and many believe it's the woman's fault. They often blame the woman's behavior and not the mans. Many rape prevention discussions tend to be about how girls should restrict their behaviors while ignoring the fact that preventing rape requires the man's behavior to change. So our society is already against rape victims even when they have not confronted. When women go to report rape its because they know what happened and they know that it wasn't their fault, but many police think otherwise. They ask them questions like, “What were you wearing?”, ‘Were you inciting?”, amd “Are you sure?”, that make them feel as if it was their fault. The reality is that women don't report rape because they believe that the law enforcement won't do anything about it and unfortunately to a great length these women are

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