Trying to address the question of why youth join gangs requires the examination of multiple factors, and preferably, multiple theories. Social disorganization theory explains that the place where an individual grows up matters – disordered neighborhoods lead youth to join gangs. Due to its overemphasis on disorganization within neighbourhoods, however, social disorganization theory is not able to assess every factor that causes youth to join gangs. In this paper, I argue that youth join gangs because of neighborhood influence, poverty, and peer influence. Social disorganization theory is able to explain neighborhoods that lack resources and poverty as reasons for youth gang involvement, but it is unable to account for why gang-affiliated peers cause youth to join gangs.…
When members joint gang a lot of them do not have family members so being a part of this group gives them a sort of family with the other members. Through being a part of this gang family one is able to establish their idea of themselves. They learn the values and beliefs of the gang and cling to them as to stray from the family. Establishing themselves in this gang gives them a better sense of who they are and what they expect out of life by being a part of it. Being in the gang automatically offers a lot of people a sense of security and stability.…
Unlike the Hells Angels they have some morals. They know that when a woman is taken by another member they leave her be and protect her. The Hells Angels does not see it that way. They will take any woman that is in the group in less it is the President or Vice President’s wife. This is where relationships come in.…
Gangs are a group of people within an organization. Often times, partaking in criminal acts and riots. Many younger generations are afflicted with gangs. People are joining gangs to fill avoid or to feel a sense of belonging. Specifically, people of color are joining gangs to have an alliance.…
Gangs originated due to the people who couldn’t provide the necessary means of life. This group of people where put together to live in the “ghettos” which consisted of low income housing and welfare. People started doing anything they could do provide for them and their families. This pressured them into doing deviant behavior to make money and accommodate their living…
A serious problem that is going on in the United States is criminal street gangs. The Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) defined gangs as “an association of three or more individuals, who members identify themselves by adopting a group identity with a purpose to engage in criminal activity by using force and/or intimidation and such crime are used to enhance or preserve the association’s power, reputation or economic resources” (National Gang Center, National Youth Gang Survey Analysis). The term “gang” is not a new concept as historians have traced this term back to the mid-1700s. However, gang violence has changed and evolved since the first recorded gang activity. Gang…
Many parents are too busy with work or trying to build a future for their teen and leave the teen alone after school forgetting that they still need guidance to help make good decisions. Many teens feel lost when parents are working all the time some join gangs for recognition that they do not get at school or at home in the family. Being part of a gang allows the teen to receive some kind of recognition that they do not receive outside the gang or affiliation that is much needed by most human beings the sense of belonging or being needed whatever the case maybe. The teen may be growing up in a neighborhood that has some gangs in it they feel they need protection from other gangs in the area. Most youths do not realize the hazards associated with gangs.…
Now 21% of gangs members are Aboriginal. There are 3 main reasons why Aboriginal youth are joining gangs. They get bullied by non-Aboriginal kids, they join gangs to survive, and because of influence and peer pressure from others. Non-Aboriginal kids tell Aboriginal kids mean stereotypes and Aboriginal kids get sad. They don’t feel welcomed and join gangs where they do feel welcomed.…
Are civil gang injunctions an effective deterrent? Gangs have been in existence as long as Law has been, dating as far back as the 1500’s, when Shakespeare wrote about "gangs" of sailors. Then in the 1600 's- 1900 's with the Chinese triads, the Italian mafia, and the KKK. . (Gangs before thrasher) the glorification of Jesse James, and Capone kind of set the stage for the gangs of today. Poverty, lack of parental involvement, and the "need" to feel important, combined with the promises of money and popularity it’s easy to see how these young kids choose the gang route, and at an increasingly frightening rate.…
Its not uncommon to see juveniles as member of adult gangs. Juvenile gang members who are in adult gangs are typically drug runners or fall guys for the gang. The reason juveniles join gangs can very for different reasons. Some juveniles join so they can avoid being discriminated against or because they are seeking some form of acceptance. Others join because they are seeking someone one to love them, someone to be their role model, or someone to show them discipline.…
They like the feeling of being free and away from their parents. Therefore, many of them go down the path of joining gangs because it is a way out for…
It has been noted that “Youth gangs in the U.S. have existed since at least the 1870s,” (Mosher, lecture gangs). Since the establishment, gangs have grown across the globe. In the fourteenth and fifteenth century, gangs “robbed, extorted and raped,” ( Gangs have evolved into street gangs from the violent past. Although some gangs do participate in violence, violence is not their sole purpose.…
Teens join gangs for a variety reasons from families, schools, friends, to what city they live in. Gangs are everywhere, even some of the nicest cities. Peer pressure, family, protection, and boredom are the main reasons I noticed that teens join gangs. In reflecting upon my own adolescence and witnessing teens joining gangs, I believe that all these reasons are closely associated. It seems as though gangs have no boundaries it affects the poor and the rich, small towns, suburbia, and some of the wealthiest cities.…
The media has fed myself and others lies about what gangs truly are and what their purpose is. The overarching theme of gangs is that they are dangerous, full of thugs, blood-thirsty, and out to cause trouble. These fears lead to the constant oppression and lack of understanding of gangs. The truth is that they are more complicated than what society and the media has often made them out to be. There are multiple factors that go into making a gang what it is including why they form, the environment that their society and culture create for them, the structure and laws they enforce within the group, and the harsh reality of how difficult it is to leave.…
Gang crime today is no longer just an inner city problem. Gangs are often associated with inner cities where it had its early origins. However, they have now spread like the plague seeping its way into some areas of the U.S where gangs and the crimes associated with them were once unheard of. With now gangs being a nationwide problem it is important for law enforcement nationwide understand how gangs operate, their gang members, and the roots behind this phenomenon. By better understanding gangs it will help us get at the roots of the problem and better combat them.…