There are many reasons that convinced me that the Narrator is to blame for Doodle’s death. One reason he is to blame because at the beginning of the story he talks about how he wanted to kill Doodle. He said “It was bad enough having an invalid brother, but having one who possibly was not all there was unbearable, so I began to make plans to kill him by smothering him with a pillow.” (Hurst,351). So if he wanted to kill him at the beginning why wouldn’t he kill him at the end? Having an invalid brother made the Narrator kill him. He was also upset not having a brother to play with. He said “... I wanted more than anything else someone to race to Horsehead Landing, someone to box …show more content…
One reason is the narrator says Doodle was a burden. He said “He was a burden in many ways”(Hurst,352). That tells me he wants to kill him because he was such a burden and he was a very annoying brother. He pushed Doodle way too hard and forced him to do more than what was needed. The narrator says “I made him swim until he turned blue and row until he couldn’t lift an oar.”(Hurst,357). As a result of pushing him too hard he ended up killing him. Since the Narrator was selfish and pushed doodle way to hard he ended up killing him. All those reasons convinced me he is to blame for Doodle’s