What Is Racial Inequality?

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While some progress has been made. Racial inequality is something America is still struggling with, and has been since its birth. Racism should have been eradicated after the civil war, unfortunately it hasn’t, instead it has evolved. In this essay I look at white privilege, a hidden form on racism. I will look at what it is, who benefits from it and how. If it’s really a privilege and how it effect both sides. I will look at how it works and what can be done to correct it.
While fighting and learning for female rights in a male dominated country, McIntosh discovered that although she is suffering inequality because of her sex, she was also benefiting because of her skin color. On the bad side of gender inequality and on the good side of racial
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Schools, families, entertainment -- skim over it, an interlocking oppression. Taught not to recognize white privilege. Instead being raised up thinking that they are normal, there image dictated by their actions. Socialized to think an attack against then under the label white privilege is just an attack on their hard earned rights as an American. A group that has worked hard to achieve their current lifestyles, an example and a role model for other groups to look up to. “My schooling gave me no training in seeing myself as an oppressor, as an unfairly advantaged person, or as a participant in a damaged culture.” (McIntosh, 1). From a minorities stand point achieving the white norm is a difficult task. “People of color experience explicit racial socialization, meaning they are taught in their families, in schools, and through the media that their race matters. White people, on the other hand, may have difficulties with the topic of race and privilege for the simple fact that such conversations have likely been uncommon in their lives.” (Kathleen 49). It is very clear that there is a disadvantage. It is hard to find a quality job in a white environment, hard to get post high school education. Schools are still segregated to a degree, your district dictates the quality of education. A poor district school system provides less opportunities, resources and benefits than those schools in well off districts. Although there are …show more content…
It is an invisible privilege used even by those that are not racist. Largely they are unaware of the sometimes large effects that they benefit because they have always benefited from them without stop unlike minorities that have never benefited from them. “In proportion as my racial group was being made confident, comfortable, and oblivious, other groups were likely being made unconfident, uncomfortable, and alienated. Whiteness protected me from many kinds of hostility, distress, and violence…” (McIntosh,

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