Brock Turner Rape

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Two out of three rapes go unreported (RAINN). Most people would report a robbery. Why don’t most people report rape? Rape is a crime that can be life threatening and life altering. Why would a survivor choose to not report it? Rape is not reported because they may not believed they were raped, the rapist is somebody they know, they want to avoid being blamed for their rape, and even if they report it, justice will not be served. One reason why rape survivors often do not report their rape, is because they do not believe they were raped. Out of the the average rapes not reported, 12,672 rapes aren't reported because they simply weren’t important enough to the survivor (Langton et al). Depending on who you ask, the definition of rape varies. …show more content…
Rape survivors do not report their rape or sexual assault because they don't have enough proof or evidence, they don't believe justice would be served or if the justice system would even do anything, or they fear the justice system. Brock Turner was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman who was unconscious. He was only sentenced for six months and he only served three months because of good behavior. Turner was able to get the light sentence because if the survivor was unconscious or heavily intoxicated, the perpetrator can get less time in jail (Bever and Wang). This isn’t only rape cases where the survivor was intoxicated. Robert Richards was convicted of raping his three year old daughter for 2 years. He avoided 8 years in prison because he argued that he won't be able to cope with being in prison ("Why is heir not in jail for child rape?"). This two year old and her mother did not receive justice. Out of every 1000 rapes reports, .7 percent of offenders receive felonies and .6 percent go to jail. Out of every 1000 assault and battery reports, 4.1 percent are receive felonies and 3.3 percent go to jail (RAINN). Less convicted sex offenders go to jail than convicted assault and battery

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