What led me to my decision of wanting to go into a profession that will allow me to leave an impact, was just living into today’s world. Everyday life, is a never ending battle trying to fit in and being accepted. I want to let people, especially children know that it is okay to stand out, that you don’t have to be exactly like the person sitting next to you or even behind you. The way I found that I could do that was to become a teacher. I want to become a teacher not because of the salary nor because I want weekends and holidays off; rather, I want to become a teacher because I truly have a passion for making a difference in others’ lives. Teaching is perhaps one of the most fulfilling roles in life. It is not about going in at seven thirty in the morning but going in to help shape another person by teaching and instructing them. Students go to school because they are forced to not because they want to. In some cases, learning is not a top priority for students and children and that is when it is the teachers job to teach. What I want to do is have the ability to not only change the world, but to improve it. What better way can I do that than teach? Teaching is more than just teaching. “It must be a great job; you get to work with children”. It is never just about working with children; it is about what you want to do and what you will actually do. What I want to do, is wake up every morning and know I’ll be walking into a classroom filled with children that will only succeed in life if I do my job correctly. Choosing the profession, I choose, I will be one of the first teacher a child encounters. I will be teaching the child the basic of not only education but in life. I will be the one that could make or break it for the child loving school and that could leave a lasting impact not only on the child but also the family. Educators have the power to inspire. Inspiring students is integral to ensuring their success and encouraging them to fulfil their potential. I want to inspires individuals not only in the classroom but in life. Students who have been inspired by their teachers can possibly accomplish amazing things, and that motivation could stay with them for the rest of their life. What I want to do with my life is do something …show more content…
A teacher has that direct opportunity to make a difference and to change the future. A teaching career is something that never ends. I want to be able to continually learn and grow each day with my students and the children I work with. I want to learn new strategies, ideas, and skills. I want to learn about myself, not only as a teacher but as a person. Working in the education field you learn how much or how little you can handle each day and teaching is not only the students learning, but learning for myself. Teaching has a purpose. It has the opportunity to touch the lives of each student and contribute to making the future for children bright and productive. Unlike most careers, a teaching career has the opportunity to inspire students, not only academically but personally as